Forums: Index Fan Fiction Book 3-Torch Dying Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png

This book covers the final days of the House of the Divine Torch.


Entry 1

1a - Father, what a Joke

5 Years after the Red War

Kavos growled as he heard the news, his fist clenching. So, his father had done the impossible: Unite three houses under a common cause, and do it properly. The High Priest stood, and entered his inner sanctum to think, before he knelt before the Divine Torch. "Great Torch, guide me, how should I proceed?" He lay himself in supplication, his joined whirring quietly from the cybernetics. Then...the torch's flame surged black, and spoke. "My High Priest, thine time has come. Prepare your armies, your people...and prepare for war. Let the flame consume your foes...and bring glory to the Divine Torch." The torch's flame returned to orange, and went silent. Kavos smirked as he stood up, and walked out, barking orders. "Zikilos, prepare the teleportation network. Kyriks, Aulus, Nysilis, get our troops equipped. Huklok, watch for unworthy chanters. Our time is at hand." As the Hand of the Torch went to work, Kavos grinned. "For the Glory of our god."

1b - Betraying Father

Betraying Alomar

2 - Time to Light a Torch

The call came...and Kavos answered. Kavos teleported in through the Vex Network(to be finished)

3 - Judgement Tells

Guardians meet Variks and Kyrius Buli for Intel

4 - Fallen Gates

Reaction to Zikilos' Death

5 - Faith Shaken

Reaction to Aulus' Death

6 - Anger Born

Reaction to Kyriks' Death

7 - Augmentation

Reaction to Nysilis' Final Death

8 - Resolve Unshaken

Reaction to Huklok's Death

9 - Sanctum Preparation

Preparing to defend home

10 - To be Taken

Being Taken by the Perfect Raven

Ending Spoilers

11 - Purification

12 - To be Reborn