Broken Courier

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Boons I grant you, oh bearer mine, but debts must be paid in time.
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Template:Level Infobox Broken Courier is the first post-raid mission after the end of the Forsaken Campaign. After defeating Riven, The Guardian and Ghost are commissioned by Petra Venj to help assist an injured Corsair. This Corsair informs The Guardian that the Awoken relics have been stolen from the Hive, and should be immediately saved as to preserve the tremendous amounts of information within them. With the help of the Corsair, The Guardian and Ghost must fight through waves of Xivu Arath's Hive to retrieve all stolen relics.


Hive - Xivu Arath's Hive

Taken - Xivu Arath's Hive


Respond to the Distress Call
Eliminate the Hive and recover the relic
Return to the Corsair
Reclaim the Stolen Relics
Reclaim the Stolen Relics
Find the final Awoken Relic
Defeat the Taken
Find the Final Awoken Relic
Find the Final Awoken Relic
Locate and recover the Final Awoken relic
Overcome Xaras, Greed of Xivu Arath