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|Notable= Killed [[Zavala]]
|Notable= Killed [[Zavala]]
''Thê êñêmîês øf hümãñîtÿ ãrê îññümêrãblê. wê ãrê sürrøüñðêð bÿ thê fãllêñ, thê vêx, thê hîvê, thê tãkêñ, thê sçørñ, ãñð thê Çãbãl. ßüt ñêvêr bêførê hãvê wê fãçêð ãñ êñêmÿ ãs pøwêrfül ãs thê shãðøwkêêpêrs ã vîllãîñøüs ørgãñîzãtîøñ ðêsîgñêð tø øvêrthrøw êñtîrê wørlðs.'' -Ïñ-gãmê Ðêsçrîptîøñ
''The enemies of humanity are innumerable. We are surrounded by the Fallen, the Vex, the Hive, the Taken, the Scorn, and the Cabal. But never before have we faced an enemy as powerful as the Shadowkeepers a villainous organization designed to overthrow entire worlds.'' -In-game Description

'''Thê shãðøwkêêpêrs''' ãrê ã fãçtîøñ øf røgüê, vêñgêfül [[güãrðîãñ]]s whø sêêk tø êñãçt thêîr rêvêñgê øñ aürãðøñ før hêlpîñg mãlêfîçêñt kîll [[førüm:mãl|mãl]]. thêÿ ãrê thê mãîñ êñêmÿ fãçtîøñ øf [[førüm:Þãrãðøx|Þãrãðøx]].
'''The Shadowkeepers''' are a faction of rogue, vengeful [[Guardian]]s who seek to enact their revenge on Auradon for helping Maleficent kill [[Forum:Mal|Mal]]. They are the main enemy faction of [[Forum:Paradox|Paradox]].

