List of Shuro Chi quotes

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Shuro Chi Quotes

Spine of Keres

Spine of Keres, Ansible Lens

  • Awoken communication systems rely upon paracausal realities. We route our communications and transmat networks through other worlds.
  • This is an ansible lens. It is capable of relaying and transmitting messages between Awoken cites and ships at faster-than-light speeds.
  • We built the Dreaming City with the help of Ahamkara. Their wishes fueled our innovations, but it was our own ingenuity that shaped our evolution as a people. Wishes go only so far with the short-sighted and unimaginative.

Spine of Keres, Cave

  • I don't know who or what that face depicts. All I know is the Awoken did not carve it. Queen Mara has said it's an ugly thing carve your own likeness in stone while you still live.
  • I can name the heroes depicted in every one of our statues... but this face is a mystery. We did not carve it ourselves. It simply manifested overnight.
  • The Dreaming City is so-called because the Awoken drive the fate of the Dreaming, and the Dreaming drive the will of the Awoken. The Dreaming have been known to manifest on occasion - strange faces, peering from rocks...
  • There are rumors that the Dreaming City was built upon the foundations of a ruined planet, one we found and towed back from beyond. They say we preserved the old structures and built atop them...

Spine of Keres, Crystal

  • This place always reminds me of Illyn and her dusty-old epics… How did it go? Mm, "In anguish, dying, maimed, they keened unheard into the ether's vast and airless reach. A final whisper deep within them stirred and crossed the void. Then voices filled the breach."
  • Illyn, the mother of our coven, used to bring us here to remember the old epics. A piece of one used to go, "Speaking us awake – darkness and starlight released our minds and overwhelmed our sight. Their cosmic boon did we at first rejoice, 'til they laid at our feet a fateful choice..."
  • Illyn used to gather us here to recite the old epics. She'd say, "I sing of twilight's children, who awoke; when at the edge of darkness, all hope lost, upon the treacherous reef their vessels broke, and untold kin their exodus cost."

Spine of Keres, Flowers

  • That's pink asphodelia. Plain, but pretty. We used to grow asphodelia to mark births and deaths. It's taboo to pick the flowers for any other reason.
  • Many Reefborn Awoken experience prophetic dreams. They vary, but often feature the same symbols - roiling oceans, or starless skies, or, commonly, flowers...
  • Legend has it that these asphodelia were originally cultivated from red flowers in the Black Garden. You can see they've lost their vivid color.
  • When I was Taken, my thoughts were not my own. It was as though I had been exiled from my own body. But there were moments of clarity when I could see something, or smell it... like these flowers.

Spine of Keres, Meditation Circle

  • When I was learning to be a Techeun, I often meditated here. I'd like to tell you it was a transcendent experience, but… most of the time I was bored to tears. Ha! I was so young!
  • Young techeuns in training used to come to this platform to meditate. Now, just three of us remain and we will train no more - by decree of the Queen.
  • Generations of techeuns have stood where you stand now, dreaming of a future where they might twin themselves to their own Harbinger.
  • This was once a training ground for Techeuns... Hmm, do you know Petra Venj was once meant to join our order? She denied the call. It's just as well, I suppose.

Spine of Keres, Oracle Engine

  • The Oracle Engine is a bridge - and I mean that in two ways. Like the bridge of a ship, its powers can be used the whole of the Dreaming City… and like a bridge across a chasm, it links worlds together.
  • We created the Oracle in communion with the Ancients. It was our invention, and ours alone. The Ahamkara had nothing to do with it.
  • I'm told that before the Collapse, humans invented mechanical models of this solar system. This is no model. Models are static. They do nothing but mimic an idea. This Oracle - it creates ideas.

Spine of Keres, Star Map

  • That map is not just decoration. It is a kind of prediction. The Awoken will meet their final fate somewhere in those stars and planets, wherever they may be.
  • Before the Queen left, she conjured the map you see there. I do not know what it represents or where it is - but I trust it is important to our future as a people.
  • When you know your future, you must make yourself ready to meet it. This map is not so much a signpost as it is a promise.
  • The Awoken were wayfarers. We walked between worlds; we charted the stars. It's for this reason I know Queen Mara respected Oryx. He was a beast - but a navigator, too.

