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What feels like several hours later, Kirito is awake, but just barely. Asuna had fallen asleep after their late night activities and he couldn't help but think back to the time when they first met.
What feels like several hours later, Kirito is awake, but just barely. Asuna had fallen asleep after their late night activities and he couldn't help but think back to the time when they first met.
Chapter 1: Five Weeks Prior

Kirito was having a bad day, first; the ambush he planned on the twenty-second floor had been themselves taken in an ambush, all but one were killed. 'What I wouldn't give to have someone on par with me to help lead attacks'. He thought darkly. Kirito walked out of the "Rehabilitation" room and smirked at the name; it was the room he used to interrogate and torture traitors, unlucky victims… and fools who bring bad news.
Chapter 1: '''Five Weeks Prior'''
''''Kirito was having a bad day, first; the ambush he planned on the twenty-second floor had been themselves taken in an ambush, all but one were killed. 'What I wouldn't give to have someone on par with me to help lead attacks'. He thought darkly. Kirito walked out of the "Rehabilitation" room and smirked at the name; it was the room he used to interrogate and torture traitors, unlucky victims… and fools who bring bad news.

Kirito entered the mess hall of their base on the thirty-fifth floor; the room was full of the most rowdy, bloodthirsty, and violent people in all of Aincrad (him included). All noise stopped as he walked in, all eyes fell to his figure as every member watched "The Black Swordsman" stride to the centre of the room.
Kirito entered the mess hall of their base on the thirty-fifth floor; the room was full of the most rowdy, bloodthirsty, and violent people in all of Aincrad (him included). All noise stopped as he walked in, all eyes fell to his figure as every member watched "The Black Swordsman" stride to the centre of the room.
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The people most loyal to Kirito were sitting in a corner and did not take part of the rowdiness before Kirito showed up. From left to right were Cline; Katana wielder, Rosaline; Infiltrator/Spear wielder, Mustafah; Battleaxe Tank, Lizbet; Weapon-smith/Mace wielder, and Reki; Tactician/Throwing Knife expert.
The people most loyal to Kirito were sitting in a corner and did not take part of the rowdiness before Kirito showed up. From left to right were Cline; Katana wielder, Rosaline; Infiltrator/Spear wielder, Mustafah; Battleaxe Tank, Lizbet; Weapon-smith/Mace wielder, and Reki; Tactician/Throwing Knife expert.

These five had been with Kirito for the past eight months when he had first joined the guild.
These five had been with Kirito for the past eight months when he had first joined the guild.''''

8 months ago
8 months ago
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As they left Kirito had only his thoughts. 'So it begins. All the other teams will be distractions while "Fuurinkazan" goes after the real target.' Kirito began walking out and headed to the sixtieth floor to train.
As they left Kirito had only his thoughts. 'So it begins. All the other teams will be distractions while "Fuurinkazan" goes after the real target.' Kirito began walking out and headed to the sixtieth floor to train.
Chapter 2: First Encounter
Chapter 2: '''First Encounter'''

Sixtieth Floor
Sixtieth Floor
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When they did get around to finally leaving Kirito's office, Kirito instantly became serious as he went to find all Squad Leaders and to give them their new orders. Waving goodbye to Lizbet, Kirito briskly walked to see Cline. 'Soon the war will begin, but who shall cast the first stone?'
When they did get around to finally leaving Kirito's office, Kirito instantly became serious as he went to find all Squad Leaders and to give them their new orders. Waving goodbye to Lizbet, Kirito briskly walked to see Cline. 'Soon the war will begin, but who shall cast the first stone?'
Chapter 3: '''It Begins'''
'''Laughing Coffins Headquarters'''
Kirito headed towards the war room after calling for all Squad Leaders to assemble. War was looming on the horizon, and only one will stand at the top.
Kirito had just finished ordering all squad leaders to their assignments in preparation to the looming battle. Some looked eager to shed blood, while others were more conservative with their anticipation, but it was there nonetheless. He had thought long and hard, but had come to a decision; he will go in search of the girl from the day before.
