Act II - Grave Robber

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Grave Robber


Kell's Fall

Act II - Grave Robber
Act II Rev Quests.png


Episode: Revenant

Quest giver:

Tonic Table


Act II - Grave Robber is the main questline for Episode: Revenant Act II.


"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

Step 1[edit]

You have agreed to help Mithrax and Eido investigate the ruins of the Prison of Elders to see what the Revenant Scorn are up to. Prepare for combat and head there now.

  • Investigate Revenant Scorn activity at the Prison of Elders in the Reef. Complete a run of the Tomb of Elders.
    • Tomb of Elders completed

  • Variks: Guardian. After so many years, so much bloodshed, Variks regrets we must return to the—
  • Warden AI: Prison of Elders welcomes you. Impress your Warden, yes?
  • Eido: Variks? Who is that?
  • Variks: A… malfunction. Confused Servitor from years past. Variks begs your pardon.
  • Warden AI: Round: [ERROR] Kill or be killed.
  • Variks: Variks does not sound like— [chitters] Variks will fix this. For now, we continue, yes?
The Guardian descends into the Prison.
  • Warden AI: Opponent identified. Hibernation shutdown sequence in progress.
  • Variks: Opponent…? The Warden is pulling prisoners from cold storage.
  • Eido: They're still alive in there?
  • Variks: Not for much longer.
The Guardian defeats the prisoners and proceeds to the next cell block.
  • Variks: Enough. Variks demands you initiate shutdown! Override code: Loyal.
  • Warden AI: Doppelganger Lockout Protocol in effect. Ha-ha-haptic interface connections — severed.
  • Variks: Doppel…? Prison of Elders belongs to Variks!
  • Warden AI: Fight. Win. Live. Face judgment.
The Guardian defeats the prisoners.
  • Warden AI: You fought, you won. Your treasure awaits.
  • Variks: The Warden withdraws. So must we.
  • Eido: We took part in this… blood sport. What now?
  • Variks: Servitor interference was… unexpected. But Variks will be better prepared. We must push deeper into the Prison. Decipher Fikrul's purpose. Prevent revenant Scorn from overrunning the Reef.
  • Eido: I should send Petra an update. Good work so far, Guardian.
  • Variks: Your report — Variks’ involvement is minimal, yes?

Step 2[edit]

Mithrax sent you to investigate the Tomb of Elders for Revenant activity, and you discovered some technology that might be useful for upgrading the repurposed Fallen Walker.

  • Technology recovered from the Tomb of Elders could improve Eido's lab. Bring anything useful that you find to the lab.
    • Tonic Laboratory upgraded

Step 3[edit]

You've found some salvage from the Tomb of Elders that might be useful to Eido and her Tonic Laboratory. You should speak to her in the Last City.

  • Speak with Eido in the Last City.
    • Eido visited

Eido squints happily as she accepts the salvage you pilfered from the Tomb of Elders.

"Along with the new reagents you've picked up from that awful place, we might be able to develop new tonics to test on the battlefield."

"I keep asking Crow to let Eramis help us, but he's as immovable as a Walker inside a web grenade discharge. I've been running tonic theory by her anyway, and I think we should see some new results. Soon, I hope, for my father's sake."

Step 4[edit]

Fikrul's still at large and the Revenants continue to hound the Eliksni across the system. Crow is reaching out to you through the radio in the Last City.

  • Your tracker indicates Crow is trying to reach you through the radio. Head to the Last City and hear what he has to say.
    • Message heard

  • The Crow: Guardian. Hope you're ready to get out there, because I sure am. Fielding a lot of angry calls lately. You every picture me doing desk work? … Don't answer that.
  • Eido: You must free Eramis!
  • The Crow: Eido, you can’t just — what are you talking about?
  • Eido: We aren't making any progress on our own. I need help developing new tonics. Just think about how much Eramis has seen — how much she knows about Old Riis. She can help us.
  • The Crow: Eido, you know that Eramis has a lot to answer for.
  • Eido: She can't do that from inside a box! You're just wasting time — more Eliksni are lost every day. Let her make amends by saving lives.
  • The Crow: Eramis didn't come here to make amends! She came to us because Fikrul had the upper hand. The people of this city trust us to keep them safe. I can't tell them I let a murderer run loose because you wish she was your friend.
  • Eido: [scoffs] You haven't changed! You worry so much about what people think of you. You don't care that Fikrul is out there, turning hundreds of Eliksni into hollow shells. Or that my father is… That I don't know how to help him!
  • The Crow: Eido…
  • Eido: Eramis is your trophy, and that's all that matters to you.
  • The Crow: Hey, that isn't… Eido? Yeah. That went great. I'll get you the latest from the field, Guardian. I just… need a minute to secure comms.

Step 5[edit]

Crow tried calling you on the radio and was interrupted by Eido, who demanded Eramis be freed to help against Fikrul and with tonic research. The call ended with the two straining their relationship, and you caught in between them. Eido is trying to reach you by holoprojector.

