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*#Ikelos is the Greek god and personification of nightmares, the child of Nyx, the goddess of Night, and Erebus, the god of Darkness.
*#Ikelos is the Greek god and personification of nightmares, the child of Nyx, the goddess of Night, and Erebus, the god of Darkness.
*#Völuspá is the most well-known poem in the Norse Poetic Edda, chronicling the creation and end of the world.
*#Völuspá is the most well-known poem in the Norse Poetic Edda, chronicling the creation and end of the world.
*#Fenrir is a demon wolf in Norse mythology described at length in the Prose Edda, son of Loki. During Ragnarok he will kill Odin after freeing himself from where the gods chained him; then he would be killed through the heart by one of Odin's sons.
*#Fenrir is a demon wolf in Norse mythology described at length in the Prose Edda, son of Loki. During Ragnarok he will kill Odin after freeing himself from where the gods chained him; then he would have his jaw ripped from his head by Víðarr, a son of Odin.
*#Teilhard is a Jesuit priest and philosopher who conceived the Omega Point, a spiritual belief and scientific speculation where life will eventually become united with the divine and argued that Jesus Christ was focal of this Omega Point. This can be considered one of the earliest known versions of the Christian Universalist belief, that everything no matter how fallen or depraved (such as the Devil) will be reconciled with God.
*#Teilhard is a Jesuit priest and philosopher who conceived the Omega Point, a spiritual belief and scientific speculation where life will eventually become united with the divine and argued that Jesus Christ was focal of this Omega Point. This can be considered one of the earliest known versions of the Christian Universalist belief, that everything no matter how fallen or depraved (such as the Devil) will be reconciled with God.
*#The SIDDHARTHA GOLEM protocol is a reference to Prince Siddhartha Gautama, son of King Suddhodhana of the ancient kingdom of Kapilavastu in the Indian sub-continent. Prince Siddhartha, while wandering outside the royal palace for the first time, witnessed human suffering in the form of old age, disease and death, which led to him renouncing his kingdom to live the life of an ascetic and seek enlightenment. He later came to be known as Gautama Buddha.
*#The SIDDHARTHA GOLEM protocol is a reference to Prince Siddhartha Gautama, son of King Suddhodhana of the ancient kingdom of Kapilavastu in the Indian sub-continent. Prince Siddhartha, while wandering outside the royal palace for the first time, witnessed human suffering in the form of old age, disease and death, which led to him renouncing his kingdom to live the life of an ascetic and seek enlightenment. He later came to be known as Gautama Buddha.
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