Wiki.png This user has been a member of Destinypedia since March 13, 2016.
Level Up Icon.jpg This Guardian is Level 40 in Destiny.
Officer Crest.jpg This Guardian prefers the Titan class.
Might of Vulcan.jpg This Guardian prefers the Sunbreaker subclass.
Grimoire Cabal Shield.jpg This Guardian is the Shield Brother of Arcmind and Dante.
RiseOfIronPoster.jpg This Guardian is hyped for the Rise of Iron expansion!
TakenArmy.jpg This Guardian hates the Taken. Seriously, fuck those guys.
Kell of Kells.jpg This Guardian has killed Skolas.
Raid. Source: Game Modes. Artist: Bungie. Accessed on 2015-04-15 This Guardian has completed all the Raids to date.
Destiny-CabalColossus.jpg This Guardian is actually a Colossus. But don't worry; he's cool.
Destiny-MidaMultiTool-ExoticScoutRifle.jpg This Guardian's favorite Exotic is the MIDA Multi-Tool.
SkyBurnersGrimoire.jpg This Guardian is hoping for a Cabal-themed expansion and Raid.

Hi, I'm Primus Draug'oth! Now, I know what you're thinking, "OMG IT'S A COLOSSUS! RUN!" Well, no need to worry. I've sided with the Guardians to help them reclaim lost territory. Why? Because one: going to war all the time takes some energy out of my system (although my belligerent instincts will kick in when I get angry), and two: I'm so far the only Cabal to actually have sympathy for humanity. That's right; I've seen what you guys have lost and it truly makes me feel sorry for you. In fact, I'm sorry for all the Guardians I've killed since then: I hope you accept my apology. But let's not get depressing, okay? Because I have an interesting backstory that you might want to hear. So sit tight, it's going to be one hell of a ride. Here we go: this is my story.


It all started when I was just 5 years old. My father was strong-willed and strict, yet caring and thoughtful, and he was part of the Cabal High Command. I aspired to become as strong as him one day, and he told me, "Very well, son. I will have to make this very clear, though. You are about to go through intensive training early in your life. Are you sure you would like to participate?" And I said, "Daddy, I insist. I wanna be in the elites, like you!" And my father answered, "Then I will sign you up for military training." "Thank you, Daddy!" And so began my first day of school. But I was too young to actually learn to fight, my dad told me. I replied that I was okay with that. My dad then gave me a pat on the back and said goodbye as he left for work. Now, school for the Cabal was a whole lot different than what you humans do. You see, we only learn about war, because we are, by nature, a warmongering species that will seek to overcome any challenge thrown our way. Also, we never go home. Instead, school offers us our own little rooms where we rest. The only time we leave is when it's time to go to class, which there are four of: equipment (physical education), tactics (study and observation), weapons (target practice), and technology (engineering). I was always in top shape, but I wasn't exactly a tactical genius.

Stay tuned for more!