Several Hours Later
Kirito had aimlessly walked around the mostly unexplored forest of the sixty-third floor, very close to where the frontline was, but far enough that the "Clearers" would not be near.
Kirito was travelling along a game trail that seems to have belonged to a deer when he came upon the entrance to a dungeon, with nothing better to do, Kirito entered the dungeon. Kirito fought through several roaming bands of Lizardmen until he arrived at a junction that branched off into three other tunnels.
The left-most tunnel had the design of what appeared to be a sword and shield over it, the middle tunnel had a grinning skull, and the right-most tunnel had a scythe over it.
Kirito, being one for thrill and danger, instantly went with the grinning skull and went down the middle tunnel. Not even a minute since entering the tunnel, Kirito was attacked by a Cyclops; a seven foot tall creature with one eye and armed with a wooden club. Wishing to try something new, Kirito got in the Single Shot Position and aimed his throw as the monster gave a roar and charged. It did not make very far as Kirito threw his thin knife dead centre into its eye. The Cyclops gave a roar of pain as it dropped to its knees and covered its blind eye. Kirito wasted no time and sliced off its head.
Kirito was attacked several more times by Cyclops and twice by marauding Goblins; squat little vicious monsters that were very weak, but came in squads of five. Kirito grew bored as he cut through the tenth and last Goblin; 'Whatever is at the end of this tunnel better be worth it, I'm forced to fight through such pests' Kirito thought as he continued through the tunnel.
Kirito soon saw light at the end of the tunnel and quickened his pace forward. As he exited the tunnel, Kirito was blinded by the light as he left the dark tunnel. As his sight came back to him, Kirito squinted to see his surroundings and noticed that he was outside in another part of the forest, and a chest was on a dais three feet from him. Kirito gingerly moved forward as he Scanned the area to confirm that he was alone.
As Kirito confirmed that there in fact was no one in his immediate surroundings, he opened the chest. Inside was an emerald green crystal, mystified as to what it was, Kirito moved over it and saw that it was an Invincibility Crystal; the most rare and powerful crystal that only two others had been found, earning the words "ultra-rare" before speaking of it. It allowed the bearer to emit green light around their body and made them into an Immortal Object for the span of five minutes. With shaking hands, Kirito placed the crystal into his inventory.
So engrossed with his good fortune, Kirito paid little to no attention to wherever he was going, the thoughts of the crystal still in his mind. As he was leaving the forest area, he walked right into someone and they both fell down. As Kirito was about to apologize, he then realized who he had run into; it was the girl was before, Asuna the 'Flash'. Kirito's mind went blank for a second and then he started praising whatever being that governed the universe. ' Praise the Creator, for He brings marvelous gifts!'
Kirito then got up and helped Asuna back to her feet. "Fancy running into you here, are you following me?" Kirito asked with a smirk.
"It's you!" Asuna exclaimed. " I wanted to do some more stuff with you, but I didn't know how to contact you".
"Do you want to do some stuff now then?" Kirito asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Sure!" She replied. "What do you want to do?" She asked.
"Let's go explore the forest and hunt us some game!" Kirito suggested.
"You want to go exploring and to hunt wildlife?" Asuna asked with an incredulous expression.
"Not wildlife! I'm talking about other players!" Kirito explained. "With there being such a large portion of the forest unmapped, there are bounds to be a couple parties here and there!"
Asuna took a moment to absorb what Kirito just said, and a predatory smile soon graced her beautiful face. "I like that! Let's go now then!" She exclaimed as she began to drag Kirito along as she ran to the forest.
Kirito and Asuna spent the next several hours playing "Hunt the Rabbits" a very fun pastime where the players go forth and search for weak pests and rabbits and dispose of them through very violent and messy ways.
Evening on the Sixty-third Floor
Kirito and Asuna went into an inn to share a meal after the time they spent hunting. Asuna drew many a man's eyes as she walked in, and Kirito could not help but glare and release killing intent at them. Asuna patted his arm and gave him a smile to show that what he was doing was appreciated. Some of the braver/dumber ones decided to take Asuna off Kirito's hands, so to speak. They were left beaten and bloodied outside in several short, but education duels.