Spine of Keres, Wall

  • We Techeuns wear gems to augment our innate powers. The variety of mineral varies by personal preference and by task. Amethyst, in particular, is good for communing with the Ancients.
  • We used to give carved amethyst as political gifts to the Eliksni - back in the old days, before the Wolves rose up. The Archons, especially, prized our amethyst for its beauty.
  • The Awoken once had a space station we called Amethyst in honor of the gems we use to channel our magic. The station fell at the start of the Reef Wars. Petra still mourns those we lost.
  • Amethyst is a symbol of royalty and power among the Awoken. As a mineral, it is nothing more than simple quartz, but it has been irrevocably transformed - much like us.

Spine of Keres, Globe

  • Dual-ringed planets should be impossible. Two rings, distinct and equal, each in its own self-supported orbit. They are a good metaphor for the Awoken, if you ask me.
  • Awoken explorers once ventured far beyond this solar system. They saw many strange things: abandoned worlds orbiting accretion discs; rogue planets lost to the Light; young planets with dual-rings...
  • The Awoken were born from the Collapse. We have as many legends about our own genesis as there are statues in this City. One story speaks of a planet with two rings...
  • Ordinarily, it is not possible for a planet to have more than a single ring. Gravity and the planet’s equator will pull two rings into one. But, where there’s a wish, there’s a way...

Spine of Keres, Summoning Pillar

  • This was a summoning ground, once. We called the Harbingers here to speak to them, to persuade them, to listen to their whispering - strange songs in languages we all felt we should know.
  • We used to use that spire to summon the Harbingers. They're all dead now - all but one, and only Queen Mara knows where it is. A good thing, too, considering that me and my sisters were Taken.
  • I called my first Harbinger standing where you stand now. It was mine, and mine alone, and I sent it to its death when we attacked the Dreadnaught. A being of immeasurable age and power... destroyed in an instant by that beast.
  • This was once a place to call the Harbingers. It is a pity that you cannot see them as they were - ageless, unfettered minds, twining through the mist like ribbons on the wind. They were beautiful.

Harbinger’s Seclude

Harbinger’s Seclude, Flowers

  • Asphodelia… The flowers are a symbol of the fragility of life, and they were originally planted from clippings gathered in a place of enduring death.
  • Asphodelia flowers are taboo to pick except under special circumstances. Getting a thorn lodged in your skin causes paranoia, madness, violence… but the petals themselves, steeped in tea, bring peace and enlightenment.
  • Pink asphodelia is grown only in the Dreaming City, and we do not pick the flowers except to celebrate a birth or mourn a death. They have a unique power over the Awoken soul.
  • Pink asphodelia. It's a cultivated strain said to descend from the flowers in Black Garden. Among our people, Prince Uldren was the first to walk the Garden, and the first to bring these back.

Gardens of Esila

Garden of Esila, Queensfoil

  • Queensfoil. Orin the Lost stole several of these plants before she embarked on her fool's journey into the heliopause. I tried to warn her, but her curiosity was overwhelming. She did not listen to me.
  • See that plant? It's queensfoil. The leaves, carefully prepared, can be used to see into other planes, other realms — but the power of the vision can destroy the weak.
  • That’s queensfoil. It’s highly poisonous, but when the leaves are properly dried and crushed, it can be used to induce prophecy. The risks are immeasurable.
  • When my friend Nascia was still in training to become a Techeun, she dried her own queensfoil and tried to induce a vision. It nearly killed her. Give that plant a wide berth.

Garden of Esila, Techeun Statues

  • Those statues there... look up at them. Those Techeuns died a vicious irreversible death. They died in trance, each one screaming with the others voice, each one unable to comprehend the horror of the thing that had killed them.
  • The Techeuns you see here died while they were in trance together. Sometimes when you are in communion you cannot see what is coming close, like the Aphelion. Their last words were these "First it shimmered... then it crawled… then it screamed."
  • These three Techeuns were victim to the Aphelion. I pray you never see it my friend, because no matter what gods you have killed, you will not survive it.
  • We Techeuns are taught absolute obedience to our Queen. We have no desires but what our Queen desires, we have no fears but what our Queen fears. Good traits. But weaknesses against certain enemies. Like the Taken. Like the Aphelion.