  • Speak with Eido via the holoprojector in the Last City.
    • Holoprojector visited

  • Eido: My father's condition is deteriorating. He's not himself. His mind veers constantly toward vengeance. He questions those most loyal to him, and — And I have nothing! No answers. No cure. Only jars full of powders and a few hundred ancient texts I can't make sense of! I-I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't… You have enough to worry about. Variks has some troubling reports from the old prison. Apparently, there have been intruders. Someone else with an interest in Fikrul's new abilities. He needs you over there right away. I don't know how much longer my father has. And if a Kell of Kells isn't there to challenge Fikrul… We have to end this soon.

Eido is visibly distressed. "My father's condition is deteriorating. He's not himself. His mind veers constantly toward vengeance, he questions those most loyal to him, and-"

"And I have nothing! No answers. No cure. Only jars full of powders and a few hundred ancient texts I can make no sense of! I'm sorry. I should… You have enough to worry about."

"Variks has some troubling reports from the old prison. Apparently there have been intruders-someone else with an interest in Fikrul's new abilities."

"He needs you over there right away."

"I don't know how much longer my father has. And if a Kells of Kells isn't there to challenge Fikrul…"

"We have to end this soon."

Step 6[edit]

Your allies are at a loss for how to proceed. Attacking Fikrul's supply of Revenant soldiers in the Tomb of Elders may be the best way to hinder him in the short term, but Eido and Variks have mentioned other forces appearing in the Tomb, perhaps interested in the source of Fikrul's new paracausal abilities.

  • Assault Fikrul's forces in the Tomb of Elders by participating in the Contest of Elders. Complete challenges and defeat combatants. Challenges award additional progress.
    • Fikrul's forces disrupted: x/900

  • Variks: Variks detects many life signs within the prison, Guardian. Not all are prisoners. Nor are they Eliksni. Shadow Legion, Hive… and worse. Do they chase Fikrul's power? Or make alliances?
The Guardian descends into the prison.
  • Mithrax: Variks. Have you regained control of the command center?
  • Variks: Ah… No, Misraakskel. The Warden Servitor has—
  • Mithrax: No excuses. Find Fikrul. Let nothing get in your way.
  • Variks: Of course, Misraakskel…
The Guardians defeat the prisoners.
  • Warden AI: Victory. Well earned.
  • Mithrax: I see your Warden Servitor is entertained. But our quarry slips your snare.
  • Variks: We close on him by the hour, Misraakskel. Fikrul's servants fill old cells with captives. He must arrive soon to alter them. When he arrives, we strike. Trust Variks, yes?

Step 7[edit]

You've cleared the Tomb of Elders of hostiles once again, including Dread, that possibly manifested to investigate Fikrul's Echo. Fikrul himself has yet to make an appearance in the Tomb. Check in with Eido.

  • Return to Eido in the Last City.
    • Eido visited

Eido's forehead crinkles with worry. "Thank you for patrolling the Prison once again, but I wish you had encountered Fikrul down there, if only to confirm his whereabouts. The combined efforts of House Light and Vanguard scouts haven't been able to find Fikrul, either."

"Eliksni enclaves across the system continue to burn. My father is running out of time. We all are."

Step 8[edit]

Your tracker indicates Mithrax is reaching out to you on the holoprojector in the Last City.

  • Speak with Mithrax via the holoprojector in the Last City.
    • Holoprojector visited

  • Mithrax: It pleases me to see you embrace the title of Slayer Baron. The Dark Ether of many Scorn stain your armor. But against the dead, killing is not enough. It is clear that Fikrul seeks something within the Prison of Elders. What is it, we do not know. But I have a song in my blood, an intuition which gives me fear… That it is a dangerous weapon from our past. A memory from a long-dead House, revived in Darkness. Return to the prison and stop the Scorn from reviving that which should remain buried.

"It pleases me to see you embrace the title of Slayer Baron. The Dark Ether of many Scorn stain your armor."

"But against the dead, killing is not enough. It is clear that Fikrul seeks something within the Prison of Elders. What it is, we do not know. But I have a song in my blood-an intuition-which gives me fear…"

"That it is a dangerous weapon from our past. A memory from a long- dead House, revived in Darkness."

"Return to the Prison and stop the Scorn from reviving that which should remain buried."

Step 9[edit]

Perhaps because of the paracausal Darkness lingering in his own soul, Mithrax senses something amiss in the Tomb of Elders. Variks will join in the search for Fikrul.

  • Complete the mission "Captive Memories."
    • Mission completed

See Captive Memories for a transcript of the mission.

Step 10[edit]

You defeated a resurrected Revenant Skolas in the Tomb of Elders, but Fikrul was able to revive him with the Echo of Riis. Tell Eido about your findings.

  • Speak to Eido at the holoprojector in the Last City.
    • Holoprojector visited

  • Eido: Incredible! The Echo is alive? And so is Skolas. My father told me many stories about him. Few good. If the Echo reached out to you, actually communicated, using that song from Old Riis… Variks recognized it. Eramis might, too. She’s nearly as old as he is. She remembers Old Riis. If there's anyone who can reach out to the Echo, help us call it away from Fikrul… Guardian, we have to free Eramis! I know it’s a lot to ask, but… Look, it’ll be easy. I have a Golden Age relic that I think Spider will like. A kind of scroll, with many vibrant illustrations. Spider has all kinds of useful devices. I bet people ask him for help breaking out of jail all the time! We can't wait any longer. And I know this is the right call. But if it isn't… Tell Crow, I'm really sorry.