After finishing their dinner that was disturbed by several fools, Kirito and Asuna went outside and into the forest to have a friendly duel. Kirito and Asuna stood on opposite ends of a small grassy clearing as they regarded each other. After initiating the duel the two began their respectable moves; Asuna began with a simply four hit combo of hers that used speed over power, a Blitzkrieg attack. Kirito went right ahead with an over-head Avalanche strike. Kirito's attack was repelled and several light cuts covered his torso and upper chest.
Asuna smirked as she saw the attack connect, but it soon fell off when Kirito used Horizontal Square and gave a deep gash on her right arm.
Asuna had a blank look on her face as she regarded the wound, although the attack had more luck then actually skill in connecting, the amount of damage she received was equal to that of a Clearer! Asuna began to pant at just the thought of a man who could fight on par with her.
Kirito also noticed the change come over Asuna and wondered what it could be. As the fight wore on, Kirito began to notice the puffy lips, the constant and quick panting, the slight shiver of her body when ever their swords collided, and the glazed over expression on her face, that drew Kirito to only one conclusion… she was getting turned on as they fought. Kirito had to admit that the fact of Asuna going into heat as they fought was undeniably sexy, and a major turn on for him. Kirito's own body began to react to the fight as it progressed; his true smile was showing now and there was an unmistakable bulge in his black trousers.
It was only a matter of time when they both forgot about the duel and just collided in the air, as they grabbed onto whatever they could reach on each other and began to kiss. The strange couple fell onto the grass as they began to French kiss. It was not for a couple minutes before the two broke apart for air, a trail of saliva connected between their mouths. The two gazed into each other with lust filled eyes and stayed like that for a full minute.
The two then did what any horny couple would do in a situation like that; they recklessly made love in the clearing. It was not for several hours before either of them realized what had happened and neither of them cared, regardless of the consequences.
The Next Morning
As Kirito awoke, he realized that he had forgotten to confront Asuna with the truth. 'But do I really want to do that now?' Kirito mused as he glanced to his side and saw her sleeping peacefully. 'Regardless, this is about the bettering of the Guild, and not my hormones'. Kirito thought as he came to a decision.
Kirito stealthily slid out from under Asuna and quietly equipped his trusty sword Demonreach. After quickly getting into position, Kirito lightly kicked Asuna in the leg to wake her up.
Asuna woke with a start. "What's happening" She had yet to fully wake.
Asuna's eyes slowly focused on the sword and then travelled upwards to the hand holding it and then to the face of which the hand belonged to. Her eyes narrowed as she realized that the person threatening her was the same one she just slept with.
"What is the meaning of this?" Asuna asked as she tried to use her cursor without Kirito noticing.
"Stop moving your right hand or I will cut it off" Kirito ordered in a cold tone. "we are going to have a chat, whether it ends in one of us dying is up to you"
Asuna thought about it for a moment. 'I could risk it, or just see what he has to say' Asuna came to a decision. "Let's talk then, why are you doing this?" She asked
"Because you aren't what you appear to be" Kirito cryptically answered.
"And that warrants you to hold me up at sword point?" Asuna incredulously asked.
"It does when you are dealing with one of the most deadly players in Aincrad, and not to mention the leader of the 'Knights of Blood'". Kirito explained. Asuna's face had gone from snow white pale to deathly pale.
Asuna regained her composure after several seconds of silence. "And how do you have that information?" She asked as her eyes narrowed and all trace of any form of softness in her tone gone.
"Because you aren't the only one with a powerful guild behind you and because your men have been causing trouble for mine" Kirito answered. "You recognize this don't you?" As Kirito said that he showed Asuna a tattoo she had previously missed during the night before.