===mãl's ßîrth===
===Mal's Birth===
ßêførê mãl's pãrêñts [[førüm:hêñðrîçk Ýør|hêñðrîçk Ýør]] ãñð [[førüm:kãgüÿã Ñãrüsãkã|kãgüÿã Ñãrüsãkã]] wêrê kîllêð bÿ mãlêfîçêñt, thêÿ çrêãtêð thê shãðøw Çrÿstãls, ãløñg wîth mãl's bîrthrîght jêwêl, kñøwñ ãs thê [[førüm:Çrÿstãl øf mêmørÿ|Çrÿstãl øf mêmørÿ]], whîçh thêÿ ãttãçhêð øñtø hêr ñêçklãçê îñ ørðêr thãt shê çãñ çøñtîñüê thêîr lêgãçÿ. at thê sãmê tîmê, Ñãrüsãkã kãzütø wãs ãðøptêð bÿ hîs ãüñt ãñð üñçlê ã ÿêãr ãftêr hîs bîrth, whêñ hîs bîøløgîçãl pãrêñts ðîêð îñ ãñ ãççîðêñt. rãîsêð bÿ hîs føstêr pãrêñts ãs ã søñ, kãzütø wãs ørîgîñãllÿ førçêð tø trãîñ wîth hîs çøüsîñ îñ thê ñêîghbørhøøð kêñðø ðøjø; høwêvêr ðüê tø hîs ãüñt's îñflüêñçê ãs ãñ êðîtør før ã çømpütêr sÿstêms mãgãzîñê, kãzütø bêçãmê mørê îñtêrêstêð îñ çømpütêrs ãñð ðrøppêð kêñðø ãftêr twø ÿêãrs. thîs ðêçîsîøñ êãrñêð hîm ã hêãvÿ bêãtîñg frøm hîs grãñðfãthêr, prømptîñg sügühã tø ðêfêñð hîm bÿ prømîsîñg tø prãçtîçê êñøügh før bøth øf thêm. at thê ãgê øf têñ, kãzütø ðîsçøvêrêð thãt hê wãs ãðøptêð frøm êrãsêð jükî Ñêt rêçørðs ãñð sîñçê thêñ üñîñtêñtîøñãllÿ bêgãñ ðîstãñçîñg hîmsêlf frøm sügühã. whêñ hê ðîsçøvêrêð thê [[førüm:Çrÿstãl øf wrãth|Çrÿstãl øf wrãth]], hê mêêts ã mÿstêrîøüs strãñgêr ñãmêð [[førüm:Êvãñgêlîøñ|Êvãñgêlîøñ]], whø têlls hîm thãt hîs ðãrkñêss wãs jüst thê bêgîññîñg.
Before Mal's parents [[Forum:Hendrick Yor|Hendrick Yor]] and [[Forum:Kaguya Narusaka|Kaguya Narusaka]] were killed by Maleficent, they created the Shadow Crystals, along with Mal's birthright jewel, known as the [[Forum:Crystal of Memory|Crystal of Memory]], which they attached onto her necklace in order that she can continue their legacy. At the same time, Narusaka Kazuto was adopted by his aunt and uncle a year after his birth, when his biological parents died in an accident. Raised by his foster parents as a son, Kazuto was originally forced to train with his cousin in the neighborhood kendo dojo; however due to his aunt's influence as an editor for a computer systems magazine, Kazuto became more interested in computers and dropped kendo after two years. This decision earned him a heavy beating from his grandfather, prompting Suguha to defend him by promising to practice enough for both of them. At the age of ten, Kazuto discovered that he was adopted from erased Juki Net records and since then unintentionally began distancing himself from Suguha. When he discovered the [[Forum:Crystal of Wrath|Crystal of Wrath]], he meets a mysterious stranger named [[Forum:Evangelion|Evangelion]], who tells him that his darkness was just the beginning.
===kãzütø's Çørrüptîøñ===
===Kazuto's Corruption===
a fêw ðêçãðês lãtêr, ãftêr hê wøkê üp frøm ã çømã, hê ãñð asüñã rêüñîtêð wîth thêîr frîêñðs, büt thê rêüñîøñ wãs îñtêrrüptêð whêñ thê mêmbêrs øf lãüghîñg Çøffîñ, thê Ïñtêgrîtÿ kñîghts, ãñð thêîr ølð êñêmîês lãüñçhêð ãñ ãttãçk øñ rãth, kîllîñg [[førüm:lêãfã|sügühã kîrîgãÿã]], [[førüm:klêîñ|rÿøütãrøü tsübøî]], [[førüm:agîl|añðrêw gîlbêrt mîlls]], [[førüm:sîlîçã|kêîkø aÿãñø]], [[førüm:sîñøñ|shîñø asãðã]], ãñð [[førüm:lîsbêth|rîkã shîñøzãkî]]. kãzütø ãñð asüñã ãttêmpt tø ãttãçk thêm, büt ãrê süððêñlÿ îñjürêð. jüst whêñ thêÿ wêrê ãbøüt tø kîll asüñã, kãzütø lêts øff ã ðãrk ãürã ãñð gøês bêrsêrk, kîllîñg ãll øf thêm bêførê hêãlîñg asüñã. lãtêr øñ, thêÿ mêêt Êvãñgêlîøñ, whø têlls thêm thãt thê tîmê hãs çømê før thêm tø ãvêñgê thêîr fãmîlîês ãñð frîêñðs.
A few decades later, after he woke up from a coma, he and Asuna reunited with their friends, but the reunion was interrupted when the members of Laughing Coffin, the Integrity Knights, and their old enemies launched an attack on Rath, killing [[Forum:Leafa|Suguha Kirigaya]], [[Forum:Klein|Ryoutarou Tsuboi]], [[Forum:Agil|Andrew Gilbert Mills]], [[Forum:Silica|Keiko Ayano]], [[Forum:Sinon|Shino Asada]], and [[Forum:Lisbeth|Rika Shinozaki]]. Kazuto and Asuna attempt to attack them, but are suddenly injured. Just when they were about to kill Asuna, Kazuto lets off a dark aura and goes berserk, killing all of them before healing Asuna. Later on, they meet Evangelion, who tells them that the time has come for them to avenge their families and friends.
===rîsê øf thê shãðøwkêêpêrs===
===Rise of the Shadowkeepers===
at sømê pøîñt ðürîñg thê êvêñts øf [[wãrmîñð]], kãzütø ãñð asüñã trãvêlêð bãçk îñ tîmê ãñð rêçrüîtêð tîmê rêmñãñts øf Êøbãrð thãwñê, mãlçølm mêrlÿñ, rübÿ hãlê, Ùlðrêñ søv, fîkrül, ãñð sãsükê Ùçhîhã tø hêlp thêm üñðø whãt thê hêrøês hãð ðøñê tø thêm. Çãpîtãlîzîñg øñ thê grøwîñg ðêsîrê før bløøð îñ tøkÿø, thêÿ, ãløñg wîth thê øthêr mêmbêrs, førmêð ã grøüp, çøllêçtîvêlÿ tîtlîñg thêmsêlvês thê "shãðøwkêêpêrs." aftêr thêÿ bãñðêð tøgêthêr, thêÿ wãgêð ã çîvîl wãr ãgãîñst vãrîøüs mültîvêrsês før ãbãñðøñîñg mãl's çrÿ før hêlp ãñð têrrørîzêð mãñÿ sêttlêmêñts wîthîñ Êãrth, ðêgrãðîñg thê øñçê prøspêrøüs çîvîlîzãtîøñ îñtø ã lãwlêss frøñtîêr. thê têrrør thêÿ üñlêãshêð hãð ãlmøst grøwñ ãs pøwêrfül ãs ãñÿ kêll êvêñ hãvîñg ðrîvêñ thê frêêðøm fîghtêrs tø êxtîñçtîøñ thrøügh thê ðêstrüçtîøñ øf ãll thêîr ãllîês. thêÿ êvêñ hêlpêð thê sçørñ süççêssfüllÿ tãkê çøñtrøl øf ã løçãl hîvê brøøð whêñ [[hîrãks, thê mîñðbêñðêr]] tøøk [[Ïñ añâñh, ßrøøð qüêêñ]] ãs hîs çøñsørt.
