A list of all Patrol dialogue can be found here, sorted by location and type.
Destiny 2Edit
Collect SuppliesEdit
- Shaw Han: The City's put out a call for raw materials. We're looking for anything that generates an electrical signal or bioenergetics.
- Zavala: To all Guardians in the region: the City is in need of unprocessed materials. You're standing in a target-rich environment. They may have something we can use.
- Zavala: The Vanguard needs a willing Guardian to track down hostiles in the region. Relieve them of anything we can break down for raw materials.
- Zavala: The City needs supplies, Guardian. Hostiles in your region have what we need.
- Shaw Han: See if the local hostiles have anything we can salvage. The City's supply vectors were waylaid this week.
- Shaw Han: The City Weapon Foundries have reported a shortage on resources. Can't run strikes without rifles. Vanguard will pay for whatever you can scavenge.
- Zavala: Guardian, we need you to hunt down local invaders and relieve them of their equipment. City's hurting for raw material.
- Zavala: To all Guardians on the Cosmodrome front lines — Invaders in your area possess equipment or bioenergetics the Tower can use.
- Zavala: Shipwright Holliday is asking for parts and fuel for hangar bays. See if local invaders have what we need.
- Shaw Han: To any Guardian in range — we've got hostiles in the area. Coordinates marked.
- Zavala: The former Hunter Vanguard, Cayde-6, used to be in charge of patrol beacon placement. You remind me of him. Let's see if you can match his kill count.
- Shaw Han: Vanguard scouts report a group of hostiles threatens to destabilize the region. We need that area clear. Locate and neutralize them.
- Zavala: You've accessed a patrol marker. They're placed by Hunter scouts in target-rich environments. See to it their numbers thin.
- Shaw Han: The Vanguard needs an operative at these marked coordinates. Be ready for a firefight.
- Zavala: Hostiles detected in your region, Guardian. Locate and dispatch.
- Zavala: The Cosmodrome is one of several steady sources of new Guardians. We try to keep it clear of hostiles as often as possible.
- Zavala: The Vanguard keeps supply vectors towards the City as clear as possible across hostile territory. I've marked targets of opportunity that could use your attention.
- Shaw Han: Weapons-grade energy spikes detected. Could be anything from firearms to Hive bioenergetics. Requesting a Guardian responder.
Ocean of StormsEdit
Destiny 2Edit
Ishtar SinkEdit
Meridian BayEdit
European Dead ZoneEdit
New Pacific ArcologyEdit
Arcadian ValleyEdit
Echo MesaEdit
Fields of GlassEdit
Hellas BasinEdit
Survey the HiveEdit
- Ana Bray: I could really use some more information on the Neural Nodes. Will you scan for me?
- Ana Bray: I've noticed some really interesting ice formations out there. Go take a scan for me.
- Ana Bray: This Golden Age tech is awesome. I could use more data, though. Take a scan!
- Ana Bray: I'd love to know more about where these Frozen Hive are coming from. Go take a scan.
Survey the AreaEdit
- Ana Bray: Let's get a better understanding of Martian terrain.
Tangled ShoreEdit
Dreaming CityEdit
- Shuro Chi: Good morning.
- Shuro Chi: Another dawn.
- Shuro Chi: There is something I would like you to see.
- Shuro Chi: Let me teach you about the Dreaming City while it still stands.
- Shuro Chi: Have you come here simply to fight? Or are you willing to learn, as well?
- Shuro Chi: To truly defend this City, you must understand its past.
- Shuro Chi: If you wish to learn about our people, I am willing to teach you.
- Shuro Chi: I'd like you to see something, Guardian.
- Shuro Chi: We have protected our secrets too long. Let me share something with you.
- Shuro Chi: History lays hidden all around you—if you are willing to look.
Illyn's CrystalEdit
- Shuro Chi: Illyn used to recite poetry here. She'd say, "A rainbow resolute, they soared ahead and backs turned to the sun, sought new stars. But one by one, they flickered — green, black, red — and winked out in the clash of nascent wars."
- Shuro Chi: This place always reminds me of Illyn and her dust old epics… How did it go? Mm, "In anguish, dying, maimed, they keened unheard into the ether's vast and airless reach. A final whisper deep within them stirred and crossed the void. Then voices filled the breach."
- Shuro Chi: Illyn, the mother of our coven, used to bring us here to remember the old epics. A piece of one used to go, "Speaking us awake — darkness and starlight released our minds and overwhelmed our sight. Their cosmic boon did we at first rejoice, 'til they laid at our feet a fateful choice."
- Shuro Chi: Illyn used to gather us here to recite the old epics. She’d say “I sing of twilight’s children, who awoke when at the edge of darkness, all hope lost, upon the treacherous reef their vessels broke, and untold kin their exodus cost."
- Shuro Chi: Legend has it that these asphodelia were originally cultivated from red flowers gathered in the Black Garden. You can see they’ve lost their color.
- Shuro Chi: Many Reefborn Awoken experience prophetic dreams. They vary, but often feature the same symbols— roiling oceans, or starless skies, or, commonly, flowers…
- Shuro Chi: That's pink asphodelia. Plain, but pretty. We used to grow asphodelia to mark births and deaths. It's taboo to pick the flowers for any other reason.
- Shuro Chi: When I was Taken, my thoughts were not my own. It was as though I had been exiled from my own body. But there were moments of clarity when I could see something, or smell it… like these flowers.
- Shuro Chi: Asphodelia… the flowers are a symbol of the fragility of life, and they were originally planted from clippings gathered in a place of enduring death.
- Shuro Chi: Pink asphodelia is grown only in the Dreaming City, and we do not pick the flowers except to celebrate a birth or mourn a death. They have a unique power over the Awoken soul.
- Shuro Chi: Pink asphodelia. It’s a cultivated strain said to descend from the flowers in the Black Garden. Among our people, Prince Uldren was the first to walk the Garden, and the first to bring these back.
- Shuro Chi: Asphodelia flowers are taboo to pick except under special circumstances. Getting a thorn lodged in you skin causes paranoia, madness, violence… put the petals themselves, steeped in tea, bring peace and enlightenment.
- Shuro Chi: There are rumors that the Dreaming City was built upon the foundation of a ruined planet, one we found and towed back from beyond. They say we preserved the old structures and built atop them…
- Shuro Chi: I can name the heroes depicted in every one of our statues… but this face is a mystery. We did not carve it ourselves. It simply manifested overnight.
- Shuro Chi: I don’t know who or what that face depicts. All I know is the Awoken did not carve it. Queen Mara has said it’s an ugly thing to carve your own likeness in stone will you still live.
- Shuro Chi: The Dreaming City is so-called because the Awoken drive the fate of the Dreaming, and the Dreaming drive the will of the Awoken. The Dreaming have been known to manifest on occasion— strange faces, peering from rocks…
Summoning PillarEdit
- Shuro Chi: This was a summoning ground, once. We called the Harbingers here to speak to them, to persuade them, to listen to their whispering — strange songs in languages we all felt we should know.
- Shuro Chi: This was once a place to call the Harbingers. It is a pity that you cannot see them as they were — ageless, unfettered minds, twining through the mist like ribbons on the wind. They were beautiful.
- Shuro Chi: I called my first Harbinger standing where you stand right now. It was mine, and mine alone, and I sent it to its death when we attacked the Dreadnaught. A being of immeasurable age and power… destroyed in an instant by that beast.
- Shuro Chi: We used to use that spire to summon the Harbingers. They're all dead now— all but one, and only Queen Mara knows where it is. A good thing too, considering that me and my sisters were Taken.
- Shuro Chi: Amethyst is a symbol of royalty and power among the Awoken. As a mineral, it is nothing more than simple quartz, but it had been irrevocably transformed— much like us.
- Shuro Chi: We Techeuns wear gems to augment our innate powers. The variety of mineral varies by personal preference and by task. Amethyst, in particular, is good for communing with the Ancients.
- Shuro Chi: We used to give carved amethyst as political gifts to the Eliksni— back in the old days, before the Wolves rose up. The Archons, especially, prized our amethyst for its beauty.
- Shuro Chi: The Awoken once had a space station we called Amethyst in honour of the gems we use to channel our magic. The station fell at the start of the Reef Wars. Petra still mourns those we lost.
Oracle EngineEdit
- Shuro Chi: We created the Oracle in communion with the Ancients. It was our invention, and ours alone. The Ahamkara had nothing to do with it.