"You are one of those 'Laughing Coffin' guys, you serve under that bastard the 'Black Swordsman'!" Asuna spat out. "He sent you to kill me didn't he? Hmph! Loser can't even do his own dirty work"
"Sorry Asuna, but only one of you assumptions are correct" Kirito said with a chuckle. "You see, yes, I am part of the 'Laughing Coffins' but I do NOT serve, as you so eloquently put it 'that bastard the 'Black Swordsman'. I am actually said bastard. By the way, I actually do my own dirty work"
Asuna gaped for a minute before asking; "You're him? I thought you would be taller, or even, maybe more buff"
"Yes, I am the 'Black Swordsman' and no; this is how I look in reality as well." Kirito said with a sigh, many a people had questioned whether he really was as strong as they said he was, all that did had be put in their place… six feet under.
"Since we have gotten the pleasantries over; why have you been targeting my people these past couple of months?" Kirito asked with a glare.
"Cose your bastards tried to take over OUR ambush" Asuna said. "We'd been planning that attack for months and then some amateurs tried to take our prey, worse they had the balls to try to rape me as well, but we showed you! Your little group ain't the only powerhouse here." Asuna was now sneering at Kirito.
"Why did that survivor say they were ambushed and attacked without reason?" Kirito pressed, trying to get the real reason.
"What survivor?" Asuna asked perplexed. "We didn't leave a survivor, we turned every last one into polygons, I made sure of that."
"Well you did, because one came back with three-quarters of his health gone and a crystal showing the whole thing" Kirito explained.
"But we didn't leave ANY survivors, you sent twelve guys to the ambush site, we killed TWELVE guys" Asuna said.
"But I got a survivor and proof that my men were wiped out and all you have is your word" Kirito said.
"Let me see this fucking crystal you have" Asuna said.
Kirito thought for a moment and lowered his sword, but not before tying her hands behind her back.
Asuna and Kirito watched the video crystal together. The crystal showed the twelve of Kirito's men get annihilated by a much bigger group of twenty or so KoB members. After the video played out, Kirito turned to Asuna; "Well?" He asked.
Asuna gave him a You're-so-dumb look and said; "You're an idiot"
"What!" Kirito exclaimed.
"Yeah, you are. Didn't you notice that the video showed the entire battle and not from one person's perspective?" Asuna asked, disbelief evident in her voice as she looked at Kirito.
"Now that you mention it-" Kirito began.
But Asuna interrupted him; "And another thing, you saw all of your men die, but the guy recording seems to have been hiding during the whole fight."
"Okay, but-" Kirito was once again interrupted.
"And lastly, untie me now, dumbass." Asuna ordered
Kirito sighed as he went behind her and untied her bindings. "Look, I'm sorry about the whole thing-"
At that moment when her bonds were gone, Asuna flipped around, grabbed Kirito by the black jacket and pushed him onto the ground with her on top. A kitchen knife or all things appeared in her hand and it was hovering dangerously close to his throat. "Never do what you did to me earlier again, or this knife will castrate you" Asuna growled.
Kirito gulped and nodded weakly, the risk of losing his manhood even for several minutes was a daunting prospect.
Asuna grinned and got off of Kirito, when she stood up, she offered her hand to Kirito. Kirito gladly took it and stood up as well. An awkward silence then filled the clearing. Neither knew what to do now, they had made love and then threatened each other, and the fact that they were rival leaders also stood between them.
"Sooo… Let's start fresh here" Kirito said. "Hi, I'm Kirito, leader of the 'Laughing Coffins' and the one called the 'Black Swordsman'" As he offered his hand to Asuna.
"I'm Asuna, leader of the 'Knights of Blood' and called the 'Flash' for my speed and dexterity" She said as she took his proffered hand.
The two stood shaking hands for what seemed like an eternity, until Asuna spoke; "So what now?"
"Do you want to get some breakfast?" Kirito asked. "I know this great place on the fifty-third floor that sells these great stuff called that looks and tastes like crepe, but is called Sweet Bread."
"I would love to go there" Asuna said as she blushed. 'Sorta feels like a date'
Just as they were about to leave the clearing for some breakfast, someone stumbled into the clearing, she had pink shoulder length hair, bright blue eyes, and was carrying a mace.
"Lizbet!" Kirito called out as he realized who was standing in front of him.
"Kirito!" Lizbet called as she threw herself at him and gave him a big hug before kissing him. "Where were you this whole time? We were all worried that you got ambushed while soloing and-"
"Cough, cough" Asuna made some noise to get her attention. "Why did you just kiss him?" She asked in a sickly sweet voice that promised death for the wrong aswer.
