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Kirito mentally groaned, he would not be getting any sleep tonight.
Kirito mentally groaned, he would not be getting any sleep tonight.
'''Several Months Later'''
The last several months had been the usual routine stuff any self-respecting orange guild does; pillaging, stealing, the killing of other players, and the occasion lucky dungeon find. But Kirito had been going through Hell from the amount of paperwork he had to do to keep his guild afloat and not crumble. Kirito even had no time to spend with his two lovely ladies; a fact that both are very pissed off about. Right now, Kirito had some vacation time and was going to spend it at a little cozy village on the twenty-second floor, in a cottage with his lovers. The guild affairs were to be handled by Cline and he was to only, and to only contact Kirito if there were an emergency on the scale of one to ten, and it was an eleven.
Kirito was currently at the table, waiting the breakfast that Asuna was preparing for the three of them, he was reading the newspaper, if you could even call it that. It was just a collection of information from the day before about anything that happened that could affect any player.
One article caught his eye though; '''Orange Guild Crushed!''' 'There goes another one' Kirito mused. 'We are a dying breed it seems, I think we got less players than the solos'
Kirito's thoughts were taken from the newspaper to the food that was placed in front of him. Kirito could not help but grin wildly at the sight of a heaping stack of pancakes.
After the hearty breakfast, Kirito and his two beautiful girlfriends decide to go on a stroll through the quaint forest of the twenty-second floor. At one point, Asuna grew tired and had a sudden thought.
"Hey Kirito?" Asuna called out.
"What is it?" Kirito asked as he looked over his left shoulder.
"Can I ride your shoulders?" Asuna asked as she pouts.
"Huh?" Kirito asks, not understanding the request at first thought.
"Plleeeaasssee?" Asuna begs as she grabs Kirito in a bear hug, making sure to press her breasts against his back. "I'm sure your strength stat can do it"
"No fair!" Lizbet shouted. "Why does she only get a ride, I want one too!"
Kirito could only sigh as he tried to calm the two down before things got violent.
"Fine, fine. I'll give both of you rides on my shoulders" Kirito said in an exasperated tone. "Asuna, get on" Kirito said as he knelt down while leaning forward.
"Yay!" Asuna squeals as she on to Kirito's shoulders.
"Why does she get it first?" Lizbet asks as she pinches Asuna's leg.
"Because I am the one who asked first." Asuna said with a triumphant look, scowling a little as Lizbet continued to pinch her. "Stop that!" As Asuna tried to swat her hand away.
"Lizbet" Kirito chided. "Please stop that, you'll get your turn soon"
Lizbet stopped pinching Asuna but continued to have a very cute pout on her face.
Kirito could not resist, and he pinched both of Lizbet's cheeks with his hands.
SLAP! The sound of hitting flesh was heard in the forest as a flock of startled birds flew away from tree branches.
'''Several Minutes Later'''
Kirito was still nursing his pink cheek as he wandered the forest of the twenty-second floor with Asuna on his shoulders and Lizbet glued to his right arm.
The three people headed deeper and deeper into the forest, the cries of the elusive birds and even the sunlight began to fade away.
"Do you want to hear a ghost story?" Kirito asked as the sunlight disappeared.
"Huh?" Both Asuna and Lizbet intone, trading looks before glancing at Kirito.
"Yeah, there's a rumor that a ghost lives in this forest, near where we are" Kirito explained
"What do you mean?" Asuna asked. "Like a banshee or some monster of the Astral kind?"
"No. It's a player's spirit" Kirito said as a creepy smile graced his face. "Apparently it's a female"
"B-But, How is that possible? Something like aa ghost in a virtual game is im-impossible" Asuna vehemently protested.
