User:Dante the Ghost/Sandbox

The Twins

Orbiting the Three Brothers at a distance of one hundred sixty-six light-minutes (20 AU) are a pair of stars called The Twins locked in a binary rotation. These yellow-white G Class suns are the last of the Fundament Inner System, a measly three light minutes from the massive asteroid belt called The Barrier. Despite their remoteness they contain the largest collection of habitable planets in the entire Fundament, a total of eighteen planets divided among three Jovian Worlds, and became for a long time the center of solar history. The Twins have a stable orbit around the Brothers with little eccentricity.

Like their parent stars the Jovians are also locked into a multiple-system equidistant orbit. They were named Wufrides, Oscaunia Prime, and Fothænia by the Thousand World Hegemony when the vast economic potential of the Barrier was discovered and subsequently became the center of intersolar civilization. By virtue of the fact the three Jovians are located inside the Goldilocks zone, all of her worlds are potentially habitable provided conditions are met, and the first thing the Hegemony did was terraform them. In short order they became the most populous of the Fundament.


Described as the Titan Queen, Wufrides is a modest green-grey Jovian with large rings that are constantly being deformed and changed by gravitic interaction with the other two giants. This World has six planets orbiting it, elevated ten degrees above the ring system. They are prevented from ejection by interaction with their own planetary moons and the rest of the planets.


Atera was among the first colonized and rapidly grew to become an ecumenpolis, seat of the Hegemony. The Trinity Order's Enshrined Palace was located there along with the smaller Hegemon palace. In the First War it was targeted by House Oscaunia and occupied; its world city destroyed it became a ghost world occupied by farmers and nomads who traded remnants of the city for more practical things. Its only moon, a fortress world, became an asteroid ring after a concentrated bombardment destroyed it.

Hæphus lays claim to this world, mining it for its materials and technology.


A small "gas dwarf" Bachuiliv is uninhabited and because of its proximity to Wufrides it was unable to be terraformed. Its sole source of value is its ten planetoid satellites of various sizes, composed of many valuable metals. Aytania

  • Ceinus
  • Crorth
  • Dutharth
  • Iesoth
  • Iuomia
  • Othopra
  • Oumia
  • Tosnion
  • Venarvis


Its only claim to fame was being the temporary capital of the Neorepublic. The Second War left it covered in gamma radiation and pockmarked by thousands of craters, and thus impenetrable.


Only moon to Escara, this planetoid of five hundred kilometers is primarily a research station for the Hæphus Federation.


A small, verdant world Hæphus had been an agricultural planet since its settlement by the Hegemony until the end of the Second War. Terraforming had changed it from an icy world into a garden one, her cities planned out to mesh with the ecosystem. Its manufacturing infrastructure was based on its two moons.

Since the end of the Second War, Hæphus' civilization had undergone a radical transformation. Rebuilding quickly from the destruction, they spread out across the rest of Wufrides as the proud Federation, scavenging former Neorepublic technology and ships to become the strongest military and economic force in the system. Much more robust than other surviving civilizations, Hæphus' cities number thirteen and have become major population centers instead of small towns.

Since contact was established with Kōneria, the Hæphus Federation has become interested in incorporating the city-state into its fold but lacks the current resources to carry out a military subjugation or an economic sanction. Even with diplomacy established the Kōnerians had proven difficult to negotiate with, especially once it was discovered they had an inexplicable surge of spacecraft being built and expanding out across the rest of their war-torn planet with astonishing ease. Alarmed at this development the Federation has stationed one of their Emissaries to monitor the situation.


Technically a dwarf planet, Elara is nine hundred kilometers in diameter and is Hæphus' major manufacturing hub.


The next largest "dwarf planet", Oarus is one thousand eight hundred kilometers and is Hæphus major mining hub. Due to its importance a fleet of ten warships remain in constant orbit with a space station.


A small civilization called the Ursine Union has risen to power here, its spacefleet larger and formidable thanks to recovered Neorepublic technology. The Hæphus Federation has signed a peace treaty with them and hopes to incorporate the Union. The Ursine Union is noted to be ideologically Marxist.


Hollowed out and transformed into a military base for the Ursine Union.


Another planet whose civilization is just returning into space, its city-state has signed a small non-aggression pact with the Ursine Union and is currently dependent upon it for its technology. It has a small unnamed moon.