"Cose he's my boyfriend" Lizbet said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Asuna gaped at Lizbet for a second and then slapped Kirito; "Bastard, you made love to me while you had a girlfriend?"
Kirito reeled away from the slap and was rubbing his cheek as he answered; "It's okay Asuna."
"How is it okay?" Asuna demanded as she began to take out her rapier.
Asuna was stopped as Lizbet grabbed bother her hands and pinned them above her head, Asuna was unable to get free and futilely tried so.
"So you're the one that Kirito chose as his second partner" Lizbet said. "You are quite beautiful, I might take a bite myself sometime" She said as she gazed up and down her body with lewd eyes.
"What are you talking about?" Asuna asked as she tried to break free from her grip.
"You look scrumptious, mind if I have a taste?" Lizbet asked, and before Asuna could answer, she had devoured her lips in a kiss. Asuna was stunned and did not understand her own feelings and her thoughts reflected it. 'What the hell is going on? I'm being kissed by another girl, why aren't I fighting to get free?, why does my body feel so hot all of a sudden?, and why does her lips taste like strawberries?'
Asuna's conflicted thoughts and emotions paved the road to a new self discovery about herself. Asuna had no idea as to why she felt so, so good being kissed by a girl and accidentally let out a moan.
Lizbet took her moan as the go ahead to stick her tongue into Asuna's mouth. Lizbet then loosened her hold on her hands and wrapped one arm around Asuna's waist and the other across her back. Asuna moaned again into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Lizbet as well, all thoughts of breaking free gone and replaced by the sense of touch, taste and lust.
Kirito stood to the left of the two the whole time with eyebrows raised and a growing sense of lust in the pit of his stomach. As most young men, Kirito was immensely turned on by the sight of two girls kissing and touching.
After several minutes, the two stopped kissing and both turned towards Kirito.
As one, they both said; "Well? Aren't you going to join us?"
Kirito's face lit up with the biggest grin ever.
Several Hours Later
After spending some quality time with his two lovers, Kirito was aimlessly wandering about in his keep in a daze, the thoughts of his now existing sex life left he giddy. Kirito actually forgot that he had a meeting with the squad leaders about the 'KoB'.
Coincidently, the room he wandered right into was the war room. Kirito finally regained his senses when he smacked into the opposite wall in front of all his subordinates.
Kirito gave himself a little shake to orientate his thoughts. As he gazed around at his men, Kirito realized that what he was about to say would sound downright ludicrous.
"Ahem, there has been some… new developments in the pursuit for revenge" Kirito began. "It seems that the so called 'Knights of Blood' did NOT in fact ambush the team, it seems that I was, ahem… fooled" Kirito finished weakly as he showed them all the video crystal's contents.
Stunned silence filled the room following the crystal, after several seconds, the room burst into chatter. Some voiced their displeasure and yelled to all within earshot to replace Kirito with themselves, some yelled to hell with any code of conduct, just kill them anyway, and the last group of lieutenants facepalmed at their leader's moment of stupidity and waited to hear their next orders.
Kirito gave them a minute to try to inflate their standings before unleashing a miniscule amount of killing intent, just enough to shut everyone up and get all eyes back to him.
"Now it seems that there is no point in preparing to fight them at all, but that doesn't mean there isn't someone out there trying to screw us over. Whoever sent the fake survivor here wanted us to waste resources and manpower in a needless war, what we now need to do is figure out who sent him in the first place and why" Kirito paused for breath. "Your orders are the same, but just that there will not be a big battle" Kirito began to leave the room, but stopped, turned around and addressed the assembled men again. "If you so badly want my position, then you should fight me for it" Kirito unleashed the full brunt of his killing intent, several of the weaker willed individuals keeled over and fainted, a couple went into the fetus position begging for their mommies, and the rest stood stock still, frozen in position, unable to even move a muscle. Once again, they were all reminded why Kirito was in charge.