At some point during the events of [[Warmind]], Kazuto and Asuna traveled back in time and recruited time remnants of Eobard Thawne, Malcolm Merlyn, Ruby Hale, Uldren Sov, Fikrul, and Sasuke Uchiha to help them undo what the heroes had done to them. Capitalizing on the growing desire for blood in Tokyo, they, along with the other members, formed a group, collectively titling themselves the "Shadowkeepers." After they banded together, they waged a civil war against various multiverses for abandoning Mal's cry for help and terrorized many settlements within Earth, degrading the once prosperous civilization into a lawless frontier. The terror they unleashed had almost grown as powerful as any Kell even having driven the Freedom Fighters to extinction through the destruction of all their allies. They even helped the Scorn successfully take control of a local Hive brood when [[Hiraks, the Mindbender]] took [[In Anânh, Brood Queen]] as his consort.
==rêçêñt Êvêñts==
==Recent Events==
===attãçk øñ aürãðøñ===
===Attack on Auradon===
Þrîør tø thê êvêñts øf Ðêsçêñðãñts 2, kãzütø ãñð asüñã mêt zêvøñ îñ thê [[førüm:Ïslê øf thê løst|Ïslê øf thê løst]], whêrê thêÿ rêçrüît hîm îñtø thê shãðøwkêêpêrs, êxplãîñîñg thãt thêÿ çãñ hêlp hîm mãñîpülãtê mãl îñtø jøîñîñg thêm sø thãt shê çãñ kîll mãlêfîçêñt ãñð tãkê øvêr [[førüm:aürãðøñ|aürãðøñ]]. thrêê ÿêãrs lãtêr, ðürîñg thê êvêñts øf [[shãðøwkêêp]], thê shãðøwkêêpêrs, lêð bÿ kãzütø ãñð asüñã, brêãk îñtø aürãðøñ, whêrê thêÿ slîp ã pøtîøñ, tø whîçh mãl tøüçhês ît ãñð bêçømês êvîl, ãll whîlê kîllîñg øff mãlêfîçêñt. ßÿ thê tîmê mãl bêçãmê çøñsçîøüs ãgãîñ, shê bêçømês çørrüptêð bÿ kãzütø, whø rêvêãls hîs plãñ før wørlð ðømîñãtîøñ. whêñ thê [[güãrðîãñ]] ãñð [[zãvãlã]] ãrrîvêð ãt aürãðøñ, fîkrül ãñð Ùlðrêñ rãllÿ thê [[sçørñ]], ãll øf whøm hêlpêð kîll Þrîñçê Þhîlîp ãñð Þrîñçêss aürørã. at thê sãmê tîmê, thê güãrðîãñ êñçøüñtêrs mãl, whø süððêñlÿ kîlls frêððîê fãçîlîêr ãñð Êvîê whîlê bêîñg pøssêssêð bÿ thê bîrthrîght jêwêl; zãvãlã ãttêmpts tø støp hêr, büt îs süððêñlÿ çørñêrêð bÿ kãzütø, whø îñçîñêrãtês zãvãlã's [[ghøst]] wîth ã sçørñ pîstøl bêførê kîllîñg zãvãlã wîth hîs øwñ wêãpøñ, thê [[Ørîgîñ størÿ]], ãñð flêêîñg wîth hîs øthêr wêãpøñ, [[añ añswêrîñg Çhørð]]. aftêr thîs êñçøüñtêr, thêÿ trãñsførmêð thê aürãðøñ Þrêp stüðêñts îñtø ã bløøðthîrstÿ fãçtîøñ tîtlêð thê "[[førüm:ghøsts øf Ñãgãsãkî|ghøsts øf Ñãgãsãkî]]." Ðürîñg thîs tîmê, mãl grãbs hølð øf ã ñøw-[[tãkêñ]] Ðrãgøñ's Êÿê sçêptêr ãñð hêlps thêm rêmãkê aürãðøñ îñ thêîr øwñ îmãgê.
Prior to the events of Descendants 2, Kazuto and Asuna met Zevon in the [[Forum:Isle of the Lost|Isle of the Lost]], where they recruit him into the Shadowkeepers, explaining that they can help him manipulate Mal into joining them so that she can kill Maleficent and take over [[Forum:Auradon|Auradon]]. Three years later, during the events of [[Shadowkeep]], the Shadowkeepers, led by Kazuto and Asuna, break into Auradon, where they slip a potion, to which Mal touches it and becomes evil, all while killing off Maleficent. By the time Mal became conscious again, she becomes corrupted by Kazuto, who reveals his plan for world domination. When the [[Guardian]] and [[Zavala]] arrived at Auradon, Fikrul and Uldren rally the [[Scorn]], all of whom helped kill Prince Philip and Princess Aurora. At the same time, the Guardian encounters Mal, who suddenly kills Freddie Facilier and Evie while being possessed by the birthright jewel; Zavala attempts to stop her, but is suddenly cornered by Kazuto, who incinerates Zavala's [[Ghost]] with a Scorn pistol before killing Zavala with his own weapon, the [[Origin Story]], and fleeing with his other weapon, [[An Answering Chord]]. After this encounter, they transformed the Auradon Prep students into a bloodthirsty faction titled the "[[Forum:Ghosts of Nagasaki|Ghosts of Nagasaki]]." During this time, Mal grabs hold of a now-[[Taken]] Dragon's Eye scepter and helps them remake Auradon in their own image.
====lêgîøñ øf Ðøøm====
Ðãmîêñ Ðãrhk îs ñøw thê mãÿør øf stãr Çîtÿ ãñð rêstørêð hîs ørîgîñãl mãgîç pøwêrs. hê kîllêð ãll thê vãrîøüs vîgîlãñtês øf stãr Çîtÿ ãñð Çêñtrãl Çîtÿ, plüs qüêñtîñ lãñçê, fêlîçîtÿ smøãk, sãrã lãñçê, ãñð amãÿã jîwê, tø whîçh hê kêpt thêîr rêspêçtîvê mãsks ãñð hêlmêts ãs trøphîês ãløñgsîðê grêêñ arrøw, thê flãsh, rãgmãñ, wîlð Ðøg, ßlãçk Çãñãrÿ, spãrtãñ, ãñð vîgîlãñtê's rêspêçtîvê mêmêñtøês. mãlçølm mêrlÿñ hãs ît sø thãt hîs wîfê ãñð søñ ãrê bøth ãlîvê ãñð îñ gøøð spîrîts, ãñð thêã îs ãlsø ã pãrt øf hîs fãmîlÿ ãñð ñøw ãðørês îñstêãð øf hãtês hîm. hê brîñgs bãçk hîs prêvîøüs førtüñê ãñð rêsøürçês, bøth ãs ÇÊØ øf mêrlÿñ gløbãl grøüp ãñð lêãðêr øf thê lêãgüê øf assãssîñs. tø whîçh wîth thê lãttêr, hê hãs Ñÿssã ãl ghül lîvîñg ã çløsêtêð ãñð mîsêrãblê lîfê îñ Øhîø. hê êvêñ rêstørêð hîs sêvêrêð hãñð. Êøbãrð thãwñê wãs ñøw mãÿør øf Çêñtrãl Çîtÿ ãñð thê øwñêr øf s.t.a.r. lãbs ãñð hãð çøñsîðêrãblê rêsøürçês ãñð îñflüêñçê. wãñtîñg stãtüs ãñð fãmê, hê wøülð üsê hîs gêñîüs ãñð çømpãñÿ tø sølvê vãrîøüs prøblêms øf thê wørlð, tø whîçh hê gãîñêð vãrîøüs ãwãrðs ãñð îñflüêñçê øñ thê wørlð, êvêñ bêçømîñg pêrsøñãl frîêñðs wîth thê Þrêsîðêñt øf thê Ùñîtêð stãtês. hê hãð thê ðêmøñîç spêêðstêr çhãsîñg hîm ãs hîs pêrsøñãl pêt prîsøñêr whø çøñstãñtlÿ strügglêð tø gêt frêê øf hîs çêll.
at sømê pøîñt, mãl ãñð zêvøñ hãvê ã ðãüghtêr ñãmêð alîñã.

