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"Now, now Asuna" Kirito interjected. "Wait until we get back, Lizbet deserves the right to torture him"
"Now, now Asuna" Kirito interjected. "Wait until we get back, Lizbet deserves the right to torture him"
'''Forest on the 22nd Floor'''
Kirito had lugged their prisoner back to the gates of Salem City and teleported back to where his little cottage was located.
"Lizbet!" Kirito called out as he entered the building. "We got you a toy!"
"Don't you mean it's for Yui" Lizbet asked as she came from the bedroom. "What toy? All I see is a trussed up prisoner…"
A look of understanding then came to her face, her eyes went wide and it looked like her face was starting to sparkle a little bit.
"Yes" Kirito answered the unasked question. "He's for you to play with"
Lizbet began to happily jump around and then grabbed Kirito by the head and forcefully kissed him.
"Thank you very much, Kirito" Lizbet whispered into his ear. "I think I need to properly thank you later tonight"
Kirito smirked before dropping the body to the floor and pulling Lizbet into another kiss. "I can't wait" he whispered back as he crushed her frame against his.
"Don't forget me" Asuna said from behind Kirito, pressing herself against his back. "I helped"
"PAPA!" a young girl's voice could be heard throughout the house. "You're back!"
Yui dashed as fast as she could across the room and smacked herself into Kirito's legs and latched onto them in a death grip. Kirito almost toppled from the sudden onslaught from the young girl.
Kirito had to struggle to see Yui through the mass of limbs around him. "Hello Yui" he greeted, smiling down at her. "What did you do while I was gone?"
"Ooh, ooh, ooh" Yui began to jump up and down while still attached to Kirito's leg. "Mommy explained to me that the reason why I keep hearing 'Oh God!' from your room is because Papa, Mama, and Mommy are praying together every night!"
"… What?" Kirito asked, not understanding exactly what Yui was saying.
"You know when you lock your door after you put me to sleep and then yo…-"Yui didn't finish her answer as Lizbet used both of her hands to cover her mouth.
"Nothing, it was nothing at all" Lizbet interjected, covering Yui's mouth with one hand while the other made a dismissive hand gesture.
Kirito had a blank look on his face still, but behind him, Asuna had a playful smirk on her face and gave Lizbet a wink. Lizbet chuckled slightly.
"Anyway, Yui, how would you like you to go on a picnic with Asuna and I?" Kirito asked.
"Yes, yes, yes!" Yui cried, hugging Kirito's leg harder. "… But what about Mommy?"
"Oh… well, Lizbet has a… job to do for me" Kirito answered, phrasing his words carefully.
"Oh…" Yui said, looking downcast at the prospect of missing one of her mothers for the picnic.
"Don't worry Yui" Lizbet said as she placed a hand on top of her head. "I'll just join later when I'm done"
Yui instantly brighten visibly, her face gaining a new radiance it lacked several seconds earlier. "Okay!" she cheered enthusiastically, finally releasing Kirito's legs and backing up slightly to smile up at Lizbet.
Lizbet smiled back and gave Yui's head a gentle pat.
"That's great, now Yui, please help Mama with packing the basket" Asuna said as she began her way to the kitchen.
"Yes Mama!" Yui said as she scampered after Asuna.
There was a soft click as the kitchen door closed behind the two. Kirito and Lizbet were left in the living room with an oddly large black sack between them.
"So… is that my present?" Lizbet asked sweetly, eyeing the bag closely. The smile on her face was eerily cheerful.
"Yes" Kirito answered. "It's for not taking you with us when we left" Kirito apologized. "Get everything you can from him" Kirito said as he gave the bag a swift kick.
"Okay, dear" Lizbet said as she grabbed the sack and literally skipped to the door the led to the basement.
Kirito was left waiting in the room for Asuna and Yui to come back with the necessary things for their picnic. He did not have to wait long as a several seconds later; Asuna came back carrying a large basket under one arm and Yui hopping along right behind her.