- Shuro Chi: I'm told that before the Collapse, humans invented mechanical models of this solar system. This is no model. Models are static. They do nothing but mimic an idea. This Oracle— it creates ideas.
- Shuro Chi: The Oracle Engine is a bridge — and I mean that in two ways. Like the bridge of a ship, its power can be used to command the whole of the Dreaming City… and like a bridge across a chasm, it links worlds together.
Star MapEdit
- Shuro Chi: The Awoken were wayfarers. We walked between worlds; we charted stars. It’s for this reason I know Queen Mara respected Oryx. He was a beast— but a navigator, too.
- Shuro Chi: Before the Queen left, she conjured the map you see there. I do not know what it represents or where it is— but I trust it is important to our future as a people.
- Shuro Chi: That map is not just decoration. It is a kind of prediction. The Awoken will meet their final fate somewhere in those stars and planets wherever they may be.
- Shuro Chi: When you know your future, you must make yourself ready to meet it. This map is not so much a signpost as it is a promise.
Meditation CircleEdit
- Shuro Chi: This was once a training ground for Techeuns… Hmm, do you know Petra Venj was once meant to join our order? She denied the call. It’s just as well, I suppose.
- Shuro Chi: Generations of Techeuns have stood where you stand now, dreaming of a future where they might twin themselves to their own Harbinger.
- Shuro Chi: When I was learning to be a Techeun, I often meditated here. I'd like to tell you it was a transcendent experience, but… most of the time I was bored to tears. Ha! I was so young!
- Shuro Chi: Young Techeuns in training used to come to this platform to meditate. Now, just three of us remain and we will train no more — by decree of the Queen.
Dual-Ring GlobeEdit
- Shuro Chi: The Awoken were born from the Collapse. We have as many legends about our own genesis as there are statues in this City. One story speaks of a planet with two rings.
- Shuro Chi: Ordinarily, it is not possible for a planet to have more than a single ring. Gravity and the planet’s equator will pull two rings into one. But, where there’s a wish, there’s a way…
- Shuro Chi: Dual-ringed planets should be impossible. Two rings, distinct and equal, each in its own self-supported orbit. They are a good metaphor for the Awoken, if you ask me.
- Shuro Chi: Awoken explorers once ventured far beyond this solar system. They saw many strange things: abandoned worlds orbiting accretion disks; rogue planets lost to the Light; young planets with dual rings…
Ansible LensEdit
- Shuro Chi: We built the Dreaming City with the help of the Ahamkara. Their wishes fueled our innovations, but it was our own ingenuity that shaped our evolution as a people. Wishes only go so far with the short-sighted and unimaginative.
- Shuro Chi: Awoken communication systems rely upon paracausal realities. We route our communications and transmat networks through other worlds.
- Shuro Chi: This is an ansible lens. It is capable of relaying and transmitting messages between Awoken cities and ships at faster-than-light speed.
- Shuro Chi: Ansibles like this one are capable of transmitting information into the past. As such, only a queen is permitted to make such broadcasts— and even then, only under grave circumstances.
- Shuro Chi: Before the Battle of Saturn, there were seven of us. It is good to be myself again, good to be whole — but I miss the afternoons where my friends and I would come to these benches to talk and enjoy the sun.
- Shuro Chi: There were more Techeuns once. Wise Illyn. Nervous Portia. Steadfast Lissyl. Fearless Nascia. Now it is just me and Sedia and Kalli. Our coven, our family, is broken. Everything here conjures a memory…
- Shuro Chi: I used to come to this bench and sit with Nascia. She and I entered the coven at the same time. She bonded to her Harbinger before I did— I was so jealous, and I could not say so, because we were taught to feel no jealousy. Not all lessons stick.
- Shuro Chi: My friends and I used to come here. Now they are dead. Whatever rituals you enjoy, Guardian, whatever little things you hold dear— cling to them while you have them. You don't know when they'll disappear.
Gardens of Esila OverlookEdit
- Shuro Chi: When the Awoken first arrived in the Reef, Mara was not our Queen. She was simply our leader. We MADE HER our Queen. This is where she was crowned. This is where we knelt and pledged our devotion to her.
- Shuro Chi: When Mara and Illyn began to shape the Dreaming City, this was where they started. They stood on the edge of the world with rough rocks all around, and they saw the potential of what this place could be.
- Shuro Chi: Your Traveler terraformed your planets. But the Awoken terraformed the Dreaming City. It is our creation. It is a reflection of our people— not a false gift from a skittish god.
- Shuro Chi: Turn and look out over the clouds. Breathe in… then out… now turn. Look at the gardens. Study them. Take them in. Everything you see is the reason we’re here, Guardian. If beautiful places like this cannot survive, then why fight at all?
Cleft GateEdit
- Shuro Chi: These gardens were named for Esila, a famed poet and storyteller who chronicled our history and sang our epics. She was one of the first to stand in support of Mara during the Reckoning.
- Shuro Chi: Do you see the arches before you? We call it a cleft gate. The architecture symbolises the divide between the past we left behind and the present we live in now. There is no bridge between them because there is no going back.
- Shuro Chi: Look into the sky. See that portal? It controls access to the Tangled Shore — and, crucially, it holds the cloaking technology that we use to disguise and protect the Dreaming City.
- Shuro Chi: There is a large gazebo just beyond this bridge. It was Queen Mara's favorite place to meditate, to think. When we first realized that Oryx was on his way into our system— that is where we found her when we delivered the news.
Broken StatueEdit
- Shuro Chi: We Techeuns are taught absolute obedience to our queen. We have no desire but what our queen desires. We have no fears but what our queen fears. Good traits. But weaknesses against certain enemies — like the Taken. Like the Aphelion.
- Shuro Chi: Those statues there… look up at them. Those Techeuns died a vicious, irreversible death. They died in trance; each one screaming with the other's voice; each one unable to comprehend the horror of the thing that had killed them.
- Shuro Chi: The Techeuns you see here died while they were in trance together. Sometimes, when you are in communion, you cannot see what is coming close— like the Aphelion. Their last words were these: "First it shimmered… Then it crawled… and then it screamed."
- Shuro Chi: These three Techeuns were victim to the Aphelion. I pray you never see it, my friend, because no matter what gods you have killed… you will not survive it.
Dead TreeEdit
- Shuro Chi: Let this tree serve as a reminder that all things have their end. There is a certain amount of time that every one of us is granted. We must all make the most of it.
- Shuro Chi: You Guardians embrace death. But, it is not final for you, and so it has not weight, no impact. The Awoken believe in its finality. We believe we are charting towards a final future, a final shape. It is our duty to help shape it before we are gone.
- Shuro Chi: We Awoken have one foot in the Darkness and one in the Light. Your Traveler is a gardener, so we garden, too. But the Darkness demands each thing fit to its final shape — and so we accept when something must die.
- Shuro Chi: The Hive preach the gospel of the final shape: death. In our way, we believe in its power, too — but the Hive have such limited imagination. They have not heard the song of the Sky. There are more ways to carve and craft than cutting and killing.
- Shuro Chi: See that plant? It's queensfoil. The leaves, carefully prepared, can be used to see into other planes, other realms— but the power of the vision can destroy the weak.
- Shuro Chi: That's queensfoil. It's highly poisonous, but when the leaves are properly dried and crushed, it can be used to induce prophecy. The risks are immeasurable.
- Shuro Chi: When my friend Nascia was still in training to become a Techeun, she dried her own queensfoil and tried to induce a vision. It nearly killed her. Give that plant a wide berth.
- Shuro Chi: Queensfoil. Orin the Lost stole several of those plants before she embarked on her fool’s journey into the heliopause. I tried to warn her, but her curiosity was overwhelming. She did not listen to me.
Azirim's CliffEdit
- Shuro Chi: A great tragedy once occurred at these cliffs. It was early in our relationship with the Ahamkara, before we’d learned their tricks, before we’d learned how best to live alongside them without becoming their prey…
- Shuro Chi: Step past the tree. Peek down over the ledge. That drop goes on for some time. Now imagine a voice whispering to you, luring you, promising you that your feet will find solid ground where, in truth, there is only air… Ahamkara lies.
- Shuro Chi: Dozens of good people died walking over these cliffs. They were lured to their death by an Ahamkara during a celebration of the solstice. Those creatures… They can turn on you in an instant if you aren't wary.