"It seems that once there was a female player, she was betrayed and left in the forest to die, after those she called 'friends' attacked and tried to rape her, but her 'Ethnics' option was still on, and the rapists were unable to touch her. So they brutalized her body and left her to die in the forest" Kirito explained. "Eventually, she did die, but not before swearing revenge on those that killed her, she would haunt the place of her death until they had tasted her revenge" Kirito stopped here and took a breath, and then his smile got even more unnerving. "A few days later, a couple of players were in search of treasure, when they heard a cry for help. They investigated the source of the voice and game across a female player huddled on the ground, her head facing away. The two players approached the girl and asked her what was wrong. She told them that she had been attacked by orange players and left here. The two guys came up to the girl to check her health, only to realize that there was no health bar… or a cursor at all. The two guys, not understanding what was going, backed away from the girl. At this point the girl became angry and called to them 'ARE YOU LEAVING ME HERE? ARE YOU JUST LIKE 'THEM'!' she cried. She then turned around to face them, and what they saw scared them to the bones; the face was elongated, cheekbones that were visible under taunt white skin, her body became thinner and thinner, hands turned into elongated claws and her eyes, red sunken eyes with the white part all milky. The two players could only scream as fear rooted them in place. The ghost called to them; 'I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE ON YOU FOR '''WHAT YOU DID''' ' 'But it wasn't us' They cried, but the ghost took no heed to them. Only screams were heard as the ghost indiscriminately took her revenge." Kirito finished the tale with a flourish. "So what do you guys think about it?"
Lizbet had a smile on her face as she thought about if such a thing was possible, Asuna on the other hand; her legs were shaking so much that they occasionally knocked into Kirito's head. Asuna was frightened at such an encounter.
Lizbet then grabbed Kirito's hand and said; "Can we go find her?" Lizbet then started badgering Kirito about it.
"W-Why would yo-you want to find a gg-ghost?" Asuna asked, trying very hard to stop the quaver in her voice.
"Come on Asuna" Kirito said. "It's just a rumor, let's go investigate!"
"Let's go!" Lizbet cheered.
"…" Asuna said nothing, not trusting herself to not stutter when she spoke.
'''A Couple Hours Later'''
The trios had gone quite deep into the forest and have yet to see anything remotely scary. Asuna and Lizbet had switched places on top of Kirito's shoulders several times and it was currently Asuna's turn again.
"How much farther do we have to go?" Lizbet asked as she scanned the surrounding area. "It's been hours!"
"We are looking for a ghost you know" Kirito said as he gave her a smile. "And I recall that you were the one who wanted to search for the ghost in the first place"
"I still don't get why we are doing this in the first place" Asuna said as she frowned at her two lovers. "What's so cool about going after a ghost, we don't even know if the rumor is true or not."
"It is getting late" Kirito said as he glanced towards the blackening skies. "We should be getting back to the cottage"
"Let's go. It seems that we won't find anything tonight" Lizbet said with a huff. Then a coy smile graced her face. "We have a lot of catching u to do still"
"I agree!" Asuna interjected. She then bent over and kissed Kirito. "We have much to do"
Kirito could not stop the massive grin forming on his face. "Then let's go!"
Kirito grabbed Lizbet's hand and started running back the way they came.
"Whoa!" Asuna cried at the sudden rush as Kirito ran.
Kirito was running as fast as he could and did not stop until they came to the edge of the forest.
Kirito suddenly stopped, Asuna almost fell off of him and Lizbet stumbled.
Asuna was not happy about the experience and smacked him on the head. "Kirito! That was not nice!"
"Yeah, what if I had tripped?" Lizbet said with a pout.
"Hahaha… sorry about that, but at least we are her-"
The sound of movement behind them stopped Kirito from finishing what he was about to say. The three instantly turned towards the source of the noise. After several more seconds of rustling leaves and branches, a girl wearing white, and shining in the darkness of the night came into view. The 'apparition' stood still and then fell backwards.
"W-What wa-was that?" Asuna asked, once again scared.
"I don't know, but let's find out" Kirito said as he gently placed Asuna back onto the ground.
"WHAT!" Asuna screamed. "You want to look at it?"
"Yeah! Let's go!" Lizbet said as she began to drag Kirito with her to the 'ghost'.
The three went to under the tree where they had last seen her; with Lizbet dragging Kirito and Asuna hiding behind his back.
Behind the tree they saw it was not a ghost, but a very young, very pretty female player in a one piece dress. Kirito knelt down and cradled her in his arms. She was still unconscious. Her eyes were closed under long eyelashes, arms hung loose at her sides.
"Is she alright?" Asuna asks as she peers closely at her face.
"How the hell should I know?" Kirito replies with an exasperated look. "We technically don't breathe neither do our hearts beat in this world"
"Then what do you propose that we do with her?"
"I don't kn- WHAT!" Kirito did not finish his sentence.