"Let's go" Asuna said as she grabbed Kirito by his right arm and shoving the basket into his left hand.
Kirito nearly fell over at the sudden weight, but righted himself and gave a slight sigh.
Kirito was about to head out when there was a slight tug on his pant leg. Kirito looked down to see Yui clutching the fabric with a shine in her eyes.
"Can I ride on Papa's shoulders?" she asked, smiling brightly at him.
Kirito only paused for a second before placing down the basket, and knelt down so Yui could climb up.
"Yay!" Yui cheered as she sat on Kirito's shoulders, resting her hands on the top of his head.
'''(Scene Break)'''
The three of them walked along several trails; Yui kept pointing at the most random things she sees and asking questions about them.
The three sat down on top of a small hill in a clearing, Kirito placed down a blanket and then the basket.
Asuna sat down gracefully and turned to open the basket while Yui got off of Kirito's shoulders and sat in his lap instead; the both of them were waiting impatiently for Asuna to finish making their sandwiches, their mouths watering.
Asuna laughed lightly at seeing their faces before handing them their lunch.
Kirito and Yui instantly began digging into their super hot sandwiches, looks of bliss on their face as they ate.
Asuna laughed again as she begin eating her lunch as well.
When they were all done, Yui wanted to play down the hill, and Asuna joined her as Kirito began eating his second sandwich.
Kirito was still eating when Lizbet showed up.
"So what did you find out?" Kirito asked, taking another bite.
"He didn't know much, but I was able to get a name; Poh" Lizbet answered.
"Hmm" Kirito murmured. "Poh, huh?"
"Do you know of him?" Lizbet asked, watching Kirito's thoughtful expression.
"Possibly" Kirito answered, taking the last bite of his sandwich. "Though, I guess I will need to find out more of what happened to the guild" Kirito said as he chewed.
Lizbet suddenly hugged him from behind; "You know, I'm still slightly unappeased " she said as blew into Kirito's ear.
"And what would you like that I could give you?" Kirito asked, already knowing the answer to his question.
"I'll… think of something" Lizbet said as she began to kiss Kirito's cheek and neck.
"Papa!" Yui cried. "Papa!"
"Yes Yui?" Kirito called back as Lizbet released him, a pout on her face.
"Come play with me please!" she asked, looking up at him from the bottom of the hill.
Kirito gave a chuckle as he stood up and stretched; "Okay, Yui" he said as he gave Lizbet a swift kiss before heading down the hill.
Lizbet scowled and followed Kirito, when he was just at the beginning of the slopes downward; Lizbet tackled him from behind as he took his first step down.
The two of them fell down the hill in a mass of limbs and entwined bodies. When they reached the bottom of the hill, Yui jumped in as well, thinking is was a new type of game they were playing.
"No Yui!" Kirito cried. "Don't grab my neck!"
'''(Scene Break)'''
'''Demacia City'''
'''Sixty-Fifth Floor'''
"So Kirito, where are we going?" Lizbet asked as she and Kirito were walking through the city square.
"To see someone" Kirito answered, his eyes never leaving the road and the surrounding area.
"Who is so important that we risk going so close to the Frontlines?" Lizbet asked as she watched the other players milling around, bad enough that she already drew attention just for being a girl.
"The man who knows everything" Kirito answered cryptically.
The two of them stopped outside of the actual city an were in the surrounding countryside. They were standing in front of a large farm actually; a male NPC was currently tending to some chickens, while the female was visible to be milking the cows.
"Why are we here?" Lizbet asked. "Is there some NPC here that is secretly a spy?"
"Close, but it's not the NPC that's the spy" Kirito answered with a wry smile, which disappeared as fast as it came onto his face.
Kirito tapped on the door several times, in several different intervals, in several different tempos.