- Shuro Chi: This was the site of a mass murder. An Ahamkara of immense power tricked dozens of civilians into walking right off the edge of these cliffs. We saved none of them. And to our great shame, the Ahamkara — Azirim, he was called — escaped.
Devna Tel StatueEdit
- Shuro Chi: This is a statue of Queen Devna Tel, ruler of the Distributary, last of her name. She held the throne when the Sky and the Deep came to the Awoken to collect their terms. She chose to stay, and Mara chose to go.
- Shuro Chi: This is an altar to Queen Devna Tel. To be honest, I’ve never understood why we chose to honour her. She was selfish and cowardly; she chose to luxuriate in paradise when she knew she could have stood to change fate.
- Shuro Chi: Queen Devna Tel and her loyal Techeuns. Devna's rule predates the arrival of the Awoken in the Reef, as did all that came before Queen Mara. We built these statues in their memory.
- Shuro Chi: These statues depict Queen Devna Tel and her Techeuns, Yara and Imar. Imar is himself noteworthy, as he was a man. There are no prohibitions against men becoming Techeuns— nor against men ruling. It's simply rare.
- Shuro Chi: When we helped Queen Mara build this place, she felt it was essential to incorporate water into the landscape — to honor our old home in the Distributary, to make everything here feel more… real.
- Shuro Chi: The Dreaming City is built upon a disc that contains a silver sea, The water is real, but the horizon is an illusion if you’re accustomed to spherical worlds. If you went far enough, you’d fall off the edge of the disc.
- Shuro Chi: There is a stabilization ring beyond the horizon that holds the City in alignment. When water goes spilling off the horizon, it is captured and fed back into the atmosphere before it dissipates into space.
- Shuro Chi: This waterfall is not fed by a river. Instead, its water comes from hydrocapture systems buried deep in the bedrock. We recycle all of our water— the whole place runs on a closed ecosystem.
- Shuro Chi: I have heard it said that the Awoken brought the Ahamkara into this system — that we found them amid the ruins of the planet that we carved into the base of the Dreaming City — but if you ask me, they came from the Nine.
- Shuro Chi: The Ahamkara always came and went from the Dreaming City by way of this platform, which meant they always passed these geodes. We used them as protective measures. Shiny surfaces can reveal some of the Ahamkara secrets— if you know what to look for.
- Shuro Chi: Reflections are powerful things. They can disarm certain kinds of magic. Wish-magic, in particular, is susceptible— since it is so heavily dependent on expectation and perception.
- Shuro Chi: Know this, Guardian. If an Ahamkara has hidden itself away beyond Jupiter, if the last of them did not die here in the Dreaming City… you can reveal their true intentions with reflective surfaces.
Meeting PillarEdit
- Shuro Chi: Dozens of Ahamkara have crawled or flown or slithered across this platform since it was built. They had the power to change their shape, to reform themselves to match the expectation of their beholders. We expected nothing of them, and so they came as they were.
- Shuro Chi: The Awoken knew the Ahamkara long before the Guardians ever noticed them. We made our alliances and cut our deals at this pillar— and for the most part, we lived alongside each other.
- Shuro Chi: It was here that we first struck an agreement with the Ahamkara and here that we met the very last of them. Those creatures have keen memories, and they love patterns and ceremony. When you start a tradition with them, they follow it through.
- Shuro Chi: I remember the day that the last Ahamkara arrived in the Dreaming City. Queen Mara was standing beside this pillar. She turned toward the horizon and saw the refugees fleeing extinction, and she felt… pity, I think. Perhaps empathy.
Osana Sov StatueEdit
- Shuro Chi: You can tell a statue of a queen from a statue of a Techeun by what they hold in their hands. The queens hold nothing at all. Techeuns hold symbols of life— orbs, lights…
- Shuro Chi: That statue depicts Osana Sov— mother to Queen Mara and Prince Uldren. Thought she is venerated here as a Queen, she was not royal herself. The Awoken do not believe in royal lines or inheritance.
- Shuro Chi: That is Osana Sov, the Queenmother. She did not follow her children to the Reef. Forgive me, Queen Mara, for saying this, but — I feel she was a coward.
- Shuro Chi: Osana Sov. She does not deserve the respect my lady grants her with that statue. Uldren argued against putting it up; he thought Osana should be forgotten. But Queen Mara chose to remember.
Kelda Wadj StatueEdit
- Shuro Chi: The Awoken believe that it is natural to gravitate toward two different paths. The first path is the path of war— for Corsairs and Paladins. The second is the path of the mind— for engineers and Techeuns.
- Shuro Chi: When a Techeun takes her title, she must swear a sacred oath to cover her eyes for the remainder of her life, showing them to no one— not even those closest to her. They can only be uncovered again when she has died.
- Shuro Chi: That statue depicts Kelda Wadj. She was Illyn's mentor in the Distributary. For all her wisdom, I'm told she was one of the loudest voices to speak out against Queen Mara's decision to leave.
- Shuro Chi: This is a statue of Kelda Wadj, teacher of teachers. She trained Illyn, the mother of our coven, and Illyn, in return, trained every Techeun to ever walk the Dreaming City.
Alis Li StatueEdit
- Shuro Chi: That is a statue of Alis Li, the great bargainer. They say she turned the Green into the storm. They say she cast out the lightning sails to attract both the Light and the Dark. But those are not my stories to tell. Not really…
- Shuro Chi: This is Alis Li. She woke before the rest of us; she spoke to the Sky and the Deep and heard their confusion when they found us caught between their fists, and she agreed to their terms. She founded the Distributary.
- Shuro Chi: Alis Li, the very first of our queens. She was given a precious opportunity to build a society in the way she thought best. She chose equality, exploration, engineering, peace… and her wisdom led us to paradise.
- Shuro Chi: Alis Li. I did not know her; I was not born in the Distributary— but Mara knew her. Illyn knew her, Uldren, too. They all spoke highly of Alis. She was an excellent starship pilot and a levelheaded ruler. A good queen.
Sjur's TreeEdit
- Shuro Chi: It’s taboo to carve a statue for someone who still lives, and so sometimes, we will plant trees instead. The Queen planted this one herself after one of our best warriors went missing. Would that we were all so lucky.
- Shuro Chi: This chamber was refashioned in honour of Sjur Eido, the first Queen's Wrath, when she was found dead. She was a fearsome warrior in her own right— the only Awoken to ever survive an Aphelion attack, and a skilled hunter of traitorous Ahamkara.
- Shuro Chi: This chamber was built for one of our most skilled archers. Her name was Sjur, and she was beloved by all of us— even by the Eliksni. They called her "Siyuriks pak Variisis"— Sjur the Unyielding.
- Shuro Chi: That tree was planted in honor of Sjur Eido, the Wishender. She was the first Queen's Wrath, and her skill with bow and arrow was renowned throughout the Reef. Queen Mara trusted her implicitly.
- Shuro Chi: Illyn used to ask us riddles when we were training. She would ask, "Can there simply be light if there is no source?" And if we replied "No, that is not possible," she would say, "think again."
- Shuro Chi: A single light burning in the dark is a potent but uninspiring symbol. It's far better the rally around the more complicated ideas. Sometimes, embracing the dark is the only way to find light.
- Shuro Chi: Turn and look behind you. Do you see the two statues? The left hand is for creation. The right hand is for destruction. Illyn used to say that we can hold fate in just one hand at a time.
- Shuro Chi: Turn. Look down. You stand above the entrance to the Hall of Names. Techeuns and Paladins alike used to receive their titles in that Hall, witnessed by the living and the lost alike.
Hall of NamesEdit
- Shuro Chi: Look at the statues all around you. How many queens? How many Techeuns came before you? The Dreaming City is older than your Tower, your Last City— but the carvings here almost all honor people that never once stepped foot in the Reef.
- Shuro Chi: We call this the Hall of Names. It was once a place of ceremony. Young women — and sometimes men — came here to be transformed as a final rite of passage in becoming a Techeun.
- Shuro Chi: The Hall of Names has always attracted great power. Illyn used to say it was the elevator shaft, that its circumference and depth were precisely engineered to create a vortex irresistible to immaterial beings. I think she was having a laugh at my expense.
- Shuro Chi: The Hall of Names. Solemn as it may be, this was a joyful place— more or less. It did see its share of drama. Tears. Fights. Even the odd betrayal, but Mara and Sjur always put a quick stop to those…
Eao's NestEdit
- Shuro Chi: This bowl was once a nest for Eao — he was a sly little Ahamkara, always laughing, always twining around your legs, whispering lies, saying "I have seen your eyes, o witch-mage mine." We never expected him to go bad.
