Act III Key Fieldwork

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Act III Key Fieldwork
Key Fieldwork.png


Episode: Revenant

Quest giver:

Apothecary Eido


Act III Key Fieldwork is the Key Fieldwork quest of Episode: Revenant Act III.


"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

Step 1[edit]

You've agreed to help Eido with key fieldwork. Head to Fikrul's Revenant Fortress to get started.

  • Discover powerful salvage in the Exotic mission "Kell's Fall."

"Looks like Fikrul has kitbashed Awoken Reef and Scorn architecture to build his fortress. I bet we can find some useful salvage out there to improve the lab." —Eido

  • Eido: This must be the Scorn musician who created the organ! I have so many questions. Oh. Oh, no. They seem quite upset to have been disturbed… This is not how I imagined this going at all.
The Guardian defeats the Scorned Organist.
  • Eido: Why must everything here end in violence!? I was sure our mutual appreciation for music would create common ground.
  • Eramis: The Scorn seek to exterminate us. Violence IS our common ground.

Step 2[edit]

You defeated the Scorned Organist and found a resonant pipe that could help Eido upgrade her Tonic Laboratory. Head to the Last City with the salvage in hand.

  • Install the Fractional Distillation Apparatus.

"Seems like everything about the Scorn ends in destruction and nihilism. Let's see if we can salvage their relics into something more… productive." —Eido

Step 3[edit]

You've defeated the Scorned Organist in Fikrul's Revenant Fortress and used the salvage you found to upgrade Eido's Tonic Laboratory. Speak to Eido

  • Return to Eido in the Last City.
    • Eido visited

"Seems like everything about the Scorn ends in destruction and nihilism. Let's see if we can salvage their relics into something more… productive." —Eido

Eido squints happily at you and nods as you approach. "Thank you for your support as always, Slayer Baron. This is invaluable to my tonic research. I've left you something for your trouble."
