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As they left Kirito had only his thoughts. 'So it begins. All the other teams will be distractions while "Fuurinkazan" goes after the real target.' Kirito began walking out and headed to the sixtieth floor to train.
As they left Kirito had only his thoughts. 'So it begins. All the other teams will be distractions while "Fuurinkazan" goes after the real target.' Kirito began walking out and headed to the sixtieth floor to train.
Chapter 2: First Encounter
Sixtieth Floor
When Kirito had pent up stress he usually lost himself with three things; training, torture, or rampaging in a small village. It was through these three ways that Kirito levelled up so fast, not because he actually cared, but for the pure joy of feeling he gets when someone or something dies, especially when he is the cause.
'What to do?' Kirito thought as he wandered the forest of Eden City. 'I could explore and just fight all the monsters I find, or I could... what else is there to do?'
As Kirito was musing in his head, he did not notice as he literally walked into the 'lion's den'. There was three large King Lions in the clearing around a black chest and they all turned to gaze as Kirito walked right amidst them. As one, they stood and roared.
Kirito mentally berating himself for not using Scan before walking aimlessly in an unexplored area. Kirito sighed before he used Half-Step to dodge the charge of the first lion. Kirito then pulled out his swords and prepared his stance, he was rewarded with all three lions rushing to him. 'Well fuck' Kirito thought before charging himself. Kirito attacked with Endless Rain as he leapt past the lion in the middle. As the lions wheeled around, he had struck. The lion fell forward as deep gashes crisscrossed its flank and torso. The other two lions decided to circle around and trapped him between the two of them. Kirito smirked at their attempt, remembering how Cradil and his crony had fared trying the same thing.
Before the two lions could attack, Kirito swiftly leapt to the one on his right and landed under its maw. Kirito used the devastating Piercing Sword to push the entire length of his sword through the roof the lion's mouth and out the back of its head. As the lion dissolved the second attacked Kirito's unprotected back. Claws dug into Kirito's back as the lions landed on top of him.
Kirito's health meter fell considerably as the claws pierced through his black cloak and black shirt. At times like this, Kirito sorely wished that he had bought armour. Kirito could only squirm as the lion repeatedly clawed at his unprotected back. One of Kirito's arms was able to get free and pulled the special dagger he had from the holder on his waist.
This dagger was coated with a specially designed level seven poison that Kirito had created himself; it allows for the victim to retain the ability to speak as the rest of the body became paralyzed. Kirito began wildly stabbing over his shoulder; he came very close several times to pricking himself until he finally landed a scratch on one of the lion's paws.
The results were instantaneous; the lion seized up and fell on its side as the use of its limbs became non-existent. Kirito slowly staggered upright as he checked his health; it showed that he had lost a little more than a third of his HP.
Kirito stepped to the unmoving lion and squatted near its face. The lion roared its anger at Kirito; his response was to deftly slash out the lion's eyes.
As the lion roared its pain, Kirito had a look of content on his face as the sounds of pain reached his ears. "Ahhh" Kirito sighed. Kirito then stood up as the exhilaration left him and stabbed the lion through the head.
Kirito walked to the black chest and deftly kicked it open. Inside was a set of Dark Templar Armour; which gave a boost in attack power and speed, a suit of black armour trimmed with jet black lining and a plate helm with an eye slit instead of a visor.
Kirito was stunned, the armour in front of him was worth at least 300k coll. Kirito quickly placed the armour onto himself and strolled out of the clearing. All in all, Kirito left happier then when he had entered.
Kirito was too engrossed with his new armour that he did not notice the person following him. She was close to his age and had on a white skirt, white knee-socks, sleeves but bare shoulders, chestnut hair that fell down to the middle of her back, a heart shaped face, cherry lips and… a very excited expression.
Kirito found a path again and began heading deeper and deeper in the forest. All the time, the girl followed him at a discreet distance as to not draw attention. Kirito happened to use Scan at the time as he was walking and noticed the player behind him. Kirito did not stop walking and continued on, content to watch instead of confronting the player behind him.