Even with Kirito out of the room, his killing intent hung around them like an anaconda with its prey. Cline was the first to regain movement of his limbs and left the room to find Rosaline, they had some unfinished business to do, and he needed something to get over the fear. The other leaders slowly left the room individually, a couple at times or not at all, it all was depending on their level.
Kirito now had an overflowing plate; the subtle attack of an unknown assailant had nearly cost him much of his manpower, two lovers now that seem to be nymphomaniacs, and then there was the renewed search for him up on the frontier. 'I am never going to fight a boss again' Kirito thought as he remembered the fight against the fifty-eighth's boss guardian.
Kirito had decided to explore the frontier, not many people from the lower levels ever come up, the need to be ten levels higher than the current floor is demanding and not worth wasting time that could be spent lazy off. Kirito was more than sure he could hold his own against whatever came at him, even if it was a Clearer. Kirito knew about bosses, having help fight the one on the thirty-fifth floor and the twenty-ninth floor back before it was life or death respectively.
Kirito was in need of a challenge and to fight some weak monsters on the thirty-sixth floor was boring. Kirito was currently in a dungeon area wandering around, passing several other players who nodded in greeting. Kirito chose not to attack them this time. He was hoping for some monsters to stumble upon him to attack. Kirito entered a room to find in surprisingly big and devoid of any monsters. Kirito was too busy admiring the towering pillars that were placed all around the outer edges of the room that he did not notice the grand staircase he was currently standing in front of.
Kirito gazed around for the pillar that seemed to be missing until his eyes caught the sight of the staircase, with a sinking feeling in his stomach, Kirito mentally did a checklist. '1. Very big room, check. 2. Staircase leading upwards with a barely visible gate, check. 3. No monster in sight… *Gulp*, ch-check' Kirito just realized that he was in the boss room, but the boss was not in sight.
'Where the Hell is the boss guardian of the floor?' Kirito asked himself as his eyes constantly moved around the room, sweeping from left to right. Kirito then used Scan and still found nothing in the room. Kirito moved into the centre of the room and turned 360 degrees, but still found no trace of the guardian. Kirito was contemplating what to do next when several large droplets of liquid fell onto his head, drenching his head and shoulders completely.
Kirito finally realized where the guardian was the whole time… right above him. With another sinking feeling in his stomach, Kirito slowly raised his head to look directly upwards. Kirito's face paled severely as he came eye to eye with a humongous spider. With eight visibly gleaming red eyes, the spider gazed back as its fangs sprang open and it gave a hiss.
Luckily, Kirito dove to the left just in time before the spider landed where he just was, sadly, he was on the opposite side of the room to the door out, right in front of the staircase. Kirito steeled himself as he read the name of the guardian; Black Widow. 'Fitting' Kirito thought as he placed Dual Swords into his slot. Kirito was not going to pull any punches here, he could actually die.
Kirito grabbed the hilt of the second sword and pulled it from its scabbard across his back, Kirito got into his stance; His left foot was half a body in front, his waist was lowered, and the sword in his right hand was held downwards with its tip nearly touching the floor, while the one in his left hand was held above his head, pointing at the spider.
The spider sprang with such speed that Kirito almost missed it moving, the spider jumped right in front of him and tried to bite Kirito's head off. Kirito rolled to the left and swung both swords at one of its legs, only for the two swords to bounce off and nearly knocking him off balance.
Kirito took to the offensive and attacked the spider's main body, but he was once again stopped by the heavy scales on it. Kirito backpedalled to get some distance between them and to better observe the monster. Kirito noticed that the underbelly of the guardian was a lighter shade of black then the rest of the body, it was more of a fleshy grey colour. He spider tried again to catch Kirito in its mouth as it sprung forward again. Kirito this time dove forward directly underneath the spider and stabbed both swords upward, the two swords each pierced eight inches deep as the monster gave a high-pitched scream as its health bar dropped one-tenth of the way down.
Kirito pulled his swords out and jumped to the right as the spider tried to crush him. Kirito got into his stance as the monster got back up and faced him. It then jumped onto one of the pillars and started climbing upwards. Kirito lost sight of it, but prepared for anything. Several seconds later, several litres of what appeared to be green slime rained down onto his position. Kirito was not fast enough to dodge all of the slime and was clipped on his right leg, the slime that connected onto him began to eat away at his clothes and then his body.