"What's wrong?" Lizbet asked. Slightly unnerved at his sudden shout.
"There's no cursor!" Kirito said. "Take a look, a cursor doesn't appear over her!"
"Huh?" Both Lizbet and Asuna placed their cursors over the girl, and to their bewilderment, the little girl had no cursor of her own.
"How is that possible?" Asuna asked, her fear of ghosts coming back.
"I don't know" Kirito had a perplexed look on his face. "I mean, she's not a ghost. I can hold her and touch her…"
Asuna peered closely at the girl again, but no cursor showed up.
"Could it be… maybe a bug or something like that?"
"I wonder…" Lizbet spoke up. "Why is… there a girl as young as her, playing SAO?..."
"What should we do with her?" Kirito asks as he kneels next to the girl, "Should we just leave her here"
"What!" Both of them cried.
"Why would you want to leave her lying here!" Asuna asked.
"Yeah! Look at her, she's so cuuuttee!" Lizbet said, crooning over the girl.
"Then what do you guys want us to do, take her with us?" Kirito said, looking up at the two.
Kirito's suggestion gave way to a smile on both Lizbet's and Asuna's faces. The two girls shared a look before turning their gazes back to Kirito. Kirito, seeing the look in their eyes, came to the most dangerous conclusion at the moment.
"No! No way!" Kirito shouted as he stood up. "We are not going to tak-"
"Shush! You'll wake her up!" Asuna admonished Kirito.
"Man up Kirito! Haven't you always wanted a cute little sister?" Lizbet asked
"I already have a little sister, thank you very much, and though she may no longer be cute, she has grown up quite nicely" Kirito said with a lavish smile on his face.
Both girls shared another look with each other and simultaneously slapped Kirito out of his thoughts. Asuna on the left and Lizbet on the right.
'''Several Minutes Later'''
Kirito was nursing his left cheek as he dashed through the forest, back to the cottage. He was scowling deeply as he adjusted the little girl in his arms.
As the three arrived back at their home, the little girl had yet to wake up. Kirito placed her in the middle of the King-sized bed and stood as Lizbet and Asuna sat to either sides of the girl.
"It seems that she is not a NPC" Kirito began. "The fact that we were able to take her in here proves that"
Asuna and Lizbet were too preoccupied with taking care of the unconscious girl to pay attention.
"So what now?" Kirito asked.
"We go to sleep, and see what happens tomorrow" Asuna said as she changed clothes and tucked herself into the bed to the left of the girl.
"Yep! Good night Kirito" Lizbet said as she did the same, but to the right of the girl.
"Hold on, where am I going to sleep?" Kirito asked.
"The floor, obviously" Asuna said as she turned over to face the girl.
"What? Why?" Kirito asked, already getting an idea why such cold treatment was coming to him. What they said next just confirmed it.
"Because you have been a bad boy, thinking dirty thoughts about your own sister" Lizbet said with a huff.
"But she's not my sister, she's only my cousin" Kirito said, trying valiantly to defend his actions.
"Doesn't matter, baka hentai" Asuna said, still not looking at him
Kirito could only sigh as he searched through his inventory until he found his trusting sleeping bag, and placed it to one side of the room.
'''The Next Morning'''
Bathed in the bright morning light, the sounds of a clarinet playing, reached into the drowsy consciousness of Asuna. Asuna lied in bed, listening to the melody her alarm played. A flute joined the clarinet and Asuna lost herself in the melody. The sounds of violins soon joined in and coupled with the faint humming voice of…
Hold on, humming?...
Asuna's eyes snapped open as she looked for the source. Her eyes fell onto the girl sleeping next to her, with her eyes still closed, humming to the melody of Asuna's alarm.
The little girl, hummed in pitch and in time, not a single beat was missed.
"Li-Lizbet-chan, Ki-Kirito-kun" Asuna called.
"Hmmm?" Kirito asked, slowly get off the floor.
"What is it Asuna-chan?" Lizbet asked.
"Both of you, come here now!" Asuna said, not moving an inch.
Both Lizbet and Kirito shifted their gaze from her to the sleeping girl next to her.
"She's singing?" Kirito asked.
"Ye-Yeah" Asuna answered. She then started to lightly push the girl's shoulder and called out. "Hey, wake up… Come on, open your eyes"
The girl's lips stopped moving. Soon, here closed eyes twitched several times, before her long eyelashes rose up.
