Grimoire:Activities/Other Activities: Difference between revisions

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BER: Why are you all laughing?<br>
BER: Why are you all laughing?<br>
RAM: I'll brief you later.<br>
RAM: I'll brief you later.<br>
==Fortitude 3.1==
[[File:Fortitude 3.1.png|right|150px]]
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 1, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
Current assignment is to quarantine and monitor the group of Guardians carrying overrides, care for any casualties, and so on. Easy peasy. No off-world missions and a dozen Guardians with flickering vision. My kind of job.
...Sorry, Shun, what was that?
Make that two hundred, then. Manageable.
...or a thousand.
...or ten thousand.
Oh Traveler...
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 2, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
Quarantine failed shortly after institution. Note to self: Corralling sick Guardians is one thing. Healthy, rambunctious Guardians, armed to the teeth and impatient to go back starside...
They threw things.
Shun modeled the outbreak for me after we retreated in disgrace. We are on track for total saturation of the Guardian population, excluding those off-duty, inside of a week.
Should any complications arise—which, since we're talking about a mysterious invasive technological override, is likely—the Tower will stand undefended, and the City will be helpless and vulnerable to attack.
Traveler's shadow, they're going to blame me.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 3, for Owl Sector records, not that anyone reads them, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION under protest.
In consultation with the Vanguard, the Owl Sector decided to restrict travel between City and Tower. Checkpoints have been installed. Landing clearances have been revoked. We can fly as far as the stars, but we can't walk under the Traveler.
This will last as long as it takes to determine cause and cure. All Tower residents fall under this restriction. Guardians. Civilians. The sick and the well.
When I joined the Owl Sector, I pledged to uphold and support the Tower and its Guardians, our best and last defense against the Darkness, no matter what threat arose. No matter the cost.
I am forbidden to go home.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 4, for Owl Sector's mountain of records, on the everlastingly awful incident known as TRANSMISSION.
I can call my children on a screen and sing them to sleep, but I can't hold them or help them up when they stumble. I observe, I monitor, I wait, I read Berriole's communications.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-1.4<br>
: Patient D, Yaris, is here to support his family. Clovis Bray allowances are sufficient but not generous, and there's another child on the way. He is sorry to be separated from them but glad for the volunteer's stipend.
: No changes in general health were observed after injection with Fortitude 3.1, but the volume of his voice decreased significantly and is at present a whisper. Unexpected but not cause for alarm.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 5, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION.
The Tower bubbles and seethes. No one sleeps. The Guardians rejoice, competing to infect each other, without a care in the world. The City glows in the distance. I sit alone in the Owl Sector observatory, at the highest point of the Tower, and watch the numbers on my monitor rise and rise. Shun is usually here with me, late at night, drinking tea and mocking my simulations. It's quiet without him.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 6, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION.
We don’t know what this tech mite can do—travel along communications lines and in data packets, say—so the Owl Sector has decided to cut all but two emergency connections between City and Tower. My screens are fixed on the transmission map and no longer can be pointed toward home.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-3.4<br>
: Yaris can't speak or make any sound at all. We do not know whether this condition is permanent. He lets me know what he requires, whether water or food, by typing, but has been reserved about his own thoughts. I find it difficult to look him in the eye.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 7, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION.
Shun, you Shank-chasing, Mote-thieving Traveler-hugger, I wouldn't be in the Owl Sector if it weren't for you. Now you bail on us? I'm going out of my mind because of you.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-7.4<br>
: Yaris remains mute. I regret not incorporating a self-annihilation function in these prototypes. I was too confident. I didn't believe I needed a failsafe. I will propose that we include this in future nanotech development.
: The mixed blessing is that our results are solid. Further research will be rewarding. Yet I find myself hesitating to write the recommendation to proceed.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 8, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-8.4<br>
: "Project results suggest…"<br>
: "Experimental outcomes imply…"<br>
: And I stop and look at Yaris through the glass. He is eating less and losing weight and hair.<br/>
I too am eating less and losing weight and hair. Bah, friendship. It makes us worry more and age faster. Bah, family. Same thing.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 9, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-12.4<br>
: Even if I cure him, would he speak to me again? I've never run an experiment with lethal outcomes or permanent disabilities. I never thought I would.