- Shuro Chi: This was once a resting place for an Ahamkara who loved stories. He would recite all of our myths, name all of our heroes… And that's where we went wrong. We should have never trusted him to keep our secrets.
- Shuro Chi: This little chamber was once a home for an Ahamkara who betrayed the Awoken. He crept out of the Dreaming City and went to whisper in the ears of Warlocks who wondered who we were— and so we had to kill him. The Warlocks, too.
- Shuro Chi: Ah… This is where Eao liked to rest, before Sjur hunted him down and skewered him for his deceit. One of your Warlocks bartered for his corpse and traded away his bones. Another mistake. You must never scatter the bones.
- Awoken Corsair: How you doing?
- Awoken Corsair: Hello.
- Awoken Corsair: How you living?
- Awoken Corsair: Got a job for you.
- Awoken Corsair: You here for patrol duty?
- Awoken Corsair: Hey, just in time!
- Awoken Corsair: Nice to see you!
- Awoken Corsair: Got a job needs doing.
- Awoken Corsair: You busy?
- Awoken Corsair: Need you help, Guardian.
- Awoken Corsair: Wanna do me a favor and clear out some Taken?
- Awoken Corsair: There is a lot of Taken in this area. Start by knockin' down a couple of them.
- Awoken Corsair: This sector's looking normal. Wouldn't mind if you took out a couple Taken on your way through.
- Awoken Corsair: Boss lady says she wants the Taken around here cleaned up before the next shift change.
- Awoken Corsair: Are you my backup? I called for a squad to push back the Taken in this sector, but nobody showed up.
- Awoken Corsair: Been watching the Taken in this area for a while now. I'm strapped for ammo, but it looks like you came prepared.
- Awoken Corsair: We've lost many to the Taken. If it ends like this, those sacrifices mean nothing. Help us cut them down. Please.
- Awoken Corsair: If we had a fraction of our old armada, we could reclaim the City in a day. Instead, we embarrass ourselves by asking heroes like you to pick off the Taken one by one.
- Awoken Corsair: Me and my partner have a bet going — you want in? First one to shoot down the most Taken wins.
- Awoken Corsair: My mom used to talk about how peaceful this place was. [chuckle] Guarantee she never imagined the Taken would get here before me. Help me clear 'em out.
- Awoken Corsair: This City is hardly recognizable now thanks to the Taken. We have to eliminate them.
- Awoken Corsair: We need to make more than just a dent in Taken forces if we're going to survive this. Please help us.
- Awoken Corsair: This curse will consume everything if we don't push the Taken back. Kill as many as you can.
- Awoken Corsair: The Taken corruption is spreading across the City. Aim well, and push it back.
- Awoken Corsair: With Guardians like you fighting alongside us, we can and will hold off the Taken.
- Awoken Corsair: I'll feel better knowing you're out there mowing down the Taken and keeping the Curse at bay.
- Awoken Corsair: Get out there and shoot some Taken. Don't hold back.
- Awoken Corsair: This is our chance to break the curse. The Taken started this. We'll end it.
- Awoken Corsair: The Taken Curse will continue to spread if we don't do something. This is our chance.
- Awoken Corsair: Greetings.
- Awoken Corsair: Can I bother you?
- Awoken Corsair: Hey.
- Awoken Corsair: Hello.
- Awoken Corsair: You look well.
- Awoken Corsair: Good hunting to you.
- Awoken Corsair: Got a sec?
- Awoken Corsair: Hunt well.
- Awoken Corsair: Looking for a patrol?
- Awoken Corsair: Nice to see you, Guardian.
- Awoken Corsair: My squad and I were hunting a Scorn commander, but — mission went south. Maybe you can pick up where we left off.
- Awoken Corsair: Target's a high-value Scorn lieutenant. Don't let her get away.
- Awoken Corsair: Got a live one! A Scorn lieutenant we've been tracking finally decided to show his face. Mind dealing with him?
- Awoken Corsair: Hey, we've got a heavy hitter for you, if you're interested. Some Scorn chieftain. I'll patch the details to your Ghost.
- Awoken Corsair: Got one for you, a Scorn commander whose own people don't even like her. You take her out, you'd be doing everyone a favor.
- Awoken Corsair: We've got a hit out on this one Scorn chieftain, if you're interested.
- Awoken Corsair: You're no stranger to beating back the Scorn. Think you could go after one of their enforcers?
- Awoken Corsair: We're not in the habit of letting enemy leaders get away. The Scorn will learn that the hard way.
- Awoken Corsair: The Scorn are growing stronger every day. If we can eradicate their leaders, we could slow them down. Details forthcoming to your Ghost.
- Awoken Corsair: Transmitting data on a Scorn VIP. Track him down if you have the time.
- Awoken Corsair: We've got the Scorn on the defensive. If we take out their chieftains, the rest will fall back.
- Awoken Corsair: Got a job for you. Scorn commander, pretty close by. Put as many bullets in him as you need to.
- Awoken Corsair: I've lost a lot of friends over the last few weeks. Piece of trash chieftain's responsible for most of it. Find him. Kill him. Show no mercy.
- Awoken Corsair: There's a Scorn chieftain near this sector who's got it coming to her. We'd appreciate you being the one to deliver. Sending details to your Ghost.
- Awoken Corsair: Scorn Commander's been tracking me and my squad for days. We're ragged, got nothing left to fight back with. Please help us.
- Awoken Corsair: Our hold on this sector's slipping. Help us knock the Scorn back a bit. Hunt down one of their leaders.
- Awoken Corsair: Scorn command needs to be taken down a peg. You game?
- Awoken Corsair: No end to this curse in sight, but maybe we can force the Scorn into a retreat. Details incoming to your Ghost.
- Awoken Corsair: The Hive may be relentless, but they scatter without their leaders.
- Awoken Corsair: Got a real treat for you: a Hive lieutenant not far from here, traveling with limited backup.
- Awoken Corsair: My squad got outfoxed by a Hive commander earlier today. You see her, you put a bullet in her.
- Awoken Corsair: APB: We've got a VIP target in the area. Hive lieutenant. Call it in if you bag him.
- Awoken Corsair: A Hive commander has been spotted in this sector. Details are being sent to your Ghost.
- Awoken Corsair: A Hive enforcer just showed up on our radar. Act quickly, and take him down.
- Awoken Corsair: If we send your Ghost the location of a Hive captain, could you deal with her right away?
- Awoken Corsair: We're about to mobilize against a Hive leader in the area. He's all yours if you get there first.
- Awoken Corsair: Petra's calling for war trophies from Hive leaders. Somethin' about making necklaces for everybody? [chuckles] I dunno.
- Awoken Corsair: I saw a Hive commander roll through here not half an hour ago. Couldn't leave my post, but I captured tracking data. I'll send the details to your Ghost.
- Awoken Corsair: We've been plagued by visits from a certain Taken enemy recently. Think you could put a stop to him for good?
- Awoken Corsair: We just got word: a high-value Taken target is in the area. This is your best chance to bring her down.
- Awoken Corsair: So we've had our eye on a certain Taken lieutenant for a while. He surfaced not far from here. You up for the job?
- Awoken Corsair: Just spotted a Taken commander heading out of this sector. If you hurry, you might be able to catch 'em.
- Awoken Corsair: Petra's been talking you up. She specifically asked for YOUR assistance in taking down one of our Taken targets.
- Awoken Corsair: Transmitting tracking data for a Taken captain that we need put down.
- Awoken Corsair: The Taken in this sector are loyal to their commander. Cutting her out should scramble the rest.
- Awoken Corsair: Transmitting data on a Taken lieutenant the Techeuns want dead. You find him, you bag him.
- Awoken Corsair: Need you to take out a Taken commander. She deserves what she's got coming to her.
- Awoken Corsair: We've got word of a Taken leader approaching our sector. He'll be expecting you; be ready.
- Awoken Corsair: We've got a Taken chieftain for you to set your sights on. Bring him down.
- Awoken Corsair: A Taken lieutenant has been targeting my squad, picking us off one by one. You have to help stop her.
- Awoken Corsair: We need you to pick off some Taken leadership. You'll be saving us all a lot of trouble down the line.
- Awoken Corsair: There's a Taken Captain playing hide-and-seek with us, and I don't like it. He's gonna like it even less when you find him and put him down.