Several Hours Later
After passing through several dungeons and walking around in several circles, Kirito had to note that whoever was following him was really good. Kirito grew tired of the game they were playing and stopped back at the original clearing where he had faced the lions. Kirito laid down in the clearing and pretended to take a nap.
"Come out now, I know you've been following me for the past several hours." Kirito called, with his eyes still closed. The sound of slight rustling noise took his attention as a girl came into view.
Kirito was barely able to hold onto his composure as the person entered the clearing. 'Holy Shit… I think I am seeing an angel' Kirito could only stare as the girl came closer and closer to him.
"He-hello" The girl said timidly.
It took several seconds for Kirito to realise that she had spoken. "Y-yes, why were you following me?"
"Because I saw you kill those lions and found you… interesting" The girl replied with a glint in her eyes.
Kirito's eyes narrowed dangerously at the comment and began to scrutinize her more closely. 'This girl seems not that dangerous, but that's what people say about me' Kirito thought. 'But, why me?'
"So what is so interesting about me?" Kirito asked, willing to play along for now. "I look pretty normal, maybe even androgynous"
"The way you fight, your attitude, and… especially the look in your eyes" The girl answered as she unnervingly gazed at him. "At first, I thought you were just another low-levelled orange cursor, until I saw your eyes".
"What about my eyes?" Kirito asked, trying his best to keep his face neutral and to not go for his sword.
"The look of a killer… of a man who has power, knows how to wield it and of a person that takes great pleasure in another's pain" She replied.
"And how do you know all that from looking at my eyes?" Kirito shot back. "For all you know, I could be just delusional or mental unstable"
"Are you seriously trying that card?" She asked with an incredulous look. "If you are, then you're dumber than I thought"
"… Okay, that was pretty dumb, but why do you care?" Kirito pressed.
"Because… I get that look too" She said. Suddenly, her face lost that innocent look and became more… sensual, more… lewd , her eyes had a gleam that both intrigued and turned Kirito on.
"Okay…" Kirito began. "Who are you anyway?"
"Just call me Flash" She said. "What's your name?"
"I'm just Kirito" Kirito said with a shrug.
"Okay, 'Just' Kirito" 'Flash' said. "Want to become a party with me?"
'Hmmm' Kirito thought. 'On one hand, this is a complete stranger, but on the other; she seems like my kind of girl…'
"Okay, I'll party with you" Kirito said, letting his virtual libido tell him what to do.
"Great!" 'Flash' said with a cheer. "What to do you want to do first?; we could try exploring or go walk the town or… something more relaxing… maybe in an inn?" Here eyes flickered down Kirito's body and back up to his face.
With the games over-exaggeration; Kirito's face turned as red as a tomato. Kirito coughed several times to regain his composure and quickly headed off on to another trail. 'Flash' skipping along. The two of them came upon another dungeon and quietly entered. As they were rounding the corner of the corridor, they came upon a trio of Roaches; spider like creatures with four legs, two huge scythe-like appendages that are used to attack and with coal coloured scale-armour.
As Kirito watched her fight not one, but all three at the same time, he could not help but stare at her speed and… *blush* how her skirt twirled.
'She really does earn the name Flash' Kirito thought. 'She's so quick that you can only see a blur'.
The two began to travel deeper and deeper into the dungeon and fought several more groups of Roaches. Time flew as they happily killed all that stood in their way.
As the day was ending Kirito realized that he was having 'fun' with another player and it was not in the torturing kind of way, it was oddly pleasant. Kirito shook his head a few times erase such pathetic thoughts.
As evening came, they two had arrived at Eden City Square and were sitting together on a bench. Kirito just realized that he had spent the majority of his day with a girl he still had no clue to what her name was.
"Excuse me, but what is yo-" Kirito began, only to be cut off as a man wearing a strikingly familiar set of white and red armour appeared in front of them.
