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During the fight, Fikrul almost killed both Ira and Shur, and Seja had to leave and bring them somewhere to be healed. The rest of the Guardians, and Gariks, had to finish Fikrul on their own, but they eventually did get him.
During the fight, Fikrul almost killed both Ira and Shur, and Seja had to leave and bring them somewhere to be healed. The rest of the Guardians, and Gariks, had to finish Fikrul on their own, but they eventually did get him.
===After the Hunt===
During their hunt for the Scorn, Seja fell in love with one of the members of their team, Joseph-10. The two got together after the hunt for the Scorn, and they planned on spending their lives together. Seja continued her work for the Awoken, and Joseph followed her everywhere she went.
Seja was separated from Joseph when she was called back to the [[Prison of Elders]] about a year after their hunt for the Scorn. She was informed by Petra that there was a massive riot going on, and Seja dropped everything she was doing to help out. She had heard Cayde was there as well as another [[The Guardian|Guardian]], but she didn't see them as she was fighting on another level with her team.
Seja, Ira, and Shur were sent to the prison blocks on the upper levels to combat the escaping Vex of the [[Aphix Invasive]]. The three Awoken easily pushed through the Vex forces, and were able to clear an entire cell block of them when they were washed by a sudden wave of dying [[Light]]. Everyone in the prison at the time had felt Cayde's [[Sundance|Ghost]] die. Ira and Shur didn't know what was going on, but feeling the death of his Ghost shook Seja.
As Seja was taking her time to recover, the doors to the Vex cell blocks were burst open, and they fought against the Scorn once more. Petra told Seja that the prison was lost, and the three Awoken pushed their way through the Scorn to get back to their ship and retreat.
====The Arrival====
Seja and her team were sent to the watchtower in the [[Tangled Shore]] after the events at the prison. They learned Uldren had escaped and were investigating what he could be after. Seja left Ira and Shur outside as she went in, she was still in denial that Cayde was killed and thought it could have been the other Guardian, but she didn't know.
As Seja searched the inside of the watchtower she felt the ground shake as hundreds of [[Skiff]]s made their way across the Tangled Shore, the skiffs belonged to the House of Hunters. The House of Hunters had fully revealed themselves to get revenge on the ones who killed [[Forum:Rhetiks, Hunter Archon|Rhetiks]] and they started their search on the Shore as that's where he was killed.
Some time after the events of [[Forsaken]], Ira, Shur, and Joseph were killed. Seja entered a state of depression, though she continued to work for the Awoken she just preferred to work on her own. She never took any mission very seriously until she discovered a [[Cabal]] plot to invade the [[Black Garden]], and she and her forces rushed to [[Mars]] to stop the Cabal attack from happening.
Seja and her forces attacked the Cabal on Mars, from [[Freehold]], all the way to the [[Cerberus Vae III]]. Seja found that Cabal and Vex weren't the only beings on Mars, and she transmatted down to find a Titan named [[Forum:Wrath-5|Wrath]]. She didn't know, but at the time Wrath was possessed by a dark spirit, controlling his every action. Seja asked him if he wanted to assist in their mission to stop the Cabal, and he agreed.
Seja and Wrath fought through the Cabal at the Cerberus Vae III and went inside. The Awoken ships were able to disable the weapons on the outside of the massive [[Imperial Land Tank]] while Seja and Wrath pushed inside, taking their commander down and stopping their attack.
It was after the battle that Wrath revealed to Seja he wasn't actually Wrath, and was the demented spirit of [[Dredgen Yor]]. Seja recalled her memories of the tales of Shin Malphur, and she immediately went to kill him, but he was able to escape. Now Seja had to worry about the Cabal and Wrath.
Seja knew that Wrath wasn't a problem that the Awoken had to focus on, and she discreetly payed a visit to the [[Vanguard]] to get there help, doing so she also met up with Gariks again who just so happened to be Wrath's best friend. The Vanguard were little help, but [[The Drifter]] showed up at the perfect time and offered his expertise. They came up with a plan to lure Wrath to the [[Shard of the Traveler]] in the [[EDZ]], and the immense light there would purify him.
The plan worked out great, and the spirit of Dredgen Yor left Wrath's body. Seja was glad that yet another threat was swiftly dealt with, and she returned to her mission to stop the Cabal.