- Awoken Corsair: We haven't lost control of this curse just yet. Interrogate Taken leadership.
- Awoken Corsair: Destroying Taken leadership means holding the curse off for another day.
- Awoken Corsair: Could use a hand.
- Awoken Corsair: Hello.
- Awoken Corsair: Hey!
- Awoken Corsair: There you are.
- Awoken Corsair: Hi.
- Awoken Corsair: Got a minute?
- Awoken Corsair: We need your help.
- Awoken Corsair: Nice to see you.
- Awoken Corsair: Outsider.
- Awoken Corsair: Over here, Guardian.
- Awoken Corsair: The Scorn blindsided us, ran off with our supplies. Time to repay the favor.
- Awoken Corsair: We should take whatever the Scorn have on them. Anything to slow them down and bleed them dry.
- Awoken Corsair: The Scorn are carrying intel — intel we could very much use. Take it by force.
- Awoken Corsair: I bet the Scorn are hoarding some interesting stuff. Take whatever you can get your hands on.
- Awoken Corsair: Listening to Scorn comms chatter. They're crowing about loot they stole from the Hive. Mind taking it off their hands?
- Awoken Corsair: We could weaken the Scorn by stealing their supplies. Make it happen.
- Awoken Corsair: We need to collect intel on this curse. Take anything the Scorn are carrying.
- Awoken Corsair: The Scorn are using stolen Awoken tech to their advantage. Pry it from their hands if you have to, just get it back.
- Awoken Corsair: The Scorn robbed us! We need those supplies back, stat.
- Awoken Corsair: We'd benefit from any provisions the Scorn are carrying.
- Awoken Corsair: Scorn are killing whomever they can and hoarding whatever they find. Let's do the same to them.
- Awoken Corsair: The Scorn have been sneaking into our camps in the night, stealing our supplies. Help us take them back.
- Awoken Corsair: Petra's asking for a supply re-up. Bet you the Scorn have more than enough to go around.
- Awoken Corsair: We're low on supplies. Wanna shake down some Scorn, see if they have what we need?
- Awoken Corsair: The Scorn are looting the City. Reclaim whatever you can.
- Awoken Corsair: The Scorn are carrying resources we could really use.
- Awoken Corsair: Intel says the Scorn has resources that we can strip down for parts.
- Awoken Corsair: Dead Awoken are being found without their supplies. Scorn looters, I bet.
- Awoken Corsair: If the Scorn keep stealing our gear, we won't be able to hold the City.
- Awoken Corsair: Radio says that Scorn in this sector are carrying stolen loot. Shoot to kill, and reclaim what you find.
- Awoken Corsair: We should use this opportunity to bleed the Scorn of any resources they've stolen.
- Awoken Corsair: The Scorn raided our supply caches. Track them down, and get it all back.
- Awoken Corsair: This is our chance to push back the Scorn once and for all. Kill them, steal their supplies, whatever it takes.
- Awoken Corsair: We've been in the field so long, we're running low on resources. I'll bet any Scorn you come across will have what we need.
- Awoken Corsair: We're getting reports across the city about bands of Scorn carrying stolen loot. Find 'em and take it back.
- Awoken Corsair: Any supplies the Scorn drop are absolutely worth our time, now more than ever. Gather what you can.
- Awoken Corsair: We're done letting the Scorn steal from us. It's our turn.
- Awoken Corsair: The Scorn are carrying Awoken tech. It's ours to take back.
- Awoken Corsair: Boss wants Scorn supplies. "What kind?" we asked. She says, "Tchotchkes, bingle-bangles, shocobas, I don't care." So… [chuckles] Hop to. Grab those bingle-bangles.
- Awoken Corsair: Intel says the Scorn are hoarding supplies WE could use. Take what you can from them.
- Awoken Corsair: The Taken raided one of our camps last night. No survivors. Left none of our supplies behind, either. Hunt them down and retrieve what we lost.
- Awoken Corsair: The Taken may be carrying intel on how to beat this curse.
- Awoken Corsair: Our efforts against the Taken are paying off, but we still have a ways to go. Hunt down any in the area. Collect whatever they drop.
- Awoken Corsair: Plenty of Taken out here. Good for target practice and maybe for drops. See what you can find.
- Awoken Corsair: Never hurts to bag a few Taken. Might even find a thing or two worth keeping.
- Awoken Corsair: Taken ambushed a patrol of ours. Left 'em all dead and took their stuff. Least we can do is kill 'em and get it all back.
- Awoken Corsair: Gather whatever you can off any dead Taken.
- Awoken Corsair: We've utilized Taken materials to build tech before — might help us out here. Get us what you can.
- Awoken Corsair: Being in the field this long has done a number on our weapons. Might be able to swap with the Taken if you find anything worthwhile.
Rathmore ChaosEdit
Arm Yourself With KnowledgeEdit
Vex Structure (Surface)Edit
- Exo Stranger: Unlike their brethren on Venus, the Vex were not "discovered" here. They were brought. By Mr. Bray himself.
- Exo Stranger: Just because humanity discovered Vex on Venus first doesn't mean it was their only entry point. Clovis Bray built a door for them here too.
- Exo Stranger: You know of the Ishtar Collective. Clovis Bray also tried to crack open the secrets of the Vex. Proof of his failure stands before you.
- Exo Stranger: This structure dates back to the Golden Age. The Vex-Exo War. If history were just, it would be known as Bray's Folly.
- Exo Stranger: The history of the Vex is nigh on impossible to track given their manipulation of time. But I was here when they first came to Europa.
Vex Structure (Base)Edit
- Exo Stranger: BrayTech’s top engineers studied structures like this one for years, but they never grasped how the Vex defied the laws of nature so neatly.
- Exo Stranger: As you can see here, on Nessus, wherever they go, the Vex are quick to remake their surroundings in their own image.
- Exo Stranger: This structure is incomplete. The Vex only stop when they themselves are stopped. We learned that the hard way, during the war.
- Exo Stranger: Vex constructions uniformly resist natural law. Even entropy itself. No one, not even Clovis Bray, has figured out how.
- Exo Stranger: This unfinished column was proof that we'd stopped the Vex years ago. Now, thanks to Eramis, they may yet finish their work.
Red GlacierEdit
- Exo Stranger: Red ice is common here and perfectly harmless. Though from the long view, Europa looks like it's been scratched by giant claws.
- Exo Stranger: That red glow is a natural occurrence. Comes from some combination of native bacteria and the radiated atmosphere.
- Exo Stranger: Europan bacteria is preserved in ice. A small colony compares to what's floating in the ocean beneath your feet.
- Exo Stranger: Beautiful, isn’t it? The color is a reflection of radioactive ions in the air interacting with bacteria frozen within.
- Exo Stranger: One of Europa's natural phenomena. The only kind Clovis didn't care about. He couldn't make use of red ice.
- Exo Stranger: This abyss reaches Europa’s subsurface ocean. A BrayTech camera still floats down there, amongst arctic plankton and bacterial colonies.
- Exo Stranger: Expedition rovers, BrayTech employees: many were sacrificed to the study of this ravine. Not that Clovis Bray cared.
- Exo Stranger: The entrance to Europa's ocean lies at the bottom of the abyss. Twenty-five kilometers straight down.
- Exo Stranger: Chasms like these crisscross all over this moon, allowing radioactive ions to flow into the depths of its dark ocean.
- Exo Stranger: BrayTech researchers dropped a camera down there once. You wouldn't believe what they saw swimming around in the dark.
Exoscience PanelingEdit
- Exo Stranger: The Europan construction was BrayTech's most expensive project by far. But it paid off. Centuries later and still intact.
- Exo Stranger: To say Europa presented an architectural challenge is putting it mildly. What these roofs can withstand is an engineering miracle.
- Exo Stranger: The exterior paneling was designed to hold up against subarctic temperatures, radiation, and 50 kilotons of blast force.
- Exo Stranger: The paint job has a use beyond aesthetics. All the buildings were painted so they could be seen even in a whiteout.
- Exo Stranger: Gale force winds, kilotons of snow and ice, radiation bombardment. And still, centuries later, this roof stands intact.
Fuel TanksEdit
- Exo Stranger: These fuel tanks were our emergency reserves. Which Clovis drained for his research trips. So when an emergency came… well…
- Exo Stranger: Fuel was a precious resource on Europa. Clovis and I argued over it constantly. He won, in the end. And the people of Eventide suffered for it.