If they don't kill you with whatever mess of poisons they're mixing up, Shun, I will. I've never slept so little in my life.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 10, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-16.4<br>
: "Thank you," he said. He walked out of the facility, a thin, slight shape against the red light reflecting off the dunes. The last to recover, and the last to leave.
: After I sent my research staff home, I entered Clovis Bray’s data isolation chamber with borrowed credentials. I had to know. My predecessor’s annotations are sparse, but I believe the data from previous trials show mortality rates of 50-60% for the last generation of injectable biotech. I should have been informed of this.
: My report will begin with the words: "Unacceptable, demonstrated risks preclude further human trials at this time." I must make Willa Bray see that this way lies disaster.
Our own disaster, meanwhile, has been averted. The Owl Sector relaxed the comms prohibitions today. I called my children and told them I'd be home tonight. They look no worse for the time apart. Guardians are being treated at the Tower as they arrive, much to their disappointment. And Shun—
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 12, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION.
Quiet? In the observatory? I miss it already. It's his birthday, Shun says. Or it feels like it. To celebrate, he brought, of all things, an arcophone. I wish he were unconscious again.

==Glory 2.1==
==Glory 2.1==
Line 500: Line 382:
SHU: Anyway. If you ever decide that pursuing the mysteries of the universe and pushing the limits of power isn't your thing, you know where to find me.<br>
SHU: Anyway. If you ever decide that pursuing the mysteries of the universe and pushing the limits of power isn't your thing, you know where to find me.<br>
IR: I wish you luck, Liaison Shun.<br>
IR: I wish you luck, Liaison Shun.<br>
==Magnificence 2.0==
[[File:Magnificence 2.0.png|right|150px]]
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 1, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
I have been tasked with returning to the Dust Palace on Mars, which as far as we know is the only link between the Guardians first affected by these overrides. Appropriate contamination equipment has been requisitioned, although specs are for the Dawn Calamity and have not been adjusted.
The Owl Sector has determined that our acutest need is information. Which is where I come in. The area of interest includes former Clovis Bray buildings, so I expect my skills in cryptography, biosignature falsification, and historical architecture to be thoroughly exercised.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 2, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
Nothing unusual to report during approach and landing. Standard Cabal and Vex presence, still in conflict, and easily evaded. I was drawn to signs of disturbance in a section marked as unexplored. Following those signs, and unlocking the doors in my path, I climbed five floors to a derelict laboratory with a view of the rosy plains and a computer half buried in dust.
I love these vintage rigs. So graceful. So elegant. Mementos of a brighter time. They tend to be banged around a bit before I get my hands on them, but this one was pristine. I powered it up, ran a few traces and queries, and brought up the last authentication: one Dr. Shirazi, a scientist, working for Willa Bray. Something secret. The hashed password is twice the average length. I will submit my next report when I have cracked it.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 3, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
Quist, Shun, I'm hearing the strangest things from you. Is everything shipshape?
At any rate, Dr. Shirazi's password was a combination of musical tones and a Persian phrase that loosely translates as "Remember who watches you."
Her entries are individually locked. The first is below, and more will follow.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-1.1<br>
: I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to work with Clovis Bray. No more clawing for research grants. No more hopping universities. The volunteers enlisted for this study are likewise in good spirits.
: Patient A, Susan, believes with all her heart in the colonization effort and will do anything to support it. Twelve hours have passed since injection with Magnificence 2.0. Her vital signs are strong, but she complains of phantom insects.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 4, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-2.1<br>
: Patient A remains healthy and cheerful, despite a low buzzing in her ear. She has referred to the phantom insects so frequently and with such confidence that I'm starting to imagine them. Blue, darting things. There's a word for this phenomenon, where the patient's reality becomes the researcher's, but I do not remember it.
: We did tag this variant with a blue colorant, for our own scans, but the patient should not have known. I will call it coincidence.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 5, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-3.1<br>
: I can see them now. Blue beadlike or beelike particles swarming around Patient A's head. I wonder what took me so long.
: This effect was not intentional. We directed the nanoparticles to strengthen the subject's immune system, reinforce skeletons, exoskeletons, joints, and musculature, and accelerate synapse and logic board signaling. This should all have been invisible and internal. What does it mean?
