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posted 7 years ago

Oh gawd, do you know how many hours it'll be?

It should just be a playlist if they do all of the story missions, in order, all of the quests in order, all of the Strikes in order, the Prison of Elders in order (Challenge, eh... it's randomized, so I think they may do just the ordinary level 41 one), and then the Raids at the conclusion of each DLC (Skolas in PoE for HoW).

That'll be seriously long.

posted 7 years ago

It'd be awesome if it was. I just need to find a full-length vid of King's Fall.

posted 7 years ago

Oh, right. :P Should've known.

posted 7 years ago

Err... not "future", but past. But with the Vex, what does time mean to them? I think the Precursors are, to the Vex, their future and the Descendants, to the Vex, are their past. And Praetorians are Minotaurs which guard the Vault of Glass.

My first thought is the Necrons. They became robots to escape a deadly curse upon their species -- mortality. They lived on a planet that was constantly bathed in gamma radiation from their star and, at the urging of a group of entities they called the "star gods", sacrificed their biological forms into machines. In the process they lost their psychic presence in the Warp and their "souls" went to feed the star gods.

As such, they fight the rest of the universe for a variety of reasons. Because of their long dormancy -- sixty million years - after fighting the War in Heaven (a conflict in which they fought against the Old Ones, seeders of the Milky Way's life), some Dynasties went mad, others sought to restore their empire, and a few led by the Silent King are beginning to unite to fight the Tyranids. Their long term goal is to cut off the universe from the Warp, which has the unintended side effect of killing all life and as some of them want to return to their biological selves, this runs counterintuitive to their goals.

posted 7 years ago

I suspect they went back to the future to continue some Vex thing, since they only ever appear in the VoG outside of TUM strike.

And that's pretty simple enough: after they found the Black Heart they made the Undying Mind should anything happen to the Heart. The reason it is a Hydra and not a Harpy like Theosyion is because Hydras have greater power to pull unimaginable things like the Heart through time and space, and not mere ordinary Hydras tasked with converting machine planets.

posted 7 years ago

Thank you. Now all information is in its proper place. I also decided to REDIRECT the Cabal empire page to the main article instead of marking it for deletion. It sounded proper to do so.

posted 7 years ago

The missions look good. And I don't think there's any particular one I'd like to see. Whichever works best for you. Heads up: I've finished moving all of the Minor Characters' information to their respective articles and Porple will be deleting those Minor pages shortly.

posted 7 years ago

Yeah, looks like I have someone to help out.

posted 7 years ago

I don't think we'll see Sekrion again. And if he did come back it'll be to resume his original mission, which is to convert Venus into a machine planet. There'll probably be a special story mission, like the "Taken" version of the Cosmodrome, where much of Venus is starting to look machine-like and we have to defeat him and clear out the machinery part so the planet could heal and such-like.

posted 7 years ago

Oops, accidentally sent the same message twice!

posted 7 years ago

Alright, so I dropped by his pro to say hi and that I would fix the page he created. Still waiting for a response.

posted 7 years ago

Same here. Anyhow, good luck.

posted 7 years ago

That looks cool.

I don't think there is a Template for such a thing. Besides, that's what the Contents infobox is -- click on one and takes you to it, along with an edit button. But if there is such a thing, Wikipedia would probably have such a thing. They after all pioneered the WikiMedia technology.

posted 7 years ago


I don't know.

posted 7 years ago

You're welcome :)

posted 7 years ago

It's that good? Well, you're welcome.

posted 7 years ago


You are the Terraformer. Changer of worlds. Shaper of lives.

You have been taken.

Attend: you have failed. You did not complete your task, and in the process thereof you were destroyed by that which you seek to remake. You shall be equipped to do better — use the atomic tools of your masters to advance your goal. Warp them. Twist them, into things of destruction. The final shape will remake what you leave behind. The Pattern will be assured. That which is imperfect need not be improved; it shall be eradicated, to allow a better something to take its former place.

You have been eradicated. A new you is here. Terraformer no longer. Annihilator we name you.

Accept the changing blade.

How's that?

posted 7 years ago

Looking at what you gave me, it sounds like you have all the information you need. I wouldn't know how to write the mind of a machine that hasn't been "Taken" by Oryx or indeed by anything dark. It looks like you've got everything.

Are you suggesting a hivemind of sorts is telling it what its place is in the hierarchy?

posted 7 years ago

How the heck did you do those scrollboxes that easily? Is there a template I can can use without having to go crazy?

posted 7 years ago

Yes, that would make it easier. Thanks for pointing it out.

Also, those Grimoire that aren't in the scrollboxes, I just borrowed them from another person and linked to their profile so people know where they come from, should they be interested.