With black, misty eyes, the girl peered around her surroundings, coming to a rest at Asuna's eyes. The girl blinked several times before opening her almost colorless lips just a bit.
"Aa…uu…" The girl's voice rang out, like the sound of vibrating silverware. A beautiful sound.
Lizbet gently picked the girl up and placed her on her lap.
"Thank goodness that you are all right" Lizbet said. "Do you have any idea as to what happened to you?"
The girl was silent for several moments, until she gave a short shake of her head.
"…Then can you please tell us your name?" Asuna asked.
"Na… me… My… name" the girl tilted her head in thought as a strand of her glossy black hair fell onto her cheek. "Yu… i… name… is… Y-Yui"
"That's a sweet name, my name is Lizbet" Lizbet said, pointing at herself. "The other girl here is Asuna, and that person over there is Kirito"
The girl called Yui followed Lizbet's pointing finger until she saw who it was pointing at. "Li… et. A… una. Ki… to"
"Hey Yui-chan, where were you on the twenty-second floor? Are your father or mother near here?" Asuna asked.
Yui fell into a deep silence. "I don't… know…. I… don't know… anything" she said while her eyes were downcast.
'''Several Minutes Later'''
Yui was happily drinking a cup of Sweet Milk , while Asuna, Lizbet and Kirito were in the kitchen to discuss
"What are your thoughts about this?" Asuna began.
Lizbet chewed on her bottom lip for a second before answering. "With what she said so far, I think her mind is damaged somehow"
"So you came to the same conclusion" Asuna's face became clouded. "What do you think, Kirito?"
"Why should I care?" Kirito said with a scowl. "You're the ones who wanted to bring her in"
Lizbet smacked him upside the head, while Asuna kicked him in the shins.
"Don't be rude now" Asuna said with a glare. "She could have died in that forest if no one found her"
"Now you are going to sit next to her and introduce yourself" Lizbet said.
Kirito's scowl deepened and then vanished as he faced off against his two lovers. Kirito sighed as he dragged himself into the dining room and took a seat next to Yui.
"Hi Yui, do you remember who I am?" Kirito asked, not all that happy to talk with an eight-year-old girl.
"Yo…u… Ki… to" Yui said disjointedly.
"No, say it with me; .to" Kirito said, trying to at least get the girl to speak properly.
Yui's face became scrunched up and she became silent as she tried to say his name properly. "…Kirito"
Asuna and Lizbet walked in and also sat at the table.
"If it's too hard, you can call him any other kind of name you want" Asuna said, shooting at look at Kirito to not disagree.
Kirito sighed again as he awaited his new name.
Yui pondered for a while, not even moving an inch while doing so. Finally, Yui raised her head and timidly said. "… Papa" she then turned to Asuna. "Auna is… Mama" and lastly to Lizbet. "Liet… is also… Mama"
Kirito had his scowl back on his face, and was mentally berating his situation. 'What did I ever do to deserve this?'
' Many things could have screwed you over' The voice at the back of his head said.
'So you're back, it's been awhile since I heard from you' Kirito thought to himself.
' It looks like your life just got more complicated, hahahaha!'
'Shut up! And go back into whatever dark part of my mind you inhabit!' Kirito mentally commanded himself.
' Sure ,sure, but be advised… your sex life just hit negative seven on the scale'
'''Other Side of the Table'''
Lizbet and Asuna were both shocked for a second, before breaking out in squeals and hugged each other.
"T-That's right… I'm Mama" Asuna said.
"So am I!" Lizbet piped up.
Kirito only scowled and said nothing.
'''Several Days Later'''
Kirito still was not used to being called 'papa' and did not understand why they were taking care of a child in the first place. Eventually Yui was able to speak coherently and fluidly. Yet Kirito spent as much time away from Yui as he possibly could, always pushed her needy arms into either Asuna's or Lizbet's, they were more than happy to play with her, they doted and treated Yui like a real daughter.
Kirito was taking an afternoon nap while Asuna and Lizbet were preparing that night's dinner. Yui had just woken up from her afternoon nap and wanted someone to take her outside to play.
"Mama, will you play with me outside?" Yui asked Asuna.
"I'm sorry sweetie, but I need to make dinner for all four of us tonight" Asuna said with a small smile.