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 6, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
Shun, Quist, you've gone silent and I don't know why. I am alarmed, but in the absence of updated orders, I am remaining on site to finish extracting the Shirazi logs. I hope that you and the City remain in good health.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-4.1<br>
: Patient A appears to be walking two inches above the ground. It is unclear why this has happened. The soles of her feet have turned blue. She is alarmed and delighted by turn. This of course complicates our strength tests.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 7, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
Along the sides of this abandoned laboratory sit locked metal cabinets, cut or melted open. Some piles of freshly broken glass, not yet sandblasted. I would venture that whatever Dr. Shirazi stored in these cabinets for the last few centuries was recently released to the world. I would also venture that we know what that is.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-6.1<br>
: I'll call her Susan. I'll call them all by their names. It breaks protocol but feels like the right thing to do.
: Susan took the news in silence. She appears resigned.
: I am not resigned.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 8, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
After a long silence from home, Ramos finally came online.
"Acting Liaison Ramos," she said. I didn’t need to hear more. Almost took off my respirator, it was so wet. But that would put two principals of the Owl Sector in the hospital wing. And I need to be out here. Looking.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-9.1<br>
: These prototypes are too deeply embedded in my subjects' systems to extract by force. Organs, neurons, frontal cortex... Even complete hemodialysis would be insufficient.
: I must find another way. For Susan. For Yaris. For Kit. Maybe even for Jun.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 9, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-13.1<br>
: Long and sleepless nights. My whole staff in isolation suits, bent over our microscopes. But we have discovered a solution, I think. We have not tested it on patients yet, only pure prototype samples. If we toggle Fibrons 7, 21, and 16 across all nanoparticles with pulses of particular wavelengths, enough interference should be generated to render them dormant.
: I go now to try it on Susan, who lost consciousness yesterday. Even prone, she floats an inch above her sleeping surface.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 10, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
Overjoyed by your last communication, Ramos. Almost at the end of the Shirazi logs, which I will finish transmitting for completeness of Owl Sector records.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-14.1<br>
: At least this much of my conscience is clear. Susan left our facilities today, walking on the ground. Not quite smiling. None of us are smiling. We don't know what the long-term effects might be. But she appears healthy, for now.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 11, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
I set everything in order and sealed the room. Left the computer in there, lovely as it is, after clearing sand from the crevices. A monument.
On my way out, I looked again at the tracks I followed into that room. Clawed. Fallen, I'd say, but there are no Fallen on Mars. Odd.
Closing mission and coming home.

==Splendor 2.6==
==Splendor 2.6==
Line 784: Line 552:
ZAV: We wait.<br>
ZAV: We wait.<br>
IR: Until the next unexpected menace rears its head.<br>
IR: Until the next unexpected menace rears its head.<br>
==Magnificence 2.0==
[[File:Magnificence 2.0.png|right|150px]]
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 1, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
I have been tasked with returning to the Dust Palace on Mars, which as far as we know is the only link between the Guardians first affected by these overrides. Appropriate contamination equipment has been requisitioned, although specs are for the Dawn Calamity and have not been adjusted.
The Owl Sector has determined that our acutest need is information. Which is where I come in. The area of interest includes former Clovis Bray buildings, so I expect my skills in cryptography, biosignature falsification, and historical architecture to be thoroughly exercised.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 2, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
Nothing unusual to report during approach and landing. Standard Cabal and Vex presence, still in conflict, and easily evaded. I was drawn to signs of disturbance in a section marked as unexplored. Following those signs, and unlocking the doors in my path, I climbed five floors to a derelict laboratory with a view of the rosy plains and a computer half buried in dust.
I love these vintage rigs. So graceful. So elegant. Mementos of a brighter time. They tend to be banged around a bit before I get my hands on them, but this one was pristine. I powered it up, ran a few traces and queries, and brought up the last authentication: one Dr. Shirazi, a scientist, working for Willa Bray. Something secret. The hashed password is twice the average length. I will submit my next report when I have cracked it.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 3, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
Quist, Shun, I'm hearing the strangest things from you. Is everything shipshape?
At any rate, Dr. Shirazi's password was a combination of musical tones and a Persian phrase that loosely translates as "Remember who watches you."
Her entries are individually locked. The first is below, and more will follow.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-1.1<br>
: I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to work with Clovis Bray. No more clawing for research grants. No more hopping universities. The volunteers enlisted for this study are likewise in good spirits.