Lizbet was mystified as to why he was currently randomly beating out on the door. Once Kirito stopped, he stepped back and stood as if waiting for something to happen. Lizbet opened her mouth to inquire, but soon forgot what she was about to say as the sound of large bolts were heard being pushed back, the rattling of several chains, and then the loud squeaking as the door opened inwards on less-than-regularly-used hinges.
"What?" Lizbet breathed out.
"Welcome to the Damocles Fortress" a voice said from within. "Are you ready to make a deal?"
"Huh?" Lizbet voiced again.
Kirito chuckled as he made his way into the building, followed by Lizbet. They walked through a dimly lit hallway with many doors leading to who-knows-where.
At the end of the hallway was a large ornate door. Kirito pushed it open without hesitation and walked right into the room, Lizbet stood unsure for a second before following Kirito inside.
The room was not extraordinarily large, but it looked like a meeting room instead of a study; there were several book cases full on the left-hand side of the desk, a great desk sat in front of a large set of glass windows that looked out into the countryside.
Behind the desk sat two people; one of them was a man with ebony black hair that fell only to the nape of his neck, purple eyes, and classical good looks. The other person was a girl, and she sat in the man's lap; she had lime-green hair that fell down to the middle of her back, and her eyes were currently closed as she kissed the man.
Kirito sighed as he stood waiting.
Several long seconds passed and the girl had still yet to stop kissing the man.
Lizbet tried getting their attention by coughing loudly; it seem to work as the girl released her lips from the man and turn around with an amber glare at Lizbet.
"Yes?" she asked coldly, staring at Lizbet. "And what is so important that is has to interrupt my time with him?"
"That is no way to greet your guests" Lizbet answered hotly.
"And who says that I must treat you properly?" the green-haired girl asked. "It's not like I care if you are comfortable or not"
"Why you…!" Lizbet growled out, her hand reaching to the mace as her waist.
Kirito grabbed her arm and gave a shake of her head. Lizbet scowled, but relented.
"So… Black Swordsman, what brings you here to my humble abode?" the man asked, one hand brushing through the girl's green hair.
"Information" Kirito answered. The man gave a bark of laughter.
"Obviously" he said, his hand now brushing up and down the sides of the girl, the girl in question gave a loud purr of pleasure. "What kind of information are you searching for?"
"On Poh" Kirito answered.
The hand on the girl stopped moving, and the girl gave a displeased pout.
"Poh, you say?" the man asked. "It's been a while since someone had asked for information regarding that man"
"So how much will this information cost?" Kirito asked.
"Not so fast" the man said, wagging a finger at Kirito. "You know my policy on giving away players"
"That has never stopped you from selling the locations of dozens of guilds, groups, and dungeon treasures" Kirito scoffed as he scowled.
"True enough" the man answered. "But Poh is a dangerous man…-"
"So am I" Kirito interrupted.
"… Are you trying to threaten me?" the man asked in a bored tone. Lizbet did not understand why the other man was not quaking in his shoes to answer Kirito's questions as fast as he could.
"Of course not" Kirito answered dismissively. "I'm only pointing out that as a fellow Beater, you would know the most about our capabilities"
"We're a dying breed" the other man said with a snort. "Anyway, why do you want information on Poh?"
"Does it really matter?" Kirito asked, a tad bit impatient. "Isn't good enough if I just want to get to know the guy better?"
The other man gave another bark of laughter.
"Don't try to bullshit me" the man suddenly said with a glare as the temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees at once. "I don't deal against our own, you know that"
"But he's broken the '''code''' " Kirito answered, his voice almost in a whisper.
"… So it's true then" the man behind the desk said with a sigh. "Well, I guess it has finally come to this" he then turned to the girl on his lap. "CC, go send a message to the rest, let them know of what has happened"
The girl did not say a word and instantly jumped off of him and left through a side door. The man behind the desk opened up his menu and began to fiddle around with it; a second later, a packet of paper was dropped onto the floor in front of Kirito.