===Cabal Chaos===
Seja and the Awoken learned of a massive gathering of Cabal ships above [[Hellas Basin]] on Mars, and she began planning out their assault. As she was getting prepared to take the fight to the Cabal, Wrath showed up at the [[Vestian Outpost]] in search of her. Seja was uneasy around him, but she slowly grew more comfortable around him before they went out to battle.
The Awoken forces formed up on the ground, surrounding the Cabal forces while they were out of sight. Seja and Wrath lead the charge as they began to tear through the Cabal forces on the ground. Seja got in her ship and began attacking the Cabal ships in the sky, while Wrath personally boarded one and took it down from the inside.
===The Collective Mind===
After their campaign against the Cabal came to an end, Seja and Wrath fell in love with each other. They went on multiple dates before another threat emerged. A threat on [[Venus]].
Seja and Wrath returned to the Vestian Outpost to discover that Vex activity on Venus had substantially increased, and they didn't know the cause of it. So they went in to investigate. Seja and Wrath discovered that all of the remnants of the [[House of Winter]] had been destroyed or pushed away, even [[Wintership Simiks-Fel]] was missing from [[The Cinders]].
Vex activity had increased all over the planet, but one area in particular was extremely popular. The Vex gate at the [[Endless Steps]]. Seja and the Awoken had prepared multiple probes, designed to look and act like Vex [[Harpy|Harpies]], though with careful examination it would be clear that they were not in face Vex Harpies. Seja and Wrath approached the gate and it activated, a massive [[Gate Lord]] stepped out and attacked them, unknown to them it was [[Forum:Socales, Gate Keeper|Socales, Gate Keeper]], [[Forum:Hezen, Collective Mind|Hezen's]] enforcer.
Seja and Wrath soon discovered how to take Socales down, and once they killed it she sent the probes through the gate. Once the probes were through, they came under attack by the Fallen. Not just any Fallen, but the House of Hunters. Rhetiks showed up at the Endless Steps, despite the fact he was killed years prior, he was brought back by the Vex and he was more machine than alive.
Rhetiks killed Seja multiple times, forcing Wrath to watch as he butchered her in front of him, and soon threw her down to the forests below. Wrath tried to kill Rhetiks, but Rhetiks bested him and tossed him down after Seja.
In the trees, Green was being pursued by Vex forces as he searched for Seja's body, he was almost killed before he could revive her, and once she was back up they retreated.
Upon their return to the Outpost they discovered the presences of multiple extremely powerful Vex minds in the depths of Venus. The probes had shown them that Socales was rebuilt, it was now much stronger after their fight. It showed the Venusian Depths, and the [[Forum:Vex Assassin|Vex Assassins]], and the probes were killed upon the discovery of the [[Forum:Protective Mind|Protective]] and [[Forum:Corrective Mind|Corrective]] minds. While the probes were there they were able to extract data on Hezen, Collective Mind, but they never got any visuals on it.
After seeing what the probes had found, Seja immediately went to work organizing a [[Raid]] to stop them.
===Before the Storm===
After the mission on Venus, Wrath disappeared for 3 weeks straight, sending Seja into a deep state of worry and fear. When Wrath returned she grew angry at him as he just left without saying or doing anything, but she was glad that he came back. The state Wrath had put her in made her in no shape to fight, and she had just discovered the new location of Rhetiks at the time as well. Wrath left to take on Rhetiks on his own.
After the fight with Rhetiks, Wrath returned with a severely wounded Gariks. Both of his right arms were missing, and his exoskeleton was torn and shattered. Seja and the Awoken rushed to give him medical help. Seja left for the [[Plaguelands]] on her own while Gariks recovered.
Seja found Rhetiks and the House of Hunters in the Plaguelands, and she was even able to overhear a conversation between Rhetiks and the [[Kell]] of the House of Hunters, [[Forum:Kaephis, Kell of Hunters|Kaephis]]. She discovered their plan to invade the Plaguelands, but her excitement of finding out the Kell of the House of Hunters got the better of her, and she accidentally revealed herself to them. The Hunters attacked her and she rushed back to her ship to escape.

==Personality and Traits==
==Personality and Traits==