- Exo Stranger: These tanks once held fuel — for Eventide. But Clovis prioritized research over human lives. When people needed them most, they were empty.
- Exo Stranger: Fuel reserves. I insisted, in case we needed to evacuate. Which we might've done, if Clovis hadn't wasted it all.
- Exo Stranger: Eventide required an enormous amount of fuel to stay up and running, but it paled in comparison to the Exo Factory.
Ether TanksEdit
- Exo Stranger: The Fallen may have knocked their Servitors down a peg, but they still need a steady stream of Ether. Hence the hidden caches.
- Exo Stranger: A House Salvation Ether cache. Even the Darkness isn't enough to keep them alive, as much as they wish otherwise.
- Exo Stranger: Ether stores for House Salvation. Hold off on destroying them for now. We can be strategic about this.
- Exo Stranger: Looks like House Salvation has tucked away some Ether for a rainy day. We should keep careful track of these.
- Exo Stranger: House Salvation may disdain their Servitors, but they still need Ether. I'll make a note. We can use this to our advantage.
Signal TowerEdit
- Exo Stranger: Looks like the Fallen have repurposed some BrayTech leftovers. Perhaps I can find a backdoor into their comms…
- Exo Stranger: The Fallen are thrifty, I'll give them that. These towers have BrayTech parts in them. Good to know.
- Exo Stranger: This must be why I've been picking up so many House Salvation transmissions. They’re getting desperate for recruits.
- Exo Stranger: A lot of outgoing transmissions, calling for Fallen to join House Salvation. Reminds me of how BrayTech used to recruit.
- Exo Stranger: House Salvation has made a real effort to blast their propaganda far and wide. It's good to know where the transmissions are coming from.
Old Exoscience ComputerEdit
- Exo Stranger: An old Exoscience computer. This one is fried, but there were a lot of these stations. We can still find one with data left on it.
- Exo Stranger: This is where they conducted Exo stress tests. Exposing us to extreme temperatures, radiation, direct bomb blasts…
- Exo Stranger: This is where Exos came to be "put through their paces," as Clovis said. If there’s any data left, it’s likely biometrics. Interesting, but not very useful.
- Exo Stranger: I tried to erase all evidence of the Exo Project once. I never thought I'd be happy I failed, but… well, I've changed my mind about a lot since then.
- Exo Stranger: All Exoscience computers were routinely wiped clean of incriminating data. But traces may linger deep in the hardware.
The Harder They FallEdit
- Variks: Hostile Eliksni seek to root out deserters. Thin their ranks for Variks, yes?
- Variks: I overhear the radio channels. [insect-like chattering] Supporters of Eramis search for Variks. I ask for your help in stopping them.
- Variks: Eramis sends her Wolves and Devils for Variks and his allies. [insect-like chattering] We ask the Guardian's help.
- Variks: [inhales] Rumors on the wind. Eramis sends her soldiers here. If we cannot yet stop them… perhaps we can slow them down.
- Variks: Soldiers of Eramis search here for deserters. [chattering] They show no mercy to those they find. Please destroy them first.
- Variks: Variks wishes to create a supply route. Build food stores for the needy. [insect-like chattering] Will the Guardian clear the way?
- Variks: Help Variks, and you will help yourself. Our foes will destroy what your Vanguard wishes to save. [insect-like chattering] Destroy them first.
- Variks: Unchallenged, our foes grow strong. Bring Judgement to them. Variks will pay you well.
- Variks: My allies tell me they cannot pass through; the danger is too thick. [wheezes] Perhaps you can clear a path.
- Variks: My friends seek shelter in this place, but our enemies deter them. [insect-like chattering] Perhaps the Guardian can help, yes?
The Best DefenseEdit
- Variks: My allies seek refuge here, but are overwhelmed by enemies. [insect-like chattering] Perhaps the Guardian will clear their path.
- Variks: [Wheezes] This moon holds many secrets. Secrets your enemies wish to steal. Kill them before they can do so, yes?
- Variks: Allied Eliksni flee from the Europan city. Many threats stand in their way. [inhales] The Guardian can help, yes?
- Variks: We share the same enemies, yes? [inhales] Kill them, and Variks will be in your debt.
- Variks: This place is unsafe for Variks and his allies. [chattering] Hostile creatures stalk us through the snow. Kill them, and you will be rewarded.
Vex ControlEdit
- Variks: Variks does not understand the Vex, and he does not wish to. [insect-like chattering] They are trouble for Eliksni and Guardian alike.
- Variks: There are Vex here in great numbers. They will consume Europa if they are not stopped. Stop them.
- Variks: Guardians can learn from fighting Vex, yes? [insect-like chattering] Variks will pay you to do so.
- Variks: [wheezes] Vex loot my supply caches. Not out of need… but love of destruction. [insect-like chattering] Please destroy them for Variks…
- Variks: Variks has no respect for Vex. [wheezes] Their creation is destruction. Their minds are empty.
Supply and RemandEdit
- Variks: [wheezes] Variks finds his stockpiles looted. Find those responsible, Guardian, and recover what they took. [insect-like chattering]
- Variks: Supplies for Eliksni escape run low. [insect-like chattering] Perhaps you could help… requisition them from our enemies. Variks thanks you.
- Variks: Enemies unknown steal provisions from Variks. [insect-like chattering] Please, Guardian. Ally Eliksni rely on those items.
- Variks: Thieves set back Variks's plans by stealing precious supplies. Your aid in their recovery would be most welcome.
- Variks: [wheezes] Many enemies roam the area, packs heavy with war spoils. [chattering] Bring these items to Variks and receive your reward.
Vex CollectorEdit
- Variks: House Salvation upgrades their weapons with Vex technology. [inhales] You must ensure there is none to be found. [insect-like chattering]
- Variks: What little Variks stored for Eliksni escape… [inhales] Stolen by irritant Vex. [chattering] Please recover all you can. Variks will reward you.
- Variks: If only the Vex hindered House Salvation as much as they do Variks! [wheezes] Again, they loot my stores. [chattering] Please, return what they took.
- Variks: [wheezes] The Vex are obstacles in our fight. But they may yet be of use. [insect-like chattering] Bring Variks their scraps, and we shall see.
- Variks: [inhales] Again, the Vex prove true to their name. Dismantle these pests for Variks's sake. Their parts, at least, are useful. [insect-like chattering]
- Variks: [wheezes] Materials, tools are needed for Eliksni escape. [insect-like chattering] Such things are abundant in Vex. Please help Variks collect them.
- Variks: Scavengers, we may be. [inhales] But Eliksni give new life to things, unlike destructive Vex. [inhales] Bring Variks their scraps. Further the cause of life, yes?
- Variks: Once more, Variks finds himself robbed by pestilent Vex. [chattering] Recover my supplies, Guardian. Variks will reward you. [chattering]
Eliksni ExpropriationEdit
- Variks: House Salvation hoards supplies needed by those who flee. [insect-like chattering] Help Variks help his allies, yes?
- Variks: Once, Eramis filled the city stores with provisions for our people. Now, her army empties them. [wheezes] You will right this wrong, yes?
- Variks: Eliksni of House Salvation bring war spoils back to the city. Please, Guardian. [inhales] Ensure they arrive empty-handed.
- Variks: House Salvation spends much time building stockpiles. [chattering] It takes little time to shrink them, yes? Bring Variks the excess. [chattering]
- Variks: [inhales] My brethren lack the necessary supplies to escape. [chattering] Perhaps you could requisition some from those that hunt them? [chattering]
- Variks: A raiding party passes near, Guardian. [inhales] Laden with provisions needed for Eliksni escape. You will help with redistribution, yes? [chattering]
- Variks: Eramis is gone, but her greed lives on in her soldiers. [chattering] They have looted my stores, Guardian. [inhales] Please reverse this theft.
- Variks: [inhales] One day, Eliksni will not rob their own kind. Today is not that day, [insect-like chattering] Return these supplies and Variks will reward you.
- Variks: Many Eliksni have fled this moon. [inhales] More would follow, but enemy-brethren and lack of supplies block them. You can solve both problems, yes? [insect-like chattering]
Nexus ExerciseEdit
- Variks: A valuable target for the Guardian. A powerful Vex creature. You may find use in its parts.
- Variks: [inhales] I hear whispers of a powerful enemy. My allies are not warriors. We rely on your generosity, yes?
- Variks: Vex seek to devour this moon. [insect-like chattering] But Europa is not theirs to take. Show them this.