"There's all the information on bases and personnel that belong to Poh" the man behind the desk said, pointing to the papers.
"How much will this cost me?" Kirito asked, eyeing the large stack of paper.
"Nothing" the man answered. "Poh is now lower than a Renegade. Just end the Oath-Breaker"
"Thank you very much, Zero" Kirito said with a short bow of his head.
Lizbet was shocked; Kirito never deferred to anyone… ever! Zero gave one more short laugh.
"I haven't gone by that name since the BETA stage" Zero said as he reclined in his chair. "I go by Shadow Broker now"
'''(Scene Break)'''
'''Several Minutes Later'''
"… Kirito?" Lizbet asked after then had left the pseudo-farm.
"Hmm?" Kirito made a random sound with his throat as he turned to her.
"Who was that man?" Lizbet asked.
"Zero?" Kirito asked as he jerked a thumb back at the building they just left. Lizbet gave a nod. "Well, during the original BETA Test for SAO, there were two groups of testers; those that were randomly picked (the newbies), and those who knew exactly what they were getting into and how to play a MMRPG (Massive Multiplayer Role Playing Game)"
"So Zero and Poh are both part of the latter?" Lizbet asked.
"Yes" Kirito answered. "When the Sao incident started, all of us proper Beaters had ourselves an agreement, an accord of sorts"
"What did you people agree upon?" Lizbet asked, fascinated by Kirito's unspoken past.
"We agreed to not meddle in each other's affairs and to only commit retaliation from a direct breach on the Accord" Kirito answered. "There's more to it than just this, but this is the main article of it"
"So how many great Beaters are out there?" Lizbet asked.
"Seven or eight left since the beginning of the SAO Incident" Kirito answered. "There's the leader of the 'Army' and his second-in-command, Me, Zero, I think Zero's girlfriend, a couple of Solo players on the Frontlines, and Poh"
Kirito remained silent the rest of the way back to the cottage; he eyes glued to the packet of papers given to him.
'''(Scene Break)'''
'''Twenty-Second Floor'''
'''Kirito's Cottage'''
'''Later That Day'''
The first thing Kirito noticed when returning to the cottage was that there was the smell of freshly baked pie.
"Asuna!" Kirito called as he stepped through the door. "We're back!"
"Papa's back!" Yui cried as her small form raced down the stairs and collided with Kirito's legs.
"Hello Yui" Kirito greeted as he gave her a pat on the head.
"Hello Kirito" Asuna said as she came from the kitchen.
"Hello…-" Kirito began.
"Asuna!" Lizbet cried, cutting Kirito off. "I got stuff to tell you!" she then proceeded to grab Asuna by the arm and drag her up the stairs.
"Does Papa know why Mommy just did that to Mama?" Yui asked as she gave a curious look at their retreating backs.
"Not a clue" Kirito answered immediately. "Now come on; let's go eat some pie"
"Yay!" Yui cried as she latched onto Kirito's leg all the way down the hall to the kitchen.
"Hmm" Kirito murmured as he stopped in the hall and checked the clock on the bottom right-hand side of his menu. "Maybe we shouldn't; it's almost time for your nap"
"I'm not sleepy!" Yui cried as she began trying to drag Kirito to the kitchen. "I don't need any nap today!"
"That may be, but then Mama would get angry at the both of us" Kirito argued, suppressing a shiver.
"Hahaha" Kirito laughed as he allowed himself to be dragged to the kitchen to indulge Yui.
In the kitchen, on the counter was a very tasty looking Wildberry Pie. Kirito instantly went up to it and took a serving knife from the knife block next to it and cut out two slices; one for him and one for Yui.
The two of them sat down at the kitchen table and began to dig in to their pie. The two of them were still eating when Asuna and Lizbet walked into the kitchen.
One look from the rest of the pie on the counter to the happy expression on Yui's face, Asuna instantly understood what had happened and dealt with Kirito accordingly.