: Patient A, Susan, believes with all her heart in the colonization effort and will do anything to support it. Twelve hours have passed since injection with Magnificence 2.0. Her vital signs are strong, but she complains of phantom insects.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 4, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-2.1<br>
: Patient A remains healthy and cheerful, despite a low buzzing in her ear. She has referred to the phantom insects so frequently and with such confidence that I'm starting to imagine them. Blue, darting things. There's a word for this phenomenon, where the patient's reality becomes the researcher's, but I do not remember it.
: We did tag this variant with a blue colorant, for our own scans, but the patient should not have known. I will call it coincidence.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 5, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-3.1<br>
: I can see them now. Blue beadlike or beelike particles swarming around Patient A's head. I wonder what took me so long.
: This effect was not intentional. We directed the nanoparticles to strengthen the subject's immune system, reinforce skeletons, exoskeletons, joints, and musculature, and accelerate synapse and logic board signaling. This should all have been invisible and internal. What does it mean?
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 6, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
Shun, Quist, you've gone silent and I don't know why. I am alarmed, but in the absence of updated orders, I am remaining on site to finish extracting the Shirazi logs. I hope that you and the City remain in good health.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-4.1<br>
: Patient A appears to be walking two inches above the ground. It is unclear why this has happened. The soles of her feet have turned blue. She is alarmed and delighted by turn. This of course complicates our strength tests.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 7, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
Along the sides of this abandoned laboratory sit locked metal cabinets, cut or melted open. Some piles of freshly broken glass, not yet sandblasted. I would venture that whatever Dr. Shirazi stored in these cabinets for the last few centuries was recently released to the world. I would also venture that we know what that is.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-6.1<br>
: I'll call her Susan. I'll call them all by their names. It breaks protocol but feels like the right thing to do.
: Susan took the news in silence. She appears resigned.
: I am not resigned.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 8, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
After a long silence from home, Ramos finally came online.
"Acting Liaison Ramos," she said. I didn’t need to hear more. Almost took off my respirator, it was so wet. But that would put two principals of the Owl Sector in the hospital wing. And I need to be out here. Looking.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-9.1<br>
: These prototypes are too deeply embedded in my subjects' systems to extract by force. Organs, neurons, frontal cortex... Even complete hemodialysis would be insufficient.
: I must find another way. For Susan. For Yaris. For Kit. Maybe even for Jun.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 9, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-13.1<br>
: Long and sleepless nights. My whole staff in isolation suits, bent over our microscopes. But we have discovered a solution, I think. We have not tested it on patients yet, only pure prototype samples. If we toggle Fibrons 7, 21, and 16 across all nanoparticles with pulses of particular wavelengths, enough interference should be generated to render them dormant.
: I go now to try it on Susan, who lost consciousness yesterday. Even prone, she floats an inch above her sleeping surface.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 10, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
Overjoyed by your last communication, Ramos. Almost at the end of the Shirazi logs, which I will finish transmitting for completeness of Owl Sector records.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-14.1<br>
: At least this much of my conscience is clear. Susan left our facilities today, walking on the ground. Not quite smiling. None of us are smiling. We don't know what the long-term effects might be. But she appears healthy, for now.
Report of Bypass Authority Berriole, OS-I6 11, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
I set everything in order and sealed the room. Left the computer in there, lovely as it is, after clearing sand from the crevices. A monument.
On my way out, I looked again at the tracks I followed into that room. Clawed. Fallen, I'd say, but there are no Fallen on Mars. Odd.
Closing mission and coming home.
==Fortitude 3.1==
[[File:Fortitude 3.1.png|right|150px]]
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 1, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
Current assignment is to quarantine and monitor the group of Guardians carrying overrides, care for any casualties, and so on. Easy peasy. No off-world missions and a dozen Guardians with flickering vision. My kind of job.
...Sorry, Shun, what was that?
Make that two hundred, then. Manageable.
...or a thousand.
...or ten thousand.
Oh Traveler...
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 2, for Owl Sector records, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION.
Quarantine failed shortly after institution. Note to self: Corralling sick Guardians is one thing. Healthy, rambunctious Guardians, armed to the teeth and impatient to go back starside...
They threw things.
Shun modeled the outbreak for me after we retreated in disgrace. We are on track for total saturation of the Guardian population, excluding those off-duty, inside of a week.
Should any complications arise—which, since we're talking about a mysterious invasive technological override, is likely—the Tower will stand undefended, and the City will be helpless and vulnerable to attack.