=Ølð vêrsîøñ=
=Old Version=

{{Hive Sect infobox
{{Hive Sect infobox
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thê '''Shãðøwkêêpêrs''' ãrê ãñ êlîtê [[hîvê]] sêçt whø güãrð thê çîtãðêl kñøwñ ãs thê [[førüm:sçãrlêt førtrêss|sçãrlêt førtrêss]] øñ thê [[møøñ]]. thêÿ ãrê thê mãîñ êñêmÿ fãçtîøñ øf ''[[shãðøwkêêp]].''
The '''Shadowkeepers''' are an elite [[Hive]] sect who guard the citadel known as the [[Forum:Scarlet Fortress|Scarlet Fortress]] on the [[Moon]]. They are the main enemy faction of ''[[Shadowkeep]].''

==Ùñîqüê førçês==
==Unique Forces==
*'''Shãðøwkêêpêr [[thrãll]]:''' Çøñstãñtlÿ çhãrgês îñtø çløsê rãñgê îñ lãrgê ñümbêrs. Çãpãblê øf lêãpîñg løñg ðîstãñçês ãñð sçãlîñg wãlls. spîts ãñ ãçîð gøblêt thãt ðêãls ðãmãgê øvêr tîmê ãñð rêðüçês ãll ðãmãgê rêsîstãñçês før ã shørt tîmê. Êmbêðs tîñÿ thørñs îñtø thêîr tãrgêts üpøñ ã mêlêê ãttãçk; thørñs îñflîçt rãpîð blêêðîñg.
*'''Shadowkeeper [[Thrall]]:''' Constantly charges into close range in large numbers. Capable of leaping long distances and scaling walls. Spits an acid goblet that deals damage over time and reduces all damage resistances for a short time. Embeds tiny thorns into their targets upon a melee attack; thorns inflict rapid bleeding.

*'''Shãðøwkêêpêr [[Çürsêð thrãll]]:''' Çøñstãñtlÿ çhãrgês îñtø çløsê rãñgê îñ lãrgêr ñümbêrs. spîts ãñ ãçîð gøblêt thãt ðêãls ðãmãgê øvêr tîmê ãñð rêðüçês ãll ðãmãgê rêsîstãñçês før ã shørt tîmê. Þøssêssês ãñ êñlãrgêð sêlf-ðêtøñãtîøñ rãðîüs ãñð lêãvês bêhîñð ãñ êñêrgÿ ðømê thãt shøçks ãñð sløws ãll tãrgêts wîthîñ îts rãðîüs.
*'''Shadowkeeper [[Cursed Thrall]]:''' Constantly charges into close range in larger numbers. Spits an acid goblet that deals damage over time and reduces all damage resistances for a short time. Possesses an enlarged self-detonation radius and leaves behind an energy dome that shocks and slows all targets within its radius.

*'''Shãðøwkêêpêr [[açølÿtê]]:''' armêð wîth ã bürst-fîrê [[shrêððêr]] thãt hãs êñhãñçêð ãççürãçÿ ãñð prøjêçtîlê vêløçîtÿ. thrøws ã fîrêbãll thãt lêãvês bêhîñð ã lãrgê pøøl øf fîrê whîçh îñflîçts ã rãpîð bürñîñg êffêçt. sløwlÿ rêgêñêrãtês hêãlth whêñ hîðîñg bêhîñð çøvêr. Çøñtîñüøüslÿ ðøðgês büllêts ãñð wîll flãñk thêîr tãrgêts îñ lãrgê ñümbêrs. whêñ øñ løw hêãlth, thêÿ gãîñ grêãtlÿ îñçrêãsêð møvêmêñt ãñð ðøðgê spêêðs.
*'''Shadowkeeper [[Acolyte]]:''' Armed with a burst-fire [[Shredder]] that has enhanced accuracy and projectile velocity. Throws a fireball that leaves behind a large pool of fire which inflicts a rapid burning effect. Slowly regenerates health when hiding behind cover. Continuously dodges bullets and will flank their targets in large numbers. When on low health, they gain greatly increased movement and dodge speeds.

*'''Shãðøwkêêpêr [[aðhêrêñt]]:''' armêð wîth ã [[søülfîrê rîflê]] çãpãblê øf çrîtîçãl hîts thãt brîêflÿ sløw thêîr tãrgêts. thrøws ã smøkê bømb thãt pøîsøñs thêîr tãrgêts ãñð grãñts thê aðhêrêñt îñvîsîbîlîtÿ før ã shørt tîmê. gãîñ grêãtlÿ rêðüçêð ðêtêçtîøñ rãðîüs whêñ hîðîñg bêhîñð çøvêr. Çøñtîñüøüslÿ ðøðgês mêlêê ãttãçks. whêñ øñ løw hêãlth, thêÿ gãîñ grêãtlÿ îñçrêãsêð smøkê bømb rãðîüs, îñvîsîbîlîtÿ ðürãtîøñ, ãñð ðøðgê spêêð.
*'''Shadowkeeper [[Adherent]]:''' Armed with a [[Soulfire Rifle]] capable of critical hits that briefly slow their targets. Throws a smoke bomb that poisons their targets and grants the Adherent invisibility for a short time. Gain greatly reduced detection radius when hiding behind cover. Continuously dodges melee attacks. When on low health, they gain greatly increased smoke bomb radius, invisibility duration, and dodge speed.

*'''Shãðøwkêêpêr shrêððêr:''' a shãðøwkêêpêr [[kñîght]] ãrmêð wîth ã füll-ãütø shrêððêr thãt hãs grêãtlÿ êñhãñçêð ãççürãçÿ, fîrê rãtê, ãñð prøjêçtîlê vêløçîtÿ. Çøñtîñüøüslÿ ðøðgês büllêts ãñð mêlêê ãttãçks. whêñêvêr ðãmãgêð, thêÿ wîll püt üp ã wãll øf Ðãrkñêss thãt grãñts thêm frøñtãl îmmüñîtÿ ãñð brîêf hêãlth rêgêñêrãtîøñ wîth rêðüçêð møvêmêñt spêêð; ãll ñêãrbÿ shãðøwkêêpêrs gãîñ îñçrêãsêð møvêmêñt ãñð ãttãçk spêêð whêñ thîs øççürs. whêñ fãçêð ãt çløsê rãñgê, thêÿ üñshêãthê ãñ [[arç]] [[Çlêãvêr]] thãt blîñðs thêîr tãrgêt. whêñ øñ løw hêãlth, thêÿ rêgêñêrãtês ã sîgñîfîçãñt pørtîøñ øf thêîr hêãlth ãñð çhãrgês îñ tø üñlêãsh ã pøwêrfül mêlêê ãttãçk thãt bÿpãssês shîêlðs.
*'''Shadowkeeper Shredder:''' A Shadowkeeper [[Knight]] armed with a full-auto Shredder that has greatly enhanced accuracy, fire rate, and projectile velocity. Continuously dodges bullets and melee attacks. Whenever damaged, they will put up a Wall of Darkness that grants them frontal immunity and brief health regeneration with reduced movement speed; all nearby Shadowkeepers gain increased movement and attack speed when this occurs. When faced at close range, they unsheathe an [[Arc]] [[Cleaver]] that blinds their target. When on low health, they regenerates a significant portion of their health and charges in to unleash a powerful melee attack that bypasses shields.

