Dredgens of Yore

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Dredgens of Yore
Bento Quests.png


Episode: Revenant

Quest giver:

Xûr, Agent of the Nine


Dredgens of Yore is one of the questlines that are a part of a limited-time event during Episode: Revenant.


"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

Step 1[edit]

  • Speak to Drifter in the Tower to see what tactical defense assignment he has for you next.

"I take it all back—I'm going to Neomuna. Gonna upload myself into that CloudArk of theirs, maybe become some kind of computer virus."

Drifter rubs his temples. "Everything was simpler when I had a different crew every week, and we were all trying to kill each other."

His expression of grim severity doesn't survive under observation. "Hey. Let a man live."

Yet another container of food is pushed into your hands. "You take care of that, and I'll think about sticking around."

Step 2[edit]

  • Get Guardian final blows in Crucible or Gambit. Final blows in Gambit and with Hand Cannons earn additional progress.
    • Guardians: x/50

Step 3[edit]

  • Return to Eris on the Moon.

"Guardian, I wish to express my gratitude. Not only for the food, which has been… unexpectedly appetizing."

"I have enjoyed these regular visits. They invite recollection, without sorrow. As much as I have lost, today I find myself in the company of those who will extend to me their kindness and their trust, and that is a great gift."

"We are not the same people we were even a few years ago. To risk connection is to be changed. And we have changed too much already to fear what the future may bring. I only count myself fortunate that, when I walk forward to meet it, I will not do so alone."

"…And please, tell Germaine that he is not fooling anyone. He wouldn't leave now that he's just begun showing off his culinary skills."