- Variks: Variks points, the Guardian kills, Variks pays. Yes? Now I point you to a new target. [wheezes] A Vex creature of great strength.
- Variks: The Guardian must keep their blade sharp, yes? Variks has a Vex target that will hone your edge… [insect-like chattering]
- Variks: Eramis left a cruel legacy. [inhales] Vex flood through the ancient portal like pests. [insect-like chattering] One of their strongest lurks nearby.
- Variks: [wheezes] Powerful Vex arrive through their portal in droves. [insect-like chattering] One of them patrols this area, menacing my allies…
Hall of the Exo KingEdit
- Variks: An ambitious follower of Eramis stalks these wastes. [inhales] He wishes to impress his Kell. [insect-like chattering] Bring Variks his head.
- Variks: [wheezes] An Eliksni warrior hunts deserters. She brings their arms to Eramis as tribute. [insect-like chattering] End her.
- Variks: [insect-like chattering] The House of Salvation sends a challenger. He searches for deserters. Destroy him.
- Variks: [inhales] A powerful Eliksni haunts this place, loyal only to cruelty. Variks asks your help.
- Variks: Ambitious Eliksni seek to prove themselves Kell-worthy. [insect-like chattering] One hopeful lurks here. Destroy him.
- Variks: An old "friend" claims Europa as her hunting grounds. [insect-like chattering] Find her. Stop her careless bloodshed.
- Variks: [inhales] An escaped Eliksni prisoner makes a new home here. Terrorizing my allies, yes? Kill him.
- Variks: Rumors reach Variks. [inhales] An Eliksni warrior gathers troops nearby. [insect-like chattering] Stop them.
- Variks: A Captain stalks this land. [insect-like chattering] Leaves a trail of destruction. Variks will pay you to kill her.
- Variks: [wheezes] An old enemy is near. He is ruthless. Cruel. This target is personal, yes?
Court of SavathûnEdit
- Ghost: The patrol beacon signal — it's garbled. The Hive must be jamming us. Fynch, think you can descramble this?
- Fynch: Hey, even better! The decryption codes in these — I can use 'em to splice you into the Hive Ghost network. Hear some secrets. Hit 'em where it hurts! [Hacking Hive Ghost Network]
- Immaru: I know you're eavesdropping, Neon Nerds. Nothing brings folks together like a common enemy. And you got a lot of enemies. Watch yer butts.
- Ghost: Wait… I know that voice! He wasn't going by "Immaru" back when he was tormenting young Ghosts! Let's ruin his day!
Eight Million Tales in the CityEdit
- Fynch: So the Hive, they don’t like me sniffing around anything suspicious. Chased me off before I could scan anything, but… now I gotta know, y’know?
- Fynch: Yeah, so, uh, I've been reading the perimeter reports I, uh… borrowed, and there's this… this thing. Might be a nothing. Might be a something. Check it out?
- Fynch: The Hive's got something to hide, yeah? So… what we're gonna do is play some hide-and-seek!
- Fynch: Okay, I looked over this spot near you earlier, and I didn't find anything, but I still got — I mean — [sighs] let's just call it a feeling? Give it a look for me?
- Fynch: Yeah, I am hearing this, uh… chitchat in the Hive Ghost network. Sounds like a lead, yeah? But they're cagey about the details, so I need you to check it out?
Florescent Canal BorderEdit
- Fynch: Me and my flock, we got here when the Light was just cracking the sky open, like… like the old sky was a gray little shell the real world was hatching outta.
- Fynch: I watched a lot of the Throne World reinvent itself from here. Makes you feel real small to see creation just dance, but… like, in a good way.
- Fynch: I saw everything change from this spot, and… I don't really got a mystery here. Dangerous or not… it's pretty. And there's something in that, yeah?
- Fynch: When Savathûn took the Light, the Throne World reshaped itself. It flexed and moved like a living thing. It was the biggest thing I've ever been a part of.
Florescent TreeEdit
- Fynch: Huh, real clean cuts here. I'm thinking, yeah… someone's taking samples.
- Fynch: Does it seem a little dim here? Yeah, I'm right! Illumination levels dip 2% near the shrub.
- Fynch: The Hive, they don't name things that don't need to be conquered, like this plant. Grows everywhere, but… this is the only one in a planter.
- Fynch: The seeds in this… yeah, yeah, they don't look right. It's probably like, what, kinda cross-pollinated with something new, maybe an invasive species?
- Fynch: The fluff on these seeds… it's got nanostructures. Remind me of feathers on a bird of paradise. Hey, did you ever see one? It's like… like staring into midnight.
Florescent Canal GateEdit
- Fynch: So, I'm finding traces of Light in the gate mechanism, but… it's too tight for the Hive or a Guardian to squeeze in there.
- Fynch: Whoa, hey, the ground is scorched here! Looks like… Hive fluids and Dark Ether. Air's ionized. Looks like the Hive and Scorn duked it out at this gate.
- Fynch: Hmm, so the gate wasn't forced. A mechanical problem? Did the Scorn just, what, get lucky? I feel like if they were lucky, they wouldn't be Scorn.
- Fynch: Scoring here… yeah, laser etching in binary. What is this… is it a poem? "Gore-sick peaches tumble out. Jam of crimson mud. Each hungry maw eats its fill."
- Fynch: It's just — looks, like, I'm not a decorator, but doesn't this corner already get enough light? It doesn't need a torch, but… it does overlook Hive supply lines.
- Fynch: Oh, that filament — it's like a metamaterial. Soaks up everything from EM radiation to vibration. Now that? Yeah, that is a neat "all in one" little passive scanner.
- Fynch: Yeah, it looks like normal Hive technology, but see? See? These scans show embedded Pyramid tech, so… that is not Savathûn-approved.
- Fynch: So, it's a Hive torch, yeah? But it's pulsing exotic radiation on a predictable cycle. Yeah, it's out there, but I'm thinking it's a broadcast.
- Fynch: Huh, the thermal signature's holding — oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa — that's a boson impactor, like a — like a bomb! So let's just look, but don't touch, yeah?
Hive RuinEdit
- Fynch: Yeah, the Hive Ghost network says this was a biotech lab. Eh, no more details. Could be a disgruntled employee? Ooh, or… a disgruntled project!
- Fynch: Hmm, so traces of accelerants, yeah? But not a lot. No, no, no, this was already collapsing. You don't burn down a ruin except to hide what ruined it.
- Fynch: So, you know what diatoms are? Algae that makes tiny little shells. They're from Earth, but there — there're shells, like, all over here, like an invasive species.
- Fynch: These — these, uh, structural supports, the ribs? Yeah, scans are showing microactivities, like something started just… eating them.
- Fynch: It's a skeleton of an old structure. Literally. Everything the Hive use — weapons, ships, buildings — it's all things they enslave and twist into a useful shape.
- Fynch: There are WAY too many up quarks here. Not — not natural, yeah. I think something pried its way into the Throne World here from… outside?
- Fynch: Well, I'm — I'm seeing some scales from, like, a Hive worm. But, uh… something's wrong with the growth wings. This little guy would have to be, like, a… a BILLION years old.
- Fynch: Yeah, I'm finding — whoa, this is a lot of rounds buried in the mud. Are they ALL from Hive Shredders? Yeah. Huh, someone had a cool little fight.
- Fynch: Oh, that's just cool! This woodgrain? Yeah, it shifts by 37 microns! It — it's like something just told half the log, "You live here now."
Florescent PillarEdit
- Fynch: Small traces of like, you know, plant roots, hair, mycelium. That's just weird. But it's infused with Darkness — like, a ludicrous amount of it.
- Fynch: Huh, well, uh… this has been paved over, but the soil layers are disturbed, like something big was overturning the ground.
- Fynch: Yeah, my scans are showing traces of exoskeleton, bone, teeth… just about everything you'd not want to lose if you were a Hive.
Florescent StatueEdit
- Fynch: Most of this — what, palace? Fortress? — Most of it's old, but this labyrinth is all new. Like, maybe a year old?
Florescent OutpostEdit
- Fynch: Yeah, these are traces of, uh, whatchamacallit, osmium dust? Too much to be chance. I'm guessing a lot of it moves through here.
- Fynch: Oh, microetching by the window: series of numbers. Yeah, I can't decrypt it without a key, but it looks like maybe… uh, dates? Times?
- Fynch: Ah, so it's adhesive. Mixed with traces of what looks like a morta-toxin — that's an exotic poison that affects the Hive. Super hard to make… I imagine.