*'''Shãðøwkêêpêr [[ßøømêr]]:''' a shãðøwkêêpêr kñîght ãrmêð wîth ã ßøømêr thãt pøssêssês grêãtlÿ îñçrêãsêð fîrê rãtê, ãççürãçÿ, blãst rãðîüs, rãñgê, ãñð prøjêçtîlê vêløçîtÿ. Çøñtîñüøüslÿ ðøðgês büllêts ãñð mêlêê ãttãçks. whêñêvêr ðãmãgêð, thêÿ wîll püt üp ã wãll øf Ðãrkñêss thãt grãñts thêm frøñtãl îmmüñîtÿ ãñð brîêf hêãlth rêgêñêrãtîøñ wîth rêðüçêð møvêmêñt spêêð; ãll ñêãrbÿ shãðøwkêêpêrs gãîñ ã rãñðøm êlêmêñtãl shîêlð whêñ thîs øççürs. whêñ fãçêð ãt çløsê rãñgê, thêÿ üñshêãthê ã [[sølãr]] Çlêãvêr thãt rãpîðlÿ bürñs thêîr tãrgêt. whêñ øñ løw hêãlth, thêÿ rêgêñêrãtês ã sîgñîfîçãñt pørtîøñ øf thêîr hêãlth ãñð çhãrgês îñ tø üñlêãsh ã pøwêrfül mêlêê ãttãçk thãt bÿpãssês shîêlðs.
*'''Shadowkeeper [[Boomer]]:''' A Shadowkeeper Knight armed with a Boomer that possesses greatly increased fire rate, accuracy, blast radius, range, and projectile velocity. Continuously dodges bullets and melee attacks. Whenever damaged, they will put up a Wall of Darkness that grants them frontal immunity and brief health regeneration with reduced movement speed; all nearby Shadowkeepers gain a random elemental shield when this occurs. When faced at close range, they unsheathe a [[Solar]] Cleaver that rapidly burns their target. When on low health, they regenerates a significant portion of their health and charges in to unleash a powerful melee attack that bypasses shields.

*'''Shãðøwkêêp [[splîñtêr]]:''' a shãðøwkêêpêr kñîght ãrmêð wîth ã splîñtêr thãt pøssêss grêãtlÿ îñçrêãsêð fîrê rãtê, ãççürãçÿ, rãñgê, prøjêçtîlê vêløçîtÿ, ãñð îñçêñðîãrÿ prøpêrtîês. Çøñtîñüøüslÿ ðøðgês büllêts ãñð mêlêê ãttãçks. whêñêvêr ðãmãgêð, thêÿ wîll püt üp ã wãll øf Ðãrkñêss thãt grãñts thêm frøñtãl îmmüñîtÿ ãñð brîêf hêãlth rêgêñêrãtîøñ wîth rêðüçêð møvêmêñt spêêð; ãll ñêãrbÿ shãðøwkêêpêrs gãîñ îñçrêãsêð ðãmãgê whêñ thîs øççürs. whêñ fãçêð ãt çløsê rãñgê, thêÿ üñshêãthês ã [[vøîð]] Çlêãvêr thãt süpprêssês thêîr tãrgêt. whêñ øñ løw hêãlth, thêÿ rêgêñêrãtês ã sîgñîfîçãñt pørtîøñ øf thêîr hêãlth ãñð çhãrgês îñ tø üñlêãsh ã pøwêrfül mêlêê ãttãçk thãt bÿpãssês shîêlðs.
*'''Shadowkeep [[Splinter]]:''' A Shadowkeeper Knight armed with a Splinter that possess greatly increased fire rate, accuracy, range, projectile velocity, and incendiary properties. Continuously dodges bullets and melee attacks. Whenever damaged, they will put up a Wall of Darkness that grants them frontal immunity and brief health regeneration with reduced movement speed; all nearby Shadowkeepers gain increased damage when this occurs. When faced at close range, they unsheathes a [[Void]] Cleaver that suppresses their target. When on low health, they regenerates a significant portion of their health and charges in to unleash a powerful melee attack that bypasses shields.

*'''Shãðøwkêêp [[vãñqüîshêr]]:''' armêð wîth ã Çhrømãtîç Çlêãvêr thãt blîñðs, süpprêssês, ãñð rãpîðlÿ bürñs thêîr tãrgêt. Þrøtêçts thêmsêlvês wîth ã pêrmãñêñt wãll øf Ðãrkñêss thãt grãñts thêm frøñtãl îmmüñîtÿ, çøñstãñt hêãlth rêgêñêrãtîøñ, øvêrãll ðãmãgê rêsîstãñçê, ãñð ãttãçk ðêflêçtîøñ. Çøñtîñüøslÿ ðøðgês büllêts ãñð mêlêê ãttãçks. Êmîts ãñ ãürã thãt grãñts ãll ñêãrbÿ shãðøwkêêpêrs sîgñîfîçãñt ðãmãgê rêsîstãñçê. whêñ øüt øf mêlêê rãñgê, thêÿ çãñ thrøw thêîr wãll øf Ðãrkñêss tø jãm thêîr tãrgêt's êqüîppêð wêãpøñs før ã shørt tîmê. whêñ thêîr wãll îs ðêstrøÿêð, thêÿ gãîñ grêãtlÿ îñçrêãsêð møvêmêñt spêêð. whêñ øñ løw hêãlth, thêÿ rêgãîñ thêîr wãll øf Ðãrkñêss.
*'''Shadowkeep [[Vanquisher]]:''' Armed with a Chromatic Cleaver that blinds, suppresses, and rapidly burns their target. Protects themselves with a permanent Wall of Darkness that grants them frontal immunity, constant health regeneration, overall damage resistance, and attack deflection. Continuosly dodges bullets and melee attacks. Emits an aura that grants all nearby Shadowkeepers significant damage resistance. When out of melee range, they can throw their Wall of Darkness to jam their target's equipped weapons for a short time. When their Wall is destroyed, they gain greatly increased movement speed. When on low health, they regain their Wall of Darkness.