Kirito was about to go for his sword when he heard the man speak.
"Asuna-sama, we have bad news; one of or informants has disappeared and his home had been searched, it is no longer safe for you to travel alone, we must get you back to the 'Ko-" He was unable to finish as the recently named girl kicked him in the head.
"Do not call me that in public, and do not speak of guild matters in such an open place" Asuna said sternly as her face contorted in rage.
"Ye-yes, Leader-sama" The man stuttered as he got back up from the ground.
"I am sorry, but I must go now Kirito, but I hope we meet again, just in a more private setting" Asuna said to Kirito.
The man suddenly glared at Kirito. 'Fanboy, interesting' Kirito thought as his mind went into overdrive with the new information. Kirito said nothing as Asuna got up and headed towards the city gates, only waving goodbye at her back.
Kirito sat stunned for a minute as his mind finally processed the one thought. 'I had spent the entire morning and afternoon with the person I wanted dead so fast... well I'll be fucked'.
Kirito quickly stood up and headed back to his base of operations. As he just walked through the front door, he ran right into Cline, who was heading to Kirito's office to make his debriefing.
The two picked themselves off the ground and Cline gave a hasty salute after realizing who he had crashed into.
"Kirito, I apologize for knocking into you, I should have been more careful" Cline said.
"Nonsense, and what of your mission?" Kirito asked, keen to get more information on his new friend.
"It was like you said, the man inSteel City was there supplier of goods and equipment. We were able to get the information out of him just before a group of them showed up, the man is currently in your 'Rehabilitation' Room awaiting you." Cline said as he handed over a shipping manifest and several letters.
"Good job Cline, convey my congrats to the rest of the team" Kirito said as he headed over to the 'Rehabilitation' Room. "And before I forget, please gather the rest of the people I sent out earlier, we need to prepare for war."
"Hai Kirito, it will be done" Cline gave one more salute before turning on his heels and briskly walking down the hall to the Communication Room.
Kirito headed back to his office, sat behind his polished oak desk and rested his head upon it. 'The day just gets more and more hectic'. And with that thought, his office door as busted in as two people rammed into it at full force.
"What the hell is going on?" Kirito asked as a vein appeared on his forehead.
"SS-Sir, one of the teams didn't make it back, and the man beside me is the only survivor" the man on the left quivered out.
The temperature in the room instantly dropped several degrees as Kirito's entire focus switched to the other man.
"Well? Spit it out, what happened?" Kirito asked as he stared down the survivor.
"W-Well, yo-you s-see, ww-we wer-were-" The man began as he looked like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.
"Stop stuttering, you fool!" Kirito said as he was getting impatient and could hardly understand what the man was saying.
"H-Hai" The man replied as he cleared his throat and started again. "Well you see, our team of five were on the forty-fifth floor posing as a group of travellers that had finally decided to brave the higher levels. We visited some of the major shops and chatted with some other players, but they didn't seem to know anything, but as we got into the seedier parts of Varrock City those that we spoke to would clam up and distance themselves from us, we thought we were on the right track until we met some guy in a cowl and cloak who said he could take us to their place. We thought we hit the jackpot and we agreed to follow the man… but it was a trap, we entered some apartment building, the halls were too narrow and we had to walk in single file… that's when they hit us, the first two were instantly stabbed by several spears, they didn't even have time to draw their swords or shields. Me and the guy in front of me got lucky, we bolted from the building, but they had guys outside waiting. They had us surrounded in a semi-circle, but then they moved to the side, we didn't understand until she walked in-"
At this point, Kirito had to interrupt; "She? She who?" He asked as a bad feeling began to form in his gut.
The man gulped before he answered. "Their leader, we don't know her name, but her men called her the 'Flash' and she then-".
Kirito interrupted again; "So after she showed up, she then fought both of you and kicked both your asses. She then killed the other guy and left you alive so you could bring back word of how strong she is and how powerful her guildmembers are." Kirito finished with a bored tone.
