
Riven's Wishes III


Riven's Wishes V

Riven's Wishes IV


Destiny 2: Season of the Wish

Quest giver:

Mara Sov


Wish Token


Riven's Wishes IV is a Destiny 2 quest for Season of the Wish.


"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.


"Your next challenge awaits you in the Blind Well.

"The power of the Well is never to be taken lightly. As vital as it proved during our efforts to secure Riven's last clutch, it is just as capable of opening gateways to planes not even your Ghost could withstand.

"That is, if its use were not constrained by the mechanism that houses it. It's been calibrated for Guardians, after all. The risk is minimal."

There is a glint in Mara's eyes that suggests she may be teasing you. "Fight well."

Step 1Edit

Take part in activities at the Blind Well in the Dreaming City to earn your fourth Wish Token—and another prize from Riven's wishes.

  • Defeat combatants in the Blind Well, located in the Font of Starlight in the Dreaming City. Additionally, complete a Tier III Blind Well activity.
    Activating the Blind Well requires Charged Light, which can be earned by completing activities and opening chests within the Dreaming City. Charged Light also is rewarded for completing Petra Venj's bounties.
    • Tier III Blind Well: 0/1
    • Targets: X%

The Blind Well is a transverse drill, burrowing through the meat of reality, where beings cross the borders with grace—moving like a needle.

Step 2Edit

With your Wish Token secured, you may return to Mara at the H.E.L.M. to select your prize.

  • Return to Mara Sov in the H.E.L.M.
    • Mara Sov visited: 0/1

The Ley Lines have been broken, altered. The Ascendant Plane shivers into place over new bones.

As before, Mara conjures the Wish Token into her hand with an errant thought.

"You play a game with an absent opponent. There might be power in even these small rituals, but nothing waits to feed upon it."

"Yet we play on. In her memory."
