- "A standard issue, Echo-class jumpship. Perfect for racers and daredevils."
- — Echo Zero
Echo is a class of jumpships. It is flat, dart-shaped, with a large cockpit window and two more on the sides.
Known Echo-class shipsEdit
- Antonio (modified hull)
- Bassanio (modified hull)
- BreakPoint
- Cardinal One
- City Apex
- Echo Zero
- Eriana's Vengeance (slightly modified hull)
- Fleet Ska IX
- Never Live It Down (heavily modified hull)
- Nothing Gold
- Quantum Cartographer
- Runereed (modified hull)
- Safe Passage
- Sails of Osiris (heavily modified hull)
- Shadowed Dawn
- Talon Blue
- Thunderwing (modified hull)
- unsecured/OUTCRY (heavily modified hull)
- Vor Pyl VIII (modified hull)
- Wander-CER (modified hull)
- Wanderwing (modified hull)