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ACD/0 Feedback Fence

The Active Contact Defense system uses Warsat hull material to store a retaliatory charge.

In order to explain this, I need to explain Kessler Syndrome. As an Exo, I feel a duty to the machine to convey its original purpose. But first: ACD stands for Active Contact Defense. It is not an AC-DC Feedback Fence and it is not named for any work of pre-classical music. I am not winking. That is a malfunction.

Kessler Syndrome occurs when a planet's orbitals fill up with fast-moving debris, which strikes other debris and shatters it in a chain reaction. Soon you can't put up a satellite without it being shredded by a swarm of junk. To protect against debris, Golden Age warsats are shielded by a kinetic superconductor that transforms a punch into a charge.

Thanks to enemy action, we have a lot of downed warsats. With some tweaking, we can peel out the superconductor and produce a personal defense system. Like so.

Actium War Rig

Conflict Resolution Solution #3479: Leave them to rest wherever they may fall.

“Keep it clean. Your body. Your mind. Your armor. Weapons. Gear. Ammo. CRS #1: Keep it clean. Clean equals function. Clean equals focus. That's where it all starts. Skill matters. Training, practice, experience. All key ingredients. All valued assets as you balance death and glory on the battlefield. But once you're trained and ready for war. And once your gear is up to the standards of a proper, respected, walking, talking war machine. What comes next?”


“That's right. CRS #1177: Ammunition is your best friend. So what do you do?”

“Load up.”

“Load. Up. Get yourself a weapon that spits unending fire and stock up on ammo until your shoulders slump and your back aches. Because each round is a war all its own.”

—Lord Shaxx educating a gathering of Titans''

An Insurmountable Skullfort

BRAINVAULT Sigma-ACTIUM-IX Cranial Dreadnought (Invincible Type)

Hello. We understand you require Real-Time Combat Instructives.

This is a BRAINVAULT Sigma-ACTIUM-X Cranial Dreadnought (Invictus Type). It is a fortress for your skull. Your skull is now a mighty bastion. You can break anything with your skull. The only limit is your spine. Relax. The lights will speak for you. Your hands are your eyes now. Look around. You find hand-to-hand combat relaxing. The lights will attract the enemy. Help them to relax as well. You will feel the effect of a CAREGRAVER Gamma-LYSANDER-IV Health Enforcer (Frontline Variant). Your enemies do not have a skull fortress. Their skulls are like meadows. Play in the meadows. Gather the flowers from the meadows. Gather them with electrokinetic trauma. Smell the flowers. Isn't that nice?

You are safe in your skullfort.

Binary Phoenix

The phoenix that fights itself, then rises from its ashes stronger than ever. That is the Crucible.

What's the Crucible? Before the days of the City and the Iron Lords, it was a place to pursue vendettas. To battle for territory, and pettier reasons. The whole world was a Crucible arena. The Crucible today? To Cayde-6, it's a gambler's paradise. To Zavala, it's a resource sink where equipment goes to die. To Ikora, it's home—though she would never admit it.

Partial answers. The tactics and techniques that will save us in wars to come are birthed in the Crucible, during live-fire training. The Vanguard are so preoccupied with their own agendas they're missing the Vanguard of tomorrow rising right before their eyes.

Ghosts find Guardians. The Crucible forges them.

– Lord Shaxx

Celestial Nighthawk

Starlight is your guide. No vacuum will contain you.

I'm on the ground, half inside Mav's Ward. Lucky for me, it's my head that's half in. The stars over my head are going out one at a time, but that could just be Taken goo blocking my sight.

This giant one-eyed nightmare we woke up is real unhappy to see us. This wasn't the plan—we just came here to rob him.

Luna's dry. The 'horn's dull. Mav's either laughing, or screaming for her life spraying lead everywhere. She's floating past Psions that won't stop splitting. STOP SPLITTING.

We're almost out of time. We have one shot.

So I pull out the bird and give this sucker the finger.

One red-hot glowing finger.



Flow like lightning. Strike like thunder.

No one remembers who the first Arcstrider was. Hardly anyone remembers the Arcstrider at all. Time vanished us like it does memories. But in the darkest days of the Dark Ages, when humanity was utterly defenseless, Arcstriders disciplined their bodies to let the Traveler's energy flow through them, to call lightning itself to hand and wield it like a staff against the Darkness. Become the Lightning, they said.


Become the staff, they said.


Become a weapon, they said.

We obliged.

Character Descriptions


Light is a spectrum. Why limit yourself to a single hue?

“Project Borealis's onboard systems contain a pocket energy matrix capable of changing its alignment in a near instant to mimic the spectral frequencies of mapped energy types. The science is groundbreaking, but volatile. We're lucky to have this first, stable model available for active combat use. More will surely come, but for now, the Borealis is the only one of its kind that I trust for real world application.”

“Sounds dangerous.”

“If the internal matrix misaligns for any reason during its shift between outputs—damage, wear, a flaw in its production—the resulting feedback could [REDACTED].”

“That bad, huh?”

“If your definition of ‘bad' includes the [REDACTED] then yes, ‘bad' begins to describe it.”


Leverages liquid fuel veins as self-coolant to keep onboard projection generator at biting sub-zero temperatures.

The Golden Age. Our shining history. The height from which we fell. Once, everything we had was borrowed from the past. Since the Collapse we have struggled to reclaim even a scrap of what our ancestors once took for granted. Over the years, Omolon has perfected the art of salvaging Golden Age technologies and repurposing them into effective Guardian weaponry.

But Coldheart is something new.

We didn't find Coldheart. We didn't adapt it or recycle it. We created it. Its liquid ammo, which doubles as its coolant, is a game-changer on its own—never mind Coldheart's first-of-its-kind laser-powered trace weaponry.

With Coldheart, we at Omolon are saying: we want more than to simply reclaim the Golden Age. We want to surpass it.