Traveler's shadow, they're going to blame me.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 3, for Owl Sector records, not that anyone reads them, assigned to incident TRANSMISSION under protest.
In consultation with the Vanguard, the Owl Sector decided to restrict travel between City and Tower. Checkpoints have been installed. Landing clearances have been revoked. We can fly as far as the stars, but we can't walk under the Traveler.
This will last as long as it takes to determine cause and cure. All Tower residents fall under this restriction. Guardians. Civilians. The sick and the well.
When I joined the Owl Sector, I pledged to uphold and support the Tower and its Guardians, our best and last defense against the Darkness, no matter what threat arose. No matter the cost.
I am forbidden to go home.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 4, for Owl Sector's mountain of records, on the everlastingly awful incident known as TRANSMISSION.
I can call my children on a screen and sing them to sleep, but I can't hold them or help them up when they stumble. I observe, I monitor, I wait, I read Berriole's communications.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-1.4<br>
: Patient D, Yaris, is here to support his family. Clovis Bray allowances are sufficient but not generous, and there's another child on the way. He is sorry to be separated from them but glad for the volunteer's stipend.
: No changes in general health were observed after injection with Fortitude 3.1, but the volume of his voice decreased significantly and is at present a whisper. Unexpected but not cause for alarm.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 5, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION.
The Tower bubbles and seethes. No one sleeps. The Guardians rejoice, competing to infect each other, without a care in the world. The City glows in the distance. I sit alone in the Owl Sector observatory, at the highest point of the Tower, and watch the numbers on my monitor rise and rise. Shun is usually here with me, late at night, drinking tea and mocking my simulations. It's quiet without him.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 6, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION.
We don’t know what this tech mite can do—travel along communications lines and in data packets, say—so the Owl Sector has decided to cut all but two emergency connections between City and Tower. My screens are fixed on the transmission map and no longer can be pointed toward home.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-3.4<br>
: Yaris can't speak or make any sound at all. We do not know whether this condition is permanent. He lets me know what he requires, whether water or food, by typing, but has been reserved about his own thoughts. I find it difficult to look him in the eye.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 7, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION.
Shun, you Shank-chasing, Mote-thieving Traveler-hugger, I wouldn't be in the Owl Sector if it weren't for you. Now you bail on us? I'm going out of my mind because of you.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-7.4<br>
: Yaris remains mute. I regret not incorporating a self-annihilation function in these prototypes. I was too confident. I didn't believe I needed a failsafe. I will propose that we include this in future nanotech development.
: The mixed blessing is that our results are solid. Further research will be rewarding. Yet I find myself hesitating to write the recommendation to proceed.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 8, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-8.4<br>
: "Project results suggest…"<br>
: "Experimental outcomes imply…"<br>
: And I stop and look at Yaris through the glass. He is eating less and losing weight and hair.<br/>
I too am eating less and losing weight and hair. Bah, friendship. It makes us worry more and age faster. Bah, family. Same thing.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 9, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-12.4<br>
: Even if I cure him, would he speak to me again? I've never run an experiment with lethal outcomes or permanent disabilities. I never thought I would.
If they don't kill you with whatever mess of poisons they're mixing up, Shun, I will. I've never slept so little in my life.
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 10, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION.
: Z. SHIRAZI CB-PZ-16.4<br>
: "Thank you," he said. He walked out of the facility, a thin, slight shape against the red light reflecting off the dunes. The last to recover, and the last to leave.
: After I sent my research staff home, I entered Clovis Bray’s data isolation chamber with borrowed credentials. I had to know. My predecessor’s annotations are sparse, but I believe the data from previous trials show mortality rates of 50-60% for the last generation of injectable biotech. I should have been informed of this.
: My report will begin with the words: "Unacceptable, demonstrated risks preclude further human trials at this time." I must make Willa Bray see that this way lies disaster.
Our own disaster, meanwhile, has been averted. The Owl Sector relaxed the comms prohibitions today. I called my children and told them I'd be home tonight. They look no worse for the time apart. Guardians are being treated at the Tower as they arrive, much to their disappointment. And Shun—
Report of Geographer Quist, OS-I6 12, for Owl Sector, on TRANSMISSION.
Quiet? In the observatory? I miss it already. It's his birthday, Shun says. Or it feels like it. To celebrate, he brought, of all things, an arcophone. I wish he were unconscious again.

==Ascendant Raisins==
==Ascendant Raisins==