"Ye-Yeah, that's what happened" The man finished lamely.
"Fine, whatever. Get yourself cleaned up and start training, we're going to war soon." Kirito ordered as he began going through some paperwork. The two men saluted and closed the door as they left. Kirito then remembered about the man that Cline was able to capture.
'Yes! Something to do here other then work' Kirito cheered in his head as he hurried to the 'Rehabilitation' Room.
As Kirito got just outside the door, he could already hear someone screaming and moaning in pain. 'Odd, who is using the room right now?' Kirito opened the door and saw a man tied to a plank board with his writs and ankles chained to the stone wall behind him. Standing with her back to Kirito was Lizbet holding a riding crop in one hand and a dagger in the other.
Kirito would never admit it, but the sight of Lizbet holding the whip, her pink shoulder length hair, her stance with her left hip jutting out, and the pure sadistic smirk on her face turned him on in a very perverted kind of way. 'That is really Hot!' Kirito shook his head after that thought. 'Focus! Focus! I came here to do something'.
A little voice at the back of his mind replied to him. ' But you wouldn't mind doing her, now would you?'
'I am going crazy, aren't I?' Kirito thought to himself.
' More or less, yeah you are.' The voice said again, this time with a tone of smugness.
Kirito ignored the voice and coughed to get Lizbet's attention. Lizbet turned around and when she saw Kirito looking at her, her face promptly turned the same colour of her hair.
"Ki-Kirito, what are you doing here?" She asked as a she turned her head around to hide the blush on her face.
"I could ask you the same thing" Kirito answered as he leaned on the door.
"I w-was ju-just trying to get him to talk" Lizbet answered.
"I can see that, but why are you doing it? I thought only I did the whole torture thing." Kirito asked again as he studied Lizbet's work so far.
"Well I always did like doing this, it was just that I never had time and there never was anyone in here when I did have time." Lizbet explained as she turned around to talk to Kirito.
"Huh, well continue, I want to see what you can do" Kirito said as he waved his hand back to the victim.
"Really?" Lizbet asked, her voice was several tones higher and she was shaking in either joy or pleasure. Kirito did not know.
"Yeah, go ahead, I'll just be here" Kirito said and gave another wave to the victim.
"Yay!" Lizbet cheered as she turned back to the man.
Kirito was curious as to what Lizbet was able to do as an interrogator and he was not disappointed. Lizbet began with a slow run of dislocating joints, followed by cutting off a finger or two every now and then, wait for it to regenerate and cut it off again.
Kirito was quite happy with what she was able to do. In only after ten minutes from when Kirito had entered the room, the man was reduced to a quivering pile of slush, had lost the ability to coherently talk and the use of several body functions.
"Great Job Lizbet!" Kirito congratulated as he walked up to their toy and nudged it with his foot. "It looks like he's finished "
Lizbet blushed a deep red, glanced at the floor and poked her two index fingers together. "I-It was nothing, boss"
Lizbet was about to stab the man in the chest but Kirito stopped her. "Allow me" He said as he pulled out his sword and slashed the man's throat. The two left the room as the polygons began to disappear.
The two went back to Kirito's office to share a glass of Red Ichor and to talk about the finer points of sadistic pleasure. At some point, the two had gotten very drunk and very horny somewhere along the way. After only three glasses of the stuff, the two were currently having a heated make out session in Kirito's armchair. Kirito was sitting in it while Lizbet was on his lap with her head against his chest. Every now and then Lizbet would make slight moaning sounds that sent shivers down Kirito's spine. Kirito's alcohol induced mindset gave him the idea to grasp her breasts through her clothes. Lizbet gave another throaty moan as the pleasure increased.
A very small part of Kirito's mind was telling him to stop before things got out of hand, Kirito was able to break out of the kiss. "Lizbet, we shouldn't be doin-" But he was unable to finish as Lizbet kissed him again.
"Why shouldn't we?" She asked. "I do want this, and so do you, no matter how hard you deny it" Lizbet whispered the rest into his ear.