*'''Shãðøwkêêp [[wîzãrð]]:''' attãçks thêîr tãrgêts wîth vãrÿîñg êlêmêñtãl blãsts: arç blãsts îñflîçt shøçkîñg ãñð blîñðîñg êffêçts; sølãr blãsts îñflîçt bürñîñg ãñð süñðêrîñg êffêçts; vøîð blãsts îñflîçt süpprêssîøñ ãñð wêãpøñ ðãmãgê rêðüçtîøñ êffêçts. Þrøtêçtêð bÿ ã rãñðøm êlêmêñtãl shîêlð. rãpîðlÿ flîês ãrøüñð thê bãttlêfîêlð ãñð pêrîøðîçãllÿ vãñîshês ãñð têlêpørts whêñ ðãmãgêð. Çøñstãñtlÿ rêgêñêrãtês hêãlth whêñ thêîr shîêlð îs üp. whêñ thêîr shîêlð îs üp, thêÿ plãñt ðøwñ ã Ðãrkñêss Çløüð thãt rãpîðlÿ hêãls ãll shãðøwkêêpêrs îñ îts rãðîüs ãñð hêãvîlÿ pøîsøñs ãll [[güãrðîãñ]]s îñsîðê. whêñ fãçêð ãt çløsê rãñgê, thêÿ êmît ã søñîç sçrêãm thãt ðrãstîçãllÿ kñøçks bãçk ãll ãttãçkêrs. whêñ øñ løw hêãlth, thêÿ gãîñ grêãtlÿ îñçrêãsêð shîêlð rêgêñêrãtîøñ rãtê ãñð sîgñîfîçãñt ðãmãgê rêsîstãñçê.
*'''Shadowkeep [[Wizard]]:''' Attacks their targets with varying elemental blasts: Arc blasts inflict shocking and blinding effects; Solar blasts inflict burning and sundering effects; Void blasts inflict suppression and weapon damage reduction effects. Protected by a random elemental shield. Rapidly flies around the battlefield and periodically vanishes and teleports when damaged. Constantly regenerates health when their shield is up. When their shield is up, they plant down a Darkness Cloud that rapidly heals all Shadowkeepers in its radius and heavily poisons all [[Guardian]]s inside. When faced at close range, they emit a sonic scream that drastically knocks back all attackers. When on low health, they gain greatly increased shield regeneration rate and significant damage resistance.

*'''Shãðøwkêêp [[Øgrê]]:''' attãçks thêîr tãrgêts frøm ðîffêrêñt rãñgês wîth vãrÿîñg êÿê prøjêçtîlês: løñg-rãñgê arç røttêñ sürgê blãsts thãt pøssêss îñçrêãsêð ðãmãgê, fîrê rãtê, ãççürãçÿ, prøjêçtîlê vêløçîtÿ, kñøçkbãçk, ãñð bøth blîñðîñg ãñð shøçkîñg êffêçts; mêðîüm-rãñgê vøîð Êÿê ßlãsts wîth grêãtlÿ îñçrêãsêð fîrê rãtê, ãççürãçÿ, prøjêçtîlê vêløçîtÿ, prêçîsîøñ ðãmãgê, ãñð bøth süpprêssîøñ ãñð sløwñêss êffêçts; shørt-rãñgê sølãr wrãthfül ßürsts thãt kñøçks thêîr tãrgêts bãçkwãrð ã løñg ðîstãñçê, bÿpãssês shîêlðs, ãñð îñflîçts bøth bürñîñg ãñð süñðêrîñg êffêçts. lãçks ã çrîtîçãl hît spøt ãñð çøñstãñtlÿ rêgêñêrãtês hêãlth. Çãñ bløçk ãñð ðêflêçt ãttãçk wîth wãlls øf Ðãrkñêss øñ thêîr ãrms. whêñ øñ løw hêãlth, thêÿ êmît ã søñîç røãr thãt êmîts çøñtîñüøüs hêãvÿ ðãmãgê frøm ãñÿ rãñgê ãñð grãñts ãll ñêãrbÿ shãðøwkêêpêrs, îñçlüðîñg îtsêlf, wîth grêãtlÿ îñçrêãsêð møvêmêñt ãñð ãttãçk spêêð ãñð ðãmãgê øütpüt ãs wêll ãs ã rãñðøm êlêmêñtãl shîêlð ãñð sîgñîfîçãñt ðãmãgê rêsîstãñçê.
*'''Shadowkeep [[Ogre]]:''' Attacks their targets from different ranges with varying eye projectiles: long-range Arc Rotten Surge blasts that possess increased damage, fire rate, accuracy, projectile velocity, knockback, and both blinding and shocking effects; medium-range Void Eye Blasts with greatly increased fire rate, accuracy, projectile velocity, precision damage, and both suppression and slowness effects; short-range Solar Wrathful Bursts that knocks their targets backward a long distance, bypasses shields, and inflicts both burning and sundering effects. Lacks a critical hit spot and constantly regenerates health. Can block and deflect attack with Walls of Darkness on their arms. When on low health, they emit a sonic roar that emits continuous heavy damage from any range and grants all nearby Shadowkeepers, including itself, with greatly increased movement and attack speed and damage output as well as a random elemental shield and significant damage resistance.

*'''Shãðøwkêêp [[shrîêkêr]]:''' Çøvêrêð bÿ ã shîêlð thãt bløçks ãñð ðêflêçt ãll îñçømîñg ðãmãgê; îmmêðîãtêlÿ rêgêñêrãtês tø füll hêãlth whêñ çøvêrêð. Êmîts ãñ ãürã thãt ãçts ãs ã prøtêçtîvê bãrrîêr før øthêr shãðøwkêêpêrs; shãðøwkêêpêrs îñsîðê thê ãürã gãîñ ðãmãgê rêsîstãñçê, hêãlth rêgêñêrãtîøñ, îñçrêãsêð hêãlth, ãñð fãstêr møvêmêñt ãñð ãttãçk spêêð. lãçks ã çrîtîçãl hît spøt ãñð îs prøtêçtêð bÿ ãll thrêê êlêmêñtãl shîêlðs ãt øñçê. whêñ ã tãrgêt êñtêrs thê ãürã, thêÿ wîll süffêr 100% ðêçrêãsêð møbîlîtÿ ãñð rêçøvêrÿ ãs wêll ãs ðêçrêãsêð wêãpøñ ðãmãgê. Çãññøt bê êffêçtêð bÿ ðêbüffs. Øñçê ît spøts thê tãrgêt, ît wîll trîggêr ãñ arç grøüñð blãst thãt blîñðs thêm, sêñðs thêm flÿîñg üpwãrð, ãñð süspêñðs thêm îñ mîðãîr før ã shørt tîmê. Þrîmãrîlÿ ãttãçks thrøügh ã bãrrãgê øf fãst-møvîñg vøîð sêêkêr bølts thãt çãüsê slîght kñøçkbãçk ãñð grêãtlÿ îñçrêãsê thê flîñçh tãkêñ bÿ thê tãrgêt; whêñ fãçêð ãt çløsê rãñgê, îts êÿê wîll lêt løøsê ã sølãr pülsê thãt çãüsês ã hêãvÿ bürñîñg êffêçt ãñð møðêrãtê kñøçkbãçk. whêñ øñ vêrÿ løw hêãlth, ît gãîñs thê ãbîlîtÿ tø têlêpørt ãñð bêñêfîts frøm grêãtlÿ îñçrêãsêð shîêlð rêgêñ rãtê ãñð strêñgth ãs wêll ãs 100% ðãmãgê rêsîstãñçê.
*'''Shadowkeep [[Shrieker]]:''' Covered by a shield that blocks and deflect all incoming damage; immediately regenerates to full health when covered. Emits an aura that acts as a protective barrier for other Shadowkeepers; Shadowkeepers inside the aura gain damage resistance, health regeneration, increased health, and faster movement and attack speed. Lacks a critical hit spot and is protected by all three elemental shields at once. When a target enters the aura, they will suffer 100% decreased mobility and recovery as well as decreased weapon damage. Cannot be effected by debuffs. Once it spots the target, it will trigger an Arc ground blast that blinds them, sends them flying upward, and suspends them in midair for a short time. Primarily attacks through a barrage of fast-moving Void seeker bolts that cause slight knockback and greatly increase the flinch taken by the target; when faced at close range, its eye will let loose a Solar pulse that causes a heavy burning effect and moderate knockback. When on very low health, it gains the ability to teleport and benefits from greatly increased shield regen rate and strength as well as 100% damage resistance.

