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(→‎Outpost Commander: Another pic)
(→‎Quotes: Added a bunch of Sloanes quotes from various places)
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'''Cayde's Death Quote'''
*''Zavala wasn't thrilled about you running off after Cayde's killers. Can't say I blame him… Just tell me you got 'em. What? Even I know duty and obligation don't always line up. That's why I like you, Guardian. You don't just deal in justice, you embody it. Keep up the good fight. I'm rooting for you.''
'''Story Mission: Utopia Quotes'''
*''Ahh. It's a hell of a view, isn't it? We're up and running thanks to you. There's plenty more to do around here, though. Chief among them — finally breaking ground on a counteroffensive against the Red Legion. I have a plan, but it won't work without you. We intercepted a priority one Red Legion signal during the City evacuation, but we can't crack the encryption. Holliday says there's tech that can do the job in the Arcology, which is effectively hostile territory. You'd be going in blind. The place has been dark for centuries. All we know for sure is the Hive is raising hell down there, perhaps literally. But if you're in... Let's put the plan into action.''
*''They call it... "The Almighty." The crown jewel of the Red Legion and life's work of their leader... Dominus Ghaul. Ghaul has subjugated hundreds of worlds. Those that resisted… no longer exist. You see, The Almighty… annihilates stars. Nothing- and no one- survives Ghaul's ambition. What he wants… is the Traveler. And its Light. As for The Almighty... it's now pointed at our sun. In short, sir... the war's over. And we've lost.''
*''Zavala, wait-''
'''Story Mission: Riptide Quotes'''
*''All right, we're not out of this yet. Now that we've reached the Control Center, we still need to power up this place before we can take care of our Fleet. Commander Zavala tells me you've volunteered. I'll run tactical. Shipwright Holliday here will provide tech support. It's a straightforward op: get in, flip a switch, get out.''
*''No. Those vultures have been following us since we evacuated Earth.''
*''Holliday, we gotta get you back in the air. We'll need ongoing aerial threat assessments to keep our perimeter secure.''
*''I'll bump you to the front of the line for repairs once the lights are back on.''
*''Then let's find a fix.''
*''Sounds like you got more scrubbing to do, Guardian.''
*''Try the Central Platform. Everything routes through there.''
*''Circuit breaker's going to be around there somewhere. Find it and flip the switch. Just like I said.''
*''Exemplary work, everyone. But we still have to deal with these intercepted enemy transmissions.''
'''Story Mission: Hope Quotes'''
*''Commander, if I may. Guardian, this is Deputy Commander Sloane. We have a counter-offensive to plan. To do that, we need to get this station up and running. There's a fleet to prep, Guardians to arm, and a trove of intercepted Red Legion transmissions to decrypt. It's critical we gain access to the station's Control Center. That's where you come in. If the Light really is with you, send the Hive back to hell.''
*''Copy that. Keep pushing forward. Commander. At this rate, we can start planning our counteroffensive. We'll be outside the City gates in no time.''
*''Clear the area so we can move in.''
*''Perfect. Recon the perimeter before you move on the Control Center.''
*''Well done. Sweep the perimeter, and we'll move in on your signal.''
*''Copy that. Zavala and I are inbound. We're approaching the landing platform. Get up here, and take a bow.''
'''Adventure: Bad Neighbours Quotes'''
*''My crew says we've got two problems. Wizards on a tower roof, doing who knows what, and the Fallen they've spooked.''
*'' Fallen first. They're using fuel cells to build an explosive countermeasure to the Hive. Sloppy stuff. It'll blow us all sky high.
*''Good. Sending you coordinates to the Hive.''
*''What should work?''
*''Up. You're looking for the top of a tower, the central platform.''
*''Eliminate the Wizards, destroy their project, and stabilize this Rig.''
*''How bad's the damage?''
*''(Sigh) I'll take your word for it.''
