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*[[Fallen]] - [[House of Dusk]]
*[[Hive]] - [[Savathun's Brood]]
**[[Azyrax, Exalted Conjurer]]
**High Operants

:Disarm the Fallen
::Fuel Cells
:::[0-6] of 6
::Take fuel cells from the Fallen
:Find the Hive Wizards
::Locate the Wizards and learn what they're up to
:Open the door
::Get to the console and open the door
:Find the Hive Wizards
::Locate the Wizards and learn what they're up to
:Climb the Tower
::Ascend the Tower to find the Wizards
:Place Hive Disruptor
::Plant the Hive Disruptor on the mysterious device.

:Detonate Hive Disruptor
::Shoot the fuel cells
:Defeat the Operant Wizards
::Operants defeated
:::[0-3] of 3
::Take down the Wizards who built the device
:Defeat the Hive
::Hive wave defeated
::Clear Hive reinforcements
:Defeat the High Operant Wizards
::High Operants defeated
:::[0-2] of 2
::Take down the Wizards who built the device
:Defeat the Hive
::Hive wave defeated
::Clear Hive reinforcements
:Defeat the Chief High Operant
:::[0-1] of 1
::Take down the Wizard who invented the device
:Defeat the High Operant Wizards
::High Operants defeated
:::[0-2] of 2
::Take down the Wizards who built the device
:::::The High Operants appear, with one of them having invincible shields powered by the sorcery of the other Wizard. The player kills the other Wizard
:'''''The Rig'''''
::Start Adventure
'''[[Sloane]]''': My crew says we've got two problems. [[Wizard]]s on a tower roof, doing who knows what, and the [[Fallen]] they've spooked.
'''Ghost''': So who do we fight?
'''Sloane''': Fallen first. They're using fuel cells to build an explosive countermeasure to the [[Hive]]. Sloppy stuff. It'll blow us all sky high.
:Disarm the Fallen
::Fuel Cells
:::[0-6] of 6
::Take fuel cells from the Fallen
:::::The player engages the Fallen around The Rig, collecting the ''Fallen Fuel Cell" component they drop
:::1 of 6
:::2 of 6
:::3 of 6
:::4 of 6
:::5 of 6
:::6 of 6
'''Ghost''': We've got their fuel cells! They won't be blowing up anything today. Hmm, I see what they were doing. Volatile catenary, [ percussion cap]...
'''Sloane''': Good. Sending you coordinates to the Hive.
'''Ghost''': Right, coordinates, Hive... if we tweak this... and rejigger that... it should work
'''Sloane''': What should work?
'''Ghost''':We'll call it a Hive Disruptor. Let's go disrupt some Hive.
:Find the Hive Wizards
::Locate the Wizards and learn what they're up to
:::::The player enters Tidal Anchor, finding it full of Hive. The player fights through the Hive, headed outside before finding their progress blocked by a [[Shrieker]] guarding a closed door in the vicinity of [] TM-TA-2]:
::::::'''Ghost''': "It seems like these floating stones mark places where the [[Hive]] have weakened the line between our world and theirs. Bet all the weird magic they have out here comes from sources like this."
:Open the door
::Get to the console and open the door
::Open the door
:Find the Hive Wizards
::Locate the Wizards and learn what they're up to
:::::The player makes it outside, battling through the Hive towards the Wizards,, encountering another [[Shrieker]] guarding the bridge towards platform 1. The player continues on, reaching the first of the Wave Energy Generator platforms seen earlier during ''[[Riptide]]''.
'''Ghost''': Which way, Sloane?
'''Sloane''': Up. You're looking for the top of a tower, the central platform.
:Climb the Tower
::Ascend the Tower to find the Wizards
:::::The player reaches the top of the first generator tower, where floating Hive platforms appear, allowing the player to proceed directly on to the central tower.
'''Sloane''': Eliminate the Wizards, destroy their project, and stabilise this Rig
:::::The player reaches the top of the central platform, finding a mysterious Hive device unguarded.
:Place Hive Disruptor
::Plant the Hive Disruptor on the mysterious device.
:Detonate Hive Disruptor
::Shoot the fuel cells
:::::The player plants the bomb, withdraws a safe distance and then detonates it, destroying the Hive device.
'''Sloane''': What was that? I could feel the shaking from here. I said stabilise, not sink! What did you do?
'''Ghost''': Tell you later.
:::::The Hive appear and commence battle against the player. The Wizards are called "Operant"
:Defeat the Operant Wizards
::Operants defeated
:::[0-3] of 3
::Take down the Wizards who built the device
:::1 of 3
:::2 of 3
:::3 of 3
:::::The operants defeated, more [[Thrall]] and [[Acolyte]]s appear
:Defeat the Hive
::Hive wave defeated
::Clear Hive reinforcements
:Defeat the High Operant Wizards
::High Operants defeated
:::[0-2] of 2
::Take down the Wizards who built the device
:::::The High Operants appear, with one of them having invincible shields powered by the sorcery of the other Wizard. The player kills the other Wizard
:::1 of 2
:::::The first High Operant loses its invulnerability, allowing the player to kill them.
:::2 of 2
:Defeat the Hive
::Hive wave defeated
::Clear Hive reinforcements
:::::More Hive reinforcements arrive, now with [[Knight]]s, and are defeated
:Defeat the Chief High Operant
:::[0-1] of 1
::Take down the Wizard who invented the device
:::::[[Azyrax, Exalted Conjurer]] appears.
:::::Azyrax is defeated
'''Ghost''': We got 'em, Sloane.
'''Sloane''': How bad's the damage?
'''Ghost''': Minimal. Nothing you crews can't fix in a day or two. Really, it looks as good as new. More importantly, the resonantor's gone.
'''Sloane''': (sigh) I'll take your word for it.
'''''{End Gameplay}'''''
'''''{End Mission}'''''
