Destinypedia:Discord server/Channels

Name Description Permissions
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#server_info General information about the server. @everyone Administrators
#bot_commands A list of commands available for the Ghost and Exo Stranger bots. @everyone Administrators
#news_and_announcements For wiki announcements and news about the Destiny franchise. @everyone Administrators
#general_discussion For all discussions from Destiny to non-Destiny related discussion. @everyone @everyone
#wiki_discussion For all discussion pertaining to matters concerning the wiki. @everyone @everyone
#lore For all discussion pertaining to the Destiny universe. @everyone @everyone
#fanfic For discussing fanfiction ideas. @everyone @everyone
#spoilers For discussing game and expansion spoilers. @everyone @everyone
#staff/vanguard Private channel reserved for all secret administrative manners. Administrators/Moderators Administrators/Moderators
#consensus Channel for specific edit drives (e.g. assigning users to collaborate on a major page) @everyone @everyone
#logs Private server moderation channel. Administrators/Moderators Administrators/Moderators