"Ah!" Kirito cried as he grabbed his head in pain, rubbing the back of his skull to sooth the sudden attack. "What was that for?"
"For ruining Yui's nap time and my plans for the afternoon" Asuna snapped as she glared at Kirito.
Kirito seem to wilt slightly under her gaze; he knew far too well what happens when Asuna and Lizbet have too much pent-up frustration and no release for several days on end.
"Ki-ri-to" Asuna sang out, a smile frozen on her face, the corner of her right eye twitching as an aura of doom began to surround her.
"Y-Yes?" Kirito asked, shrinking back in his seat.
"Yui, let's go take your nap now" Lizbet said as she picked Yui up in her arms, planning to leave before things got more dangerous.
"Okay!" Yui said happily, oblivious to the atmosphere. Kirito deflated as the only thing stopping Asuna was taken away.
"You know the rules" Asuna said as she continued to smile; an angry tick mark was making its appearance on her forehead.
"I-It wa-was just o-one slice" Kirito stuttered out.
"So?" Asuna asked, the tick mark getting bigger. "Rules are rules"
Asuna proceeded to grab Kirito by his black jacket and drag him off.
"NOOOO!" Kirito cried.
'''(Scene Break)'''
'''Dinner Time'''
"Mama, why does Papa look like he has had his soul sucked out of him?" Yui asked, taking a bite from her Roast Pheasant.
It was true though; Kirito looked like someone had sucked all the blood from him, he looked like a dried husk or mummy.
"Whatever do you mean?" Asuna asked, one hand coming up to cover her mouth as she smiled, her eyes crinkling.
Yui tilted her head in thought, glanced once more at Kirito's prone form and decided it was not worth her trouble and continued eating.
(Scene Break)
The Next Day
"I'm going out" Kirito declared the next morning as everyone was eating.
"Where are we going?" Lizbet asked, her eyes gleaming.
Kirito only shook his head; "Just me" he answered. "I'm going out alone"
"And why is that?" Asuna asked now, her tone cold and demanding.
But Kirito did not back down, not this time.
"I have business to attend to" he answered. " Guild business"
Asuna did not give an answer and only continued eating. Lizbet said nothing as she turned her face down towards her food, and Yui continued happily eating.
There now was an awkward silence at the table, and the awkwardness continued until Kirito stood up, gave Yui a kiss on the head, and walked out of the cottage.
Suddenly, Asuna gave a sigh as she stood up from the table, and rushed after Kirito. Lizbet stood up a second later and followed Asuna. Yui, with nothing better to do, went as well.
The three of them caught up to Kirito just as he was about to teleport away.
Asuna ran up and kissed him; "You better come back fast" she growled.
Lizbet also kissed Kirito; "Please bring me back something new to play with" she said sweetly.
Yui hugged Kirito's right leg; "Can you bring me back a book?" Yui asked, looking up at Kirito.
"Sure" Kirito answered, ruffling Yui's hair.
He gave Asuna and Lizbet one last kiss each before shouting; "Teleport Kalimdor!" and disappeared in a flash.
'''(Scene Break)'''
'''Kalimdor City'''
'''Forty-Fourth Floor'''
Kirito slowly walked into the fortress city, his eyes constantly moving around, scanning the area for targets or people of interest.
There were several distinct features of this City: the majority of the buildings had flags draped over balconies or were flying the flag on poles, scruffy looking individuals were everywhere, and for the most part, Kirito saw almost no one on the main road.
Kirito continued on his way, only sparing some of the people around only a single glance as he walked. Eventually, Kirito came to the gates of the City's inner Sanctum.
Kirito rang the bell and waited.
The gates creaked loudly as the opened inwards, and Kirito strolled in.
[[File:Kirito Ornament.jpg|300px|thumb|False God Ornament Concept: Long Live the Black Swordsman]]
[[File:Kirito Ornament.jpg|300px|thumb|False God Ornament Concept: Long Live the Black Swordsman]]