"Ahhhh!" Kirito screamed as the acid severely burned his leg and he lost a fifth of his health. The spider then landed a meter or so away from him and prepared its hindquarters to pounce again. Kirito tried to jump away again, but the use of his right leg was limited and he was only able to stumble. The spider landed almost on top of him and grabbed him between two of its legs before jumping onto a pillar and holding him up above the ground. Kirito struggled to get loose from the guardian, but to no avail, he could only swing his swords about, but they did not damage against the spider's hide. Kirito gazed into the spider's eight eyes and saw himself reflected in all eight. Kirito then had an epiphany; he went into his inventory and pulled out his special dagger and dropped it on the spider's face.
The dagger pierced one of its eyes and the spider screamed again as it dropped Kirito onto the ground. Kirito ran at the monster again and used Raging Whirlwind a thirty-two hit combo that seemed like it was meant to fight bosses with.
To an onlooker's point of view, he or she would see almost a literal tornado attack the spider and in the center of the tornado you could barely see the outline of a somewhat skinny young man. The living maelstrom hit the spider like a tank does to house; ramming it and running it over.
As the winds bowed down, Kirito stumbled a little as he turned around to see about the spider. The boss' health had be reduced to the finally three red dots and it was stumbling a bit as it tried to stand up on eight severely damaged legs. There were cuts all over its body and several of its eyes were bloody pulp and one was hanging out by a thread of sinew.
The spider was about to jump back onto a pillar and climb away, but its body suddenly froze and it was left crouching on the floor. With the massive amount of damage it took from Kirito's last attack and its body weakened in such a state, the poison was finally able to take root within its body.
Kirito slowly dragged his feet towards the guardian, his tired footsteps was the only sound in the room. Kirito stood in front of the guardian and once again saw himself reflected in the undestroyed eyes and with a tired smile, he stabbed it in the head. The body disappeared and so did the acid burns around the room. Kirito grabbed a healing potion and drank its contents, tasted like fruit punch. As his health slowly healed, Kirito went to the large double doors. As he was about to open them, several other players burst in with weapons raised, ready to face the boss, they were completely confused when they saw no Boss, the leader of the party noticed Kirito and called out to him. "Hey! Hey you!"
Hearing the man call out to him, Kirito bolted through the door and came onto the newly discovered fifty-eighth floor, he was standing in the city square of Azeroth City. Kirito quickly pulled out a teleport crystal and ported back to Lumbridge.
End of Flashback
After word had spread that the floor had been cleared and most shockingly that the group of high level Clearers were beaten to the kill by only a single man, Kirito was a wanted man. He earned himself the nickname 'The Dark Knight' and many a players wanted to know who this strong player was and why did he not fight against other bosses with the Clearers? The ability to single-handedly defeat a boss is astounding and such a player with that ability would be a welcome sight to those on the frontier. The only clue as to the man's identity was that he looked to be in his mid-teens and was wearing light black combat armour of unknown make. The fact that the unidentified man did not come forward had many people questioning who he was; Was he ashamed at how he looked? Did he just live in a really remote village? Or did he have a dark past that would better be left alone?
Many Clearers believed the last assumption to Kirito's identity and had started cracking down on orange guilds. Last he heard; the 'Hell's Angels' and the 'Black Knights' were all either killed or rounded up and sent to 'The Army' for prison.
Kirito was mentally tired and was about to go to sleep on his desk when a quiet knock was heard. Kirito looked up as the door opened and walked in was both Asuna and Lizbet, both had very perverted looks on their faces and a slight sway to their hips as they came towards him.
Kirito mentally groaned, he would not be getting any sleep tonight.
[[File:Kirito Ornament.jpg|300px|thumb|False God Ornament Concept: Long Live the Black Swordsman]]
[[File:Kirito Ornament.jpg|300px|thumb|False God Ornament Concept: Long Live the Black Swordsman]]