"Okay, Can you play with me outside, Mommy?" Yui asked Lizbet this time.
"Sorry honey, but I have to help Mama with cooking food tonight, why don't you ask Papa?" Lizbet told Yui.
Yui was not that happy with going to Kirito, he always didn't want to be around Yui.
Yui went up to the sleeping Kirito and prodded him a couple times in the side. Kirito slowly opened one eye to see what was going on and when he saw Yui, he deftly closed his eye and pretended to still be asleep.
Eventually, Yui left Kirito and went back into the kitchen, her face downcast and sad.
Asuna noticed Yui still here and asked; "I thought you were going out with Papa?"
"He's still asleep, and won't wake up" Yui said, looking at the floor. Yui did not notice the dangerous gleam in Asuna's eyes.
"Wait here a second, Yui. I'll get him" Asuna said as she strolled in the living room and kicked Kirito hard in the leg.
"What was that for!" Kirito asked, already knowing the answer.
"You are going to take Yui outside to play, understood?" Asuna ordered as she stood over Kirito's prone form.
Kirito sighed before getting off the couch and slouching into the kitchen to retrieve Yui.
Once outside, Yui started running around. Kirito slowly followed in her wake. After going several yards away from the cottage, Kirito thought that is was far enough, and called out to Yui; "Don't go any farther from here"
Kirito heard no reply and scowled. Kirito called again; "Yui, come back!" still no reply.
Kirito used Scan to try to find Yui and did… but she was also surrounded by several unknowns. Kirito sighed as he snuck up to where Yui was. Kirito just rounded a tree and saw Yui being held captive by some thuggish scum. The sight of Yui scared; caused an ache in his heart, an unpleasant feeling that would not go away and he did not like it.
''Flashback: A Couple Minutes''
''" Hello stranger! My name is Yui" Yui greeted the thugs.''
''" Who the hell is this?" One thug asked another.''
''" Dunno, but she's kinda cute" One replied.''
''" My papa is with me outside and I'm really happy" Yui continued, not hearing the thugs speak. "He always seemed like he didn't like me, always had somewhere else to be, or something else to do when I am around" Yui's face became downcast. "But he's here with me now" At those words, Yui smiled again and became more happy. "I love my Papa, I just want him to love me a well"''
''" What do we do with her?" A thug spoke up.''
''" We could have some fun, boys" The apparent leader said, his eyes bright with malicious.''
''The others grinned evilly and took up positions to cover escape.''
''" Well, goodbye mister stranger, I should go back to Papa" Yui said in farewell as she turned around to leave.''
''" You're not going anywhere" The leader said as he grabbed Yui by the hair. .''
''" Papa! Papa! Save me!" Yui cried out for Kirito.''
''" No one's coming, kid" The leader said. "I bet that guy would even pay us to take you, he doesn't love you, why do you think he's never around when you are?"''
''" That's a lie!" Yui yelled. "Papa will come… he cares"''
''" Then where is this guy, huh" The man laughed. "Anyway, let's go, you're coming with us"''
''End of Flashback''
"Papa! Papa! Help!" Yui cried again.
As the thug made to smack Yui with his other hand, Kirito's body moved without conscious thought. His mind registers that he had even moved was when he felt his sword cut through the arm holding Yui hostage. He then followed up with a slash that carved away the man's head. Disappearing into polygons.
Everyone in the clearing was surprised to see Kirito, except Yui.
"Papa! She cried as she clung to Kirito's neck as he held her in his arm.
"I'll always be there to protect you" Kirito said, though he had no idea what made him say such things. "Close your eyes and cover your ears, this will be over soon"
Yui nodded and complied with what he said.
"You think you can take us all" One man sneered.
"… Yes" Kirito answered simply at he attacked the thugs.
A Minute Later
A light tap on Yui's shoulder signaled her to open her eyes. When she did, she saw Kirito holding her in his arms and the thugs gone.
"Let's go back for dinner now, Yui" Kirito said with a small smile.
"Okay, Papa!" Yui said as she snuggled into Kirito's chest, with her arms around his neck.
[[File:Kirito Ornament.jpg|300px|thumb|False God Ornament Concept: Long Live the Black Swordsman]]
[[File:Kirito Ornament.jpg|300px|thumb|False God Ornament Concept: Long Live the Black Swordsman]]