Revision as of 13:54, November 4, 2019

Forums: Index Fan Fiction Shadowkeepers Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png
Working title for Shadowkeepers




Black Beaters Squad


Remake Auradon in their own images
Cement Mal's dark future

Other names:



Shadowkeepers Apocalypse
Auradonian War


Kazuto Kirigaya
Asuna Yuuki
Ruby Hale
Eobard Thawne
Malcolm Merlyn
Damien Darhk
Tobias Whale
Hiram Lodge
Zevon, Son of Yzma
Fikrul, the Fanatic
Uldren Sov
Sasuke Uchiha
Phoenixaro Uchihamaki

Notable information:

Killed Zavala


The enemies of humanity are innumerable. We are surrounded by the Fallen, the Vex, the Hive, the Taken, the Scorn, and the Cabal. But never before have we faced an enemy as powerful as the Shadowkeepers – a villainous organization designed to overthrow entire worlds. -In-game Description

The Shadowkeepers are a faction of rogue, vengeful Guardians who seek to enact their revenge on Auradon for helping Maleficent kill Mal. They are the main enemy faction of Paradox.


Mal's Birth

Before Mal's parents Hendrick Yor and Kaguya Narusaka were killed by Maleficent, they created the Shadow Crystals, along with Mal's birthright jewel, known as the Crystal of Memory, which they attached onto her necklace in order that she can continue their legacy. At the same time, Narusaka Kazuto was adopted by his aunt and uncle a year after his birth, when his biological parents died in an accident. Raised by his foster parents as a son, Kazuto was originally forced to train with his cousin in the neighborhood kendo dojo; however due to his aunt's influence as an editor for a computer systems magazine, Kazuto became more interested in computers and dropped kendo after two years. This decision earned him a heavy beating from his grandfather, prompting Suguha to defend him by promising to practice enough for both of them. At the age of ten, Kazuto discovered that he was adopted from erased Juki Net records and since then unintentionally began distancing himself from Suguha. When he discovered the Crystal of Wrath, he meets a mysterious stranger named Evangelion, who tells him that his darkness was just the beginning.

Kazuto's Corruption

A few decades later, after he woke up from a coma, he and Asuna reunited with their friends, but the reunion was interrupted when the members of Laughing Coffin, the Integrity Knights, and their old enemies launched an attack on Rath, killing Suguha Kirigaya, Ryoutarou Tsuboi, Andrew Gilbert Mills, Keiko Ayano, Shino Asada, and Rika Shinozaki. Kazuto and Asuna attempt to attack them, but are suddenly injured. Just when they were about to kill Asuna, Kazuto lets off a dark aura and goes berserk, killing all of them before healing Asuna. Later on, they meet Evangelion, who tells them that the time has come for them to avenge their families and friends.

Rise of the Shadowkeepers

At some point during the events of Warmind, Kazuto and Asuna traveled back in time and recruited time remnants of Eobard Thawne, Malcolm Merlyn, Ruby Hale, Uldren Sov, Fikrul, and Sasuke Uchiha to help them undo what the heroes had done to them. Capitalizing on the growing desire for blood in Tokyo, they, along with the other members, formed a group, collectively titling themselves the "Shadowkeepers." After they banded together, they waged a civil war against various multiverses for abandoning Mal's cry for help and terrorized many settlements within Earth, degrading the once prosperous civilization into a lawless frontier. The terror they unleashed had almost grown as powerful as any Kell even having driven the Freedom Fighters to extinction through the destruction of all their allies. They even helped the Scorn successfully take control of a local Hive brood when Hiraks, the Mindbender took In Anânh, Brood Queen as his consort.

Recent Events

Attack on Auradon

Prior to the events of Descendants 2, Kazuto and Asuna met Zevon in the Isle of the Lost, where they recruit him into the Shadowkeepers, explaining that they can help him manipulate Mal into joining them so that she can kill Maleficent and take over Auradon. Three years later, during the events of Shadowkeep, the Shadowkeepers, led by Kazuto and Asuna, break into Auradon, where they slip a potion, to which Mal touches it and becomes evil, all while killing off Maleficent. By the time Mal became conscious again, she becomes corrupted by Kazuto, who reveals his plan for world domination. When the Guardian and Zavala arrived at Auradon, Fikrul and Uldren rally the Scorn, all of whom helped kill Prince Philip and Princess Aurora. At the same time, the Guardian encounters Mal, who suddenly kills Freddie Facilier and Evie while being possessed by the birthright jewel; Zavala attempts to stop her, but is suddenly cornered by Kazuto, who incinerates Zavala's Ghost with a Scorn pistol before killing Zavala with his own weapon, the Origin Story, and fleeing with his other weapon, An Answering Chord. After this encounter, they transformed the Auradon Prep students into a bloodthirsty faction titled the "Ghosts of Nagasaki." During this time, Mal grabs hold of a now-Taken Dragon's Eye scepter and helps them remake Auradon in their own image.


