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The ''chemoautotrophic'' {{Plain|[ Crystaliens]}} are an ethereal, almost angelic species. Standing approximately two-and-a-half meters high, they are primarily confined to the watery depths of the subglacial oceans of Titania, and are said to resemble glowing angelic creatures of the night.  
The ''chemoautotrophic'' {{Plain|[ Crystaliens]}} are an ethereal, almost angelic species. Standing approximately three-and-a-half meters high, they are primarily confined to the watery depths of the subglacial oceans of Titania, and are said to resemble glowing angelic creatures of the night.  

===Anatomy and physiology===
===Anatomy and physiology===

Revision as of 01:47, March 29, 2017

Scene 1 Scene 2 Scene 3 Scene 4
Green/Peppy N/A Green/Peppy Green/Peppy
N/A Red/Faraday Red/Faraday Red/Faraday
Gold/Pepper Gold/Pepper Gold/Pepper Gold/Pepper
Blue/Fox Blue/Fox N/A Blue/Fox

Makes sense.


The chemoautotrophic Crystaliens are an ethereal, almost angelic species. Standing approximately three-and-a-half meters high, they are primarily confined to the watery depths of the subglacial oceans of Titania, and are said to resemble glowing angelic creatures of the night.

Anatomy and physiology

Physically resembling the anthropoi—apart from being thinner—their primary characteristics is a pair of vast, membranous wingspan up to six meters connecting to their arms, ending at the wrist. Smaller secondary and tertiary pelvic fins aid in maneuvering. They lack anal fins. Possessing a two meter long "tail"—actually their digitigrade hind limbs pressed close together—ending in twin vertically forked fins similar to a Thresher shark's they can move swiftly when desired. While these "two tailed" fins are mistaken for feet they actually hidden at the base with four clawed and webbed toes.

Instead of hair they have a long cartilage "wing" dividing into forked membranous fins and extend outward a little ways; this connects to their dorsal fin heterocercally. Extending from this connection is a single dorsal fin that divides in two when it reaches their pelvis. Their arms are humanoid and end in four, webbed fingers. These are extended when in motion.

Crystalian blood is yellowish-orange in color, and they "breathe" hydrogen. This process is inefficient compared to oxygen-breathers. Their bioluminescent skin is studded in mottled light bluish-green patterns and can change colors. In addition to camouflage or luring in prey, this bioluminescence is used for communication. It is soft to the touch, almost like statin, with small electrical impulses jumping at contact. Their humanoid faces, while smooth and nearly featureless, possess two pairs of eyes, a mouth, and a protuberance which resembles a nose. Gills are located about the neck. The eyes are colored either cyan, magenta, yellow, green, purple, or related shades thereof. They also communicate via echolocation.

Crystaliens possess little sexual dimorphism and generally resemble anthropoi females with minor physiological differences; "sex" is instead recognized as a social function, with three different "female" genders recorded and one "male". Monogamy is unknown, likely because of the disparate ratio between the different types. However there is a definitely sexual aspect to their reproductive cycle—any of the three female types can be fertilized by the male, and once this is accomplished, she goes and lays nearly microscopic eggs near or within a crevice, and then abandons them once done. This kind of fertilization may account for the disparate eye color and sizes. Crystaliens live for typically four hundred Titanian years because of their slow metabolisms.

Uniquely, the Crystaliens communicate not only through color-coded patterns and echolocation but telepathically. They possess a organ in their frontal temporal lobes which allows them to somehow communicate via the mind. This is poorly understood. Touching one's skin would establish contact yet they can communicate effortlessly with individuals they have never seen before.

Life cycle

Crystalien birthrate is low owing to their long lives.

Each Crystalien begins as a tiny microscopic "egg", resembling a seed crystal. When the Crystalien female is fertilized she lays a grouping of eggs between twenty to thirty in number inside rock cracks and crevices for protection. Most of these do not survive, crowded out by their faster growing siblings as they absorb and synthesize nutrients directly from the water. Those that do survive cohere together for mutual protection and warmth. They change and transform rapidly over time, extruding so much energy they melt their way into the rock, rooting inside. Eventually this collated crystal reaches half a meter in size, and resembles a rhomboid capped by two pyramids.

Then they become dormant, storing their gathered energy for a final metamorphosis, growing at a steady rate to preserve as much of this stored energy as possible. During this time their telepathic abilities begin to mature and they experience the passage of time in a dreamlike state. They may stay in this form for many Titanian years. When fully mature they "awaken" and emerge from their protected place, now a small crater, and pull apart. Nearly sixty one centimeters long they reach out telepathically to the rest of the Crystalien civilization and are retrieved by a young adult. They then enter Crystalien society.

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When death comes the dying Crystalien, white and nearly colorless, is bound in a chrysalis, their wings covering them. The funeral is a solemn affair, everyone who has known the departed attending the "burial"—mentally, they watch the soul fading from the body until it is an empty husk, and the funeral ends.


Despite living underwater and having no access to fire—and thus, conventional technology—the Crystaliens nonetheless possess a marvelous culture. In addition to communicating via the colors of their skin and echolocation, Crystaliens have a musical language of haunting beauty. Each song is filled with complex, melodious symphonies which communicate every emotion possible to one another. Due to their telepathy, they have a richly preserved culture, allowing for an individual's achievements to live on enshrined in racial memory.

Courtship is a very involved process for the Crystalien species. The male would approach a certain "female" with a mixture of singing and fluidic dancing. The female could either respond favorably or not. If the latter, the male moves on to another. If the former, she answers in likewise manner, dancing in intricate patterns while singing in harmony, unison, or dissonance. These courtship rituals can last for many months of the Titanian year, as time is reckoned, and are largely dependent on the participants' skill in wooing the other.