"Incredible. The Echo is alive? And so is Skolas. My father told me many stories about him. Few good."

"If the Echo reached out to you, actually communicated, using that song from old Riis…"

"Variks recognized it. Eramis might too. She's nearly as old as he is. She remembers old Riis. If there's anyone who can reach out to the Echo, help us call it away from Fikrul… Guardian, we have to free Eramis!"

"I know it's a lot to ask, but… Look, it'll be easy."

"I have a Golden Age relic that I think Spider will like. A kind of scroll, with many vibrant illustrations."

"Spider has all kinds of useful devices. I bet people ask him for help breaking out of jail all the time!"

"We can't wait any longer. And I know this is the right call. But if it isn't… tell Crow I'm really sorry?"

Step 11[edit]

The news of Skolas's return has spurred Eido to ask you for help in breaking Eramis out of Vanguard custody. She may be able to help against Fikrul and his Echo, especially if it's truly of old Riis. Find the Golden Age relic she's left you to trade Spider for a jailbreak device and contact him on the holoprojector to make the exchange.

  • To "encourage" Spider to assist, retrieve the Golden Age relic Eido left for you upstairs in the Tonic Laboratory.
    • Comic book retrieved

Step 12[edit]

You've acquired the Golden Age relic Eido left for you, meant for a trade with Spider to obtain a jailbreak device to release Eramis from Vanguard custody. Leave it at the holoprojector for Spider and contact him to procure his jailbreak device.

  • Speak with Spider at the holoprojector in the Last City.
    • Holoprojector visited

  • The Spider: Hmph. So Scribe Eido wants to organize a prison break. I never thought she'd have the claws to defy the Vanguard. Maybe my mentorship is finally sinking in. Still, damn foolish if you ask me. Eramis was never an earner. Did nothing but spend for all those years: Ether, lives, weapons. All wasted. In time, she'll spend Eido's good will too. Mark my words. But… business is business. I see you have my payment. Check your console. I left what you'll need to open the cell. Just don't let the Praxics catch you with it. They might confuse it for the one that went missing from their vault. Now go. Let Eramis and Fikrul tear each other apart. Just… don't let anything happen to our little Eido, eh?

"Hmph. So Scribe Eido wants to organize a prison break. I never thought she'd have the claws to defy the Vanguard. Maybe my mentorship is finally sinking in."

"Still damn foolish if you ask me. Eramis was never an earner. Did nothing but spend for all those years: Ether, lives, weapons. All wasted. In time, she'll spend Eido's good will too. Mark my words."

"But… business is business. I see you have my payment. Check your console. I left what you'll need to open the cell. Just don't let the Praxics catch you with it. They might confuse it for the one that went missing from their vault."

"Now go. Let Eramis and Fikrul tear each other apart."

"Just don't let anything happen to our little Eido, eh?"

Step 13[edit]

You've bartered for Spider's Pocket EMP device that may or may not have come from the Praxic Warlock vaults. Bring it to Eramis's cell and use it to disable the barrier door and Eramis's restraints.

  • It is now or never: time to break Eramis out of her cell. Use the Pocket EMP at Eramis's cell door to disable the barrier as well has her cuffs.
    • Barrier and cuffs disabled

  • The Crow: Guess Eido talked you into it, huh?
  • Eramis: Ugh. I have seen more competent escape attempts from hatchlings.
  • The Crow: It’s not the Guardian's fault. I figured Eido wasn't going to let this go.
  • Eramis: And now? Back to my cell? Or have I spent your patience, at last?
  • The Crow: I'll make you a deal. You don't do anything stupid, and in exchange, I won’t tell the rest of the Vanguard that their golden Guardian set you loose. And we all agree to pretend Ikora doesn't already know.
  • Eramis: You are not serious.
  • The Crow: Eido thinks you're still capable of doing the right thing.
  • Eramis: She is naive.
  • The Crow: I'd say "hopeful", maybe. Eido's convinced you can help us figure out how to stop Fikrul. Fact is… we could use some help. So I'm choosing to put a little faith in you at the moment. Far as the City's concerned, Eramis is missing. I'll handle it. Just don't let me regret it. I'm counting on you here, Guardian… Eramis.
  • Eramis: Insufferable fool. And now, I am at YOUR mercy. For the sake of discretion, let us part ways here. I will contact you once I reach Eido's coordinates.

Step 14[edit]

Crow intercepted you before you could reach Eramis to free her. However, he had the same idea in mind, to release her to help against Fikrul and his Echo. Speak to Eido about what's transpired.

  • Return to Eido in the Last City.
    • Eido visited

"I'm so glad you didn't get thrown in jail too!" Eido gives you a quick hug as you approach.

"I heard everything from Eramis. I'll help get her somewhere safe and hidden within the City."

She looks down at her hands for a moment. "I think I've been too hard on Crow."

"We need you back in the field, but you've taken a burden off my mind. Thank you for your help!" She squints happily.