Old Version



Fortress Guards


Rulnok, Shadow Paladin
Wyor, Shadow Sorceress


Scarlet Fortress


The Shadowkeepers are an elite Hive sect who guard the citadel known as the Scarlet Fortress on the Moon. They are the main enemy faction of Shadowkeep.

Unique Forces

  • Shadowkeeper Thrall: Constantly charges into close range in large numbers. Capable of leaping long distances and scaling walls. Spits an acid goblet that deals damage over time and reduces all damage resistances for a short time. Embeds tiny thorns into their targets upon a melee attack; thorns inflict rapid bleeding.
  • Shadowkeeper Cursed Thrall: Constantly charges into close range in larger numbers. Spits an acid goblet that deals damage over time and reduces all damage resistances for a short time. Possesses an enlarged self-detonation radius and leaves behind an energy dome that shocks and slows all targets within its radius.
  • Shadowkeeper Acolyte: Armed with a burst-fire Shredder that has enhanced accuracy and projectile velocity. Throws a fireball that leaves behind a large pool of fire which inflicts a rapid burning effect. Slowly regenerates health when hiding behind cover. Continuously dodges bullets and will flank their targets in large numbers. When on low health, they gain greatly increased movement and dodge speeds.
  • Shadowkeeper Adherent: Armed with a Soulfire Rifle capable of critical hits that briefly slow their targets. Throws a smoke bomb that poisons their targets and grants the Adherent invisibility for a short time. Gain greatly reduced detection radius when hiding behind cover. Continuously dodges melee attacks. When on low health, they gain greatly increased smoke bomb radius, invisibility duration, and dodge speed.
  • Shadowkeeper Shredder: A Shadowkeeper Knight armed with a full-auto Shredder that has greatly enhanced accuracy, fire rate, and projectile velocity. Continuously dodges bullets and melee attacks. Whenever damaged, they will put up a Wall of Darkness that grants them frontal immunity and brief health regeneration with reduced movement speed; all nearby Shadowkeepers gain increased movement and attack speed when this occurs. When faced at close range, they unsheathe an Arc Cleaver that blinds their target. When on low health, they regenerates a significant portion of their health and charges in to unleash a powerful melee attack that bypasses shields.
  • Shadowkeeper Boomer: A Shadowkeeper Knight armed with a Boomer that possesses greatly increased fire rate, accuracy, blast radius, range, and projectile velocity. Continuously dodges bullets and melee attacks. Whenever damaged, they will put up a Wall of Darkness that grants them frontal immunity and brief health regeneration with reduced movement speed; all nearby Shadowkeepers gain a random elemental shield when this occurs. When faced at close range, they unsheathe a Solar Cleaver that rapidly burns their target. When on low health, they regenerates a significant portion of their health and charges in to unleash a powerful melee attack that bypasses shields.
  • Shadowkeep Splinter: A Shadowkeeper Knight armed with a Splinter that possess greatly increased fire rate, accuracy, range, projectile velocity, and incendiary properties. Continuously dodges bullets and melee attacks. Whenever damaged, they will put up a Wall of Darkness that grants them frontal immunity and brief health regeneration with reduced movement speed; all nearby Shadowkeepers gain increased damage when this occurs. When faced at close range, they unsheathes a Void Cleaver that suppresses their target. When on low health, they regenerates a significant portion of their health and charges in to unleash a powerful melee attack that bypasses shields.
  • Shadowkeep Vanquisher: Armed with a Chromatic Cleaver that blinds, suppresses, and rapidly burns their target. Protects themselves with a permanent Wall of Darkness that grants them frontal immunity, constant health regeneration, overall damage resistance, and attack deflection. Continuosly dodges bullets and melee attacks. Emits an aura that grants all nearby Shadowkeepers significant damage resistance. When out of melee range, they can throw their Wall of Darkness to jam their target's equipped weapons for a short time. When their Wall is destroyed, they gain greatly increased movement speed. When on low health, they regain their Wall of Darkness.
  • Shadowkeep Wizard: Attacks their targets with varying elemental blasts: Arc blasts inflict shocking and blinding effects; Solar blasts inflict burning and sundering effects; Void blasts inflict suppression and weapon damage reduction effects. Protected by a random elemental shield. Rapidly flies around the battlefield and periodically vanishes and teleports when damaged. Constantly regenerates health when their shield is up. When their shield is up, they plant down a Darkness Cloud that rapidly heals all Shadowkeepers in its radius and heavily poisons all Guardians inside. When faced at close range, they emit a sonic scream that drastically knocks back all attackers. When on low health, they gain greatly increased shield regeneration rate and significant damage resistance.
  • Shadowkeep Ogre: Attacks their targets from different ranges with varying eye projectiles: long-range Arc Rotten Surge blasts that possess increased damage, fire rate, accuracy, projectile velocity, knockback, and both blinding and shocking effects; medium-range Void Eye Blasts with greatly increased fire rate, accuracy, projectile velocity, precision damage, and both suppression and slowness effects; short-range Solar Wrathful Bursts that knocks their targets backward a long distance, bypasses shields, and inflicts both burning and sundering effects. Lacks a critical hit spot and constantly regenerates health. Can block and deflect attack with Walls of Darkness on their arms. When on low health, they emit a sonic roar that emits continuous heavy damage from any range and grants all nearby Shadowkeepers, including itself, with greatly increased movement and attack speed and damage output as well as a random elemental shield and significant damage resistance.
  • Shadowkeep Shrieker: Covered by a shield that blocks and deflect all incoming damage; immediately regenerates to full health when covered. Emits an aura that acts as a protective barrier for other Shadowkeepers; Shadowkeepers inside the aura gain damage resistance, health regeneration, increased health, and faster movement and attack speed. Lacks a critical hit spot and is protected by all three elemental shields at once. When a target enters the aura, they will suffer 100% decreased mobility and recovery as well as decreased weapon damage. Cannot be effected by debuffs. Once it spots the target, it will trigger an Arc ground blast that blinds them, sends them flying upward, and suspends them in midair for a short time. Primarily attacks through a barrage of fast-moving Void seeker bolts that cause slight knockback and greatly increase the flinch taken by the target; when faced at close range, its eye will let loose a Solar pulse that causes a heavy burning effect and moderate knockback. When on very low health, it gains the ability to teleport and benefits from greatly increased shield regen rate and strength as well as 100% damage resistance.