Kirito groaned into her mouth and started to knead her breasts. Lizbet once again moaned and shifted to give him better access.
'Just this once' Kirito thought as he let his alcohol fuelled passion take over.
The Next Morning
Kirito groaned as he woke up. 'What the hell happened last night?' Kirito thought as he glanced around his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was that he had fallen asleep in the chair in his office, the second thing was that he had a blinding headache and the third thing he noticed was that he was not alone in his chair. Sleeping with her head against his chest was a very familiar pink-headed person. Then it all came back to him, what had transpired the night before and things the two of them had done on his desk.
Kirito groaned again as he tried to get out of the chair without waking Lizbet up. He was unsuccessful to even move his upper body.
Kirito's constant shifting woke up Lizbet and she still was not fully awake as she greeted Kirito.
"Morning, Kirito." Lizbet said with a yawn. "Let me sleep some more." With that, she promptly went back to using his chest as a pillow. A second later, Lizbet lifted her head and paid more attention to her surroundings. She glanced at Kirito's face, then at herself, at Kirito's body, and then back to Kirito's face.
Lizbet's face looked like a fish out of water as she tried to understand what her eyes were telling her.
"It seems after we got drunk, things got… out of hand" Kirito said to break the ice.
Lizbet did not trust herself to be able to make a coherent sentence and only nodded her head.
"I think we should get dressed and talk about this" Kirito said.
Lizbet nodded again and got off Kirito on wobbly legs. Kirito had to steady her before she fell face first onto the floor.
As the two began to place back their clothing from their inventory, neither said a word until they both looked presentable.
"I need to apologize for what happened las-" Kirito began.
"You shouldn't be sorry, II wanted it to happen" Lizbet interrupted as she poked her two index fingers together.
Kirito's train of thought just went over a cliff at her statement, he did not know what to say at this point and could only gesture for her to continue.
"You see, I have had a crush on you the moment you joined the guild. When we must found you I like the rest of 'Fuurinkazan' didn't trust you yet, but after that I started having feelings for you, but you were always doing something else and I never had the chance to tell them to you." Lizbet explained.
Kirito had no idea as to what to say, he was attracted to her, but not on the level that she was to him.
At getting no answer from Kirito, Lizbet's eyes began to tear up. " I'm glad that I was able to at least have sex with you, even if you don't lik-" She was not able to finished her sentence as Kirito had grabbed her face and gave her a resounding kiss.
"I know you don't expect me to love you back, but we could start somewhere. We could start from now and go on" Kirito whispered into her ear as he wrapped his arms around her.
At hearing his words, Lizbet began to cry into his shoulder.
After several minutes where Lizbet cried her happiness into his shirt, lizbet said the most shocking thing to Kirito he had ever heard.
"You know, just because I love you doesn't mean you can't go after some other girls as well" Lizbet said.
"Let me get this straight" Kirito said. "You are okay if I were to have more than one girl in my love life?"
Lizbet nodded and Kirito continued; "Why are you okay with that, and why would you think I would in the first place?"
"Because then it would be more fun for the both of us" Lizbet answered with a very lewd smile.
"You are very perverted Lizbet" Kirito said.
"Obviously, don't you remember what we did last night?" She asked. "Because I do, and it's going to be very hard not walking with a limp for a while."
Kirito blushed at her comment and pulled her in for another kiss. One thing led to another and the new couple didn't leave the office all morning.
When they did get around to finally leaving Kirito's office, Kirito instantly became serious as he went to find all Squad Leaders and to give them their new orders. Waving goodbye to Lizbet, Kirito briskly walked to see Cline. 'Soon the war will begin, but who shall cast the first stone?'
[[File:Kirito Ornament.jpg|300px|thumb|False God Ornament Concept: Long Live the Black Swordsman]]
[[File:Kirito Ornament.jpg|300px|thumb|False God Ornament Concept: Long Live the Black Swordsman]]
