Introductory text and blah


Destiny 2 Ghost Scans


Countries and areas ranked by population in 2017
Reference Title Location Principle entities Transcript Picture of Scannable
City reconstruction plans. Tower, Courtyard, Hangar. - Ghost: "Blueprints for a bunch of modular housing, bridges, some simple shopfronts... I think these are reconstruction plans for City blocks. As bad as the Tower had it, some parts of the City are just...gone." A pretty picture for verification
Dead Orbit terminal. Tower, Hangar Dead Orbit Ghost: "This terminal looks like it's in use as a forum for Dead Orbit folks. About what you'd expect: lots of pictures of people wearing black, and nihilistic poetry." [picture]
Frame modifications Tower, Hangar - Ghost: "Someone's been trying to modify one of Shaxx's Redjacks! But all the interface history shows is access by other frames. 'Arctie and Dahlia', it says. Over and over. 'Arcite and Dahlia'." [picture]
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