Basic info



British Columbia


November 14th


April 13, 2024

Recent activity
Edited the page Origin Story
Edited the page The Final Shape
"Origin Story and Hush are being reprised."
Edited the page Under Your Skin
Edited the page Lethophobia
"Generally improved the page."
Edited the page Hush
"Forgot to add Precision frame to infobox."
Edited the page Hush
"Added current information for Hush reprise."
Edited the page The Final Shape
"Better devils is getting a Strand flavoured reprise."
Edited the page Better Devils
"Generally improved the page. Will list the rest of the rolls when that i..."
Edited the page Geodetic HSm
"Fixed the page."
Edited the page Unending Tempest
"Generally improved the page."
3 of 3
About me

Autistic teenager with too much time sunk into Destiny 2.

Hobbies & interests

Writing, Destiny, Risk of Rain, Marvel, Dungeons & Dragons, and weird facts.

Favorite Destiny moment

Awakening of The Traveler at the end of the Red War campaign.

Worst Destiny moment

Lightfall's story. Had we spent more time with Rohan and been given exposition on what things were, maybe it would've been decent.

Anything else

My alias online is usually Mcdonald's Employee, which is an inside joke with a friend.

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