While lacking fire, this did not prevent them from building an elaborate network of Hive cities and nests around strategic hydrothermal vents, usually located on mountains or plateaus. Similar to insects, the Crystaliens meld together rock and a waxlike substance they secrete to form bubble-like buildings with multiple chambers branching outward. Reefs which form around vents often become part of these interconnected buildings, blurring the difference between artificial and natural, and it is not uncommon for a nation-state to be made up on one gigantic city. Entrances are located in the ceiling of the building, with windows unknown, and internal entrances are usually wide to accommodate many swimmers; certain "plants" and animals are cultivated as light sources for more cavernous buildings.

"Water-temples" are unique buildings that are not located in any city or dwelling except for the High Temple, but rather scattered about the subaqueous landscape, hidden within fields of swaying seaweeds or exposed on flat plains of sand and mud. Neuromancers live in solitude, meditating on their religion, occasionally coming together for certain rituals or to welcome a novice, and sometimes meeting with another non-Neuromancer.


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Governmental structure

Crystalien government is a monarchical, feudalistic type of government, made up of small Courts presided over by a larger, collective Tribunal which answers to the Council and ends with the Hive Monarch. Confusing to outsiders, as everything takes place telepathically, the Crystaliens term it "the Hierarchy of Hierarchies". Nearly every position is held by females though it is not unheard of for males to be involved. The ratio is usually one King to three hundred Queens.


Courts are the lowest form of the monarchical government. Each is ruled by a single Queen, termed Lesser. The lowest of the Hierarchy of Hierarchies they administer a single Crystalien city and surrounding communities, making local decisions and judging over the courts of law. They also oversee the tending of the young. These are often the “first voices” the newly matured Crystaliens will hear. They answer to their local Tribunal.


Higher up are the Minor Queens, the "governors" of a group of cities and communities. Their court is called the Tribunal, and is made up of ten to twelve Lesser Queens answering to them. They help guide the matured Crystaliens to their chosen roles in addition to making decisions at the regional level. They answer to the Council.

The Council

Making up the supreme legislative body of the Crystalien civilization is the Council, composed exclusively by the Greater Queens and presided over by the Monarch. With no more than seven hundred to eight hundred at a time these individuals administrate entire Crystalien "nation-states", attended to by a court of hundreds of Minor and thousands of Lesser Queens, and decide the future of the Crystalien civilization. Many political factions and cliques are formed within the Council.

Hive Monarch

Presiding over the Council is the Hive Monarch, the supreme ruler of the Crystalien civilization, who makes the final decision when all is said, debated, and done by the rest. She is chosen from among the ranks of the Council, although it is not unheard of for a Minor or even Lesser Queen to take the role. This is a position held for life until age intervenes. When she reaches a certain advanced age, the Council votes on who becomes the next Monarch; when this is decided, usually by popular vote (weighed by the individual’s character and qualifications), the old ruler retires and becomes a permanent advisor to the new Monarch until her death.

Lesser/Minor/Greater King(s)

While not entirely unheard of, this is a rare occurrence. Females generally are the ones who govern, as the ratio of female to male is three to one and coupled with a low birthrate. Occasionally one male will ascend to any of these positions and be a ruler, sometimes even ascending to the position of Hive Monarch..


The Crystaliens believe in two deities, or entities, virtually foreign to the anthropinos’ conception of God, called the Gods of Light and Dark. According the Crystaliens the Gods of Light and Dark are all that existed or ever would exist. The universe is a commingling of their attributes, with the Dark having the greater contribution while the Light is more concentrated; thus they—and the universe itself by extension—are eternal. They are neither evil nor good but simply are.

The universe, according to the Crystaliens, is a dark and lonely void filled with beings who create their own light. Those with enough generated light are able to see “the Path", a concept or ritual belonging to their beliefs that is apparently a guide to transcendence and enlightenment. When one has tread upon the Path for long enough they would begin to comprehend the "Oversoul", an eventual unification of the entire Crystalien species into one entity, united yet separate. This is considered to be a nascent “god” to one day take its place in the mysterious pantheon of the twin Gods of Light and Dark.

Opposing them are what the Crystaliens call "evil spirits", failed creatures who strayed off the Path by material lust and temporal preoccupation, allowing their light to grow dim, and are alone and friendless. These seek to prevent others from journeying along the Path, and prevent the Oversoul from forming out of spite and jealousy. It is rumoured that their chief was once a powerful Crystalien religious leader who fell into the eternal darkness and grew to hate the light.


These mysterious individuals are separate from the Crystalien Hierarchy of Hierarchies, serving as priests and bishops for the Crystalens spiritual needs. They live alone within water temples that are set apart from the busy cities. They seldom enter the mental networkings except in great instances, and when they do, grave portents are afoot. Situated in the deepest center of the largest city the High Temple is where the new Hive Monarch is crowned by the Elder Neuromancer, attended to by all of the Neuromancers. That is the only regular exception to their rule of solitude. These are all exclusively male.

Their ranks are as follows, from lesser to greater:

  • "Novice"
  • Neuromancer
  • Master Neuromancer
  • Adept Neuromancer
  • Arch-Neuromancer
  • Elder Neuromancer

They meditate on their place in the world and in the Path. They guide others along the Path, dispensing wisdom when they choose to "speak", which is rare; mostly they communicate via mental impressions. They occasionally glimpse the Oversoul and its coming place in the divine pantheon, and wrestle with the "evil spirits" that threaten to stray themselves and others from the Path into darkness.


A mysterious being, known only through myth and legend. It is uncertain if they are the Gods of Light and Dark or, as their name suggests, messengers of these entities. The Kōnerian Expedition has never seen one and infers by acciocation.