- Fynch: Give those chemical sensors a whiff, yeah? It's Dark Ether. Scorn use it to keep shambling along, but I'm picking up contaminants.
- Fynch: Hmm, two sets of footsteps. Recent, too. They're moving casually. A Hive and a Scorn, maybe just having a nice little chat? Nope. No. Not likely. Someone's getting set up.
- Immaru: I know you're eavesdropping, Neon Nerds. Nothing brings folks together like a common enemy. And you got a lot of enemies. Watch yer butts.
- Immaru: Eyes up, Thralls. It is a new day, and there's blood to spill. Go commit some indiscriminate mayhem.
- Immaru: All right, my little antisocial arthropods. This is First Ghost Immaru talking. Get your act together, Hive, while those Scorn regroup. Tear things up, 'cause you know they're fixing to.
- Immaru: Attention all Lucent Hive. Immaru here with your marching orders.
- Immaru: Scorn are reinforcing. Good chance for us to do likewise before the Guardians counter — too late. They're coming your way.
- Immaru: I know you're on my comms, Guardians. Make yourself useful and clear out some Scorn for me… unless you think they'll listen to reason.
- Immaru: Listen up, glowbugs! You hold that position and watch for Human retaliation.
- Immaru: Scorn are on the ropes and mad. Pull back and let the Guardians mop 'em up.
- Immaru: Those little Dark Ether junkies are circling for a push against the Vanguard forces. Let 'em duke it out!
- Immaru: Scouts say the Scorn are prepping a nasty hello for the Vanguard forces. Move in and mop up anything still twitching.
- Immaru: Witches say this ritual is sensitive to "necrotic echoes." Translation: no dyin', no killin'… yet. Too many deaths, and the whole thing backfires.
- Immaru: Having fun messin' with MY comms, Glitter Bombs? Let's see how much fun you have when my Hive peel you. Let's dance.
- Immaru: Those florescent fleabags think they're gonna put together a cute little supply route. Take it apart.
- Immaru: All right, my little antisocial arthropods. This is First Ghost Immaru talking.
- Immaru: Guardians are carving a real dent in my chassis. Consider it open season on them, and don't come back 'til you killed plenty.
- Immaru: Ley Line discharge is screwing with Hive comms. Hunker down 'til it passes… 'cause this is the kind of chaos Guardians love to exploit.
- Immaru: Dispatching an extra patrol to help you thin the herds. Go get 'em!
- Immaru: You little maggots suck it up and be ready for a Guardian counterattack.
- Immaru: Scorn got some vendetta to settle with the Guardians. Stand back and let' em do our job for us.
- Immaru: Those Scorn goons are everywhere nowadays. Think they're reinforcing. Thin 'em out!
- Immaru: Scorn are digging in hard. Fall back and let the Guardians pound on 'em a while.
- Immaru: The four-armed zombies are trackin' the Guardians back to wherever they came from. Those fluorescent fleabags better act fast.
- Immaru: Listen up, Hive! Downed supply ship in your sector. Gonna be a free-for-all, so grab what you can!
- Immaru: Attention all Lucent Hive. Immaru here with your marching orders.
- Immaru: Supplies are thin all around. So take what you need, and if the Scorn and Guardians don't like it, tough.
- Immaru: Guardian ammo cache went up like a fireworks show. [chuckles] Hope they have fun huntin' down new supplies.
- Immaru: Hey, Gun-toting Lamp-maggot! I know you been listenin' in! By my last count, you got squat. But come close. My boys can spare a few rounds.
- Immaru: Got your orders here from the head of our little Hive family… so listen up.
- Immaru: So, the Guardians are on our channel, huh? Well, don't be afraid to show yerself. My Hive are even carrying presents for ya.
- Immaru: Sendin' more supplies to your position. Feel free to shoot looters.
- Immaru: I don't like how these Scorn think they're better than us, showin' off their fancy gear. Maybe I want someone to lighten them of that burden.
- Immaru: Ya know, Neon Nerd, a well-stocked Scorn force is a much bigger pain in your backside than mine. Be good dogs and go fetch.
- Immaru: What do you mean, the Scorn are scavenging the Vanguard supply line we hit? Stop 'em and take that crap back!
- Immaru: Well, looks like Human tech can be augmented with some of these Scorn alloys. Keep 'em off it before the Guardians figure out the same.
- Immaru: Scouts are telling me those glitter bombs are running outta ammo. Let 'em shoot themselves dry.
- Immaru: Hey. Hive! I'm gettin' reports that the Scorn are stocking a secret bunker in your vicinity. Burn it before anyone can use it against us.
- Immaru: Scorn just looted a Guardian stockpile near you. Go relieve them of that bounty before the Guardians take it back.
- Immaru: Putting together some new supply lines. Protect 'em like like your lives depend on it.
- Immaru: Human transport downed in your sector. Those florescent fleabags will be on the hunt for their supplies.
- Immaru: Trusting you Thralls with these spare reagents. Keep 'em secure if those Humans show up.
- Immaru: Those dayglow dunces will want some of the surplus you just looted from that Scorn convoy. So shoot first.
- Immaru: Guardians'll want some of the surplus you just looted from that Scorn convoy. So shoot first.
- Immaru: Those Scorn bastards just hit one of our tombs. Bring back whatever they swiped.
Scourge of the ScornEdit
[Hacking Hive Ghost Network]
- Immaru: Well, lookie here. We got eyes on a new Scorn Captain. Would be a shame if something happened to her.
- Immaru: This new Scorn leader's killed so many, I'm thinking of making him an honorary Hive. I'll carve it on his tombstone… after one of you kill him.
- Immaru: Okay, my little glowbugs. Daddy Immaru needs you all to pay close attention. Scorn got a specialist in your area carrying recon reports. I want those reports before the neon nerds can get 'em.
- Immaru: It's been fun letting you listen in, Glitter Bombs. I'm sending your position to a Scorn Leader. No matter which one of you kills the other, I win.
- Immaru: Scorn built themselves a command center. I want it torched, and their commander perforated. Not on my yard, ya zombies.
- Immaru: The Scorn have moved a Captain to our front, and she's got a thirst for blood. Someone slake that thirst… with a bullet.
Send a MessageEdit
[Hacking Hive Ghost Network]
- Immaru: Meet up at these coordinates for assignments from Hive command. And keep an eye peeled. Those neon nerds come in shooting.
- Immaru: Got a high-priority messenger passing through our territory. Keep those gun-toting lamp-maggots off of her.
- Immaru: My little buddy is carving out a new stronghold. I want your jerks out there watching her back before these Guardians show up.
- Immaru: All right, Lucent Hive. I'm sending you a specialist to deal with our little Guardian infestation. Let's end this.
- Immaru: Dead soldiers. Dead Scorn. Your local Hive commander's a genuine war hero. Gonna bag himself a Guardian next, I hear.
- Immaru: C'mon, Neon Nerds! We're both on the side of the Light here, yeah? Why dontcha come sit down with one of my guys? Promise they don't bite.
Mangle Some MuscleEdit
[Hacking Hive Ghost Network]
- Immaru: I arranged a little blind date for ya, Guardian. Prettiest Hive you ever saw. Bring flowers, and don't be late.
- Immaru: I'm assigning a big boy to help beef up Hive security around the fortress. I do hope those dayglow dunces try bustin' in now!
- Immaru: New strike leader's an Ogre. Just lead her to any Guardians and let her do her magic.
- Immaru: According to a little leak, you have been having Guardian problems. Sending in a "friend" to mop up… since you brine shrimp can't seem to manage.
- Immaru: Throwing a specialist out there to reinforce the fortress guard. Let those miserable florescent fleabags come.
- Immaru: Rogue Ogre! Anyone listening, move in and take her down!
The Derelict LeviathanEdit
- Eris Morn: These Nightmares have been drawn from the Moon by the Leviathan's siren song. The trauma that bore them into this world is anchored there, not here. They are lost. Perhaps even… confused, if such phantoms can experience emotion beyond the snapshot of pain they represent. We may be able to disperse them by resolving their associated traumas.
- Calus: Guardian! Welcome, welcome! The Leviathan beckons, and you answered. I knew you would survive its greeting. Such tenacity. Such grace and wisdom. This is why I want to… share my bounty with you. We do not have to be enemies. I have heard the Voice in the Darkness, Guardian, and it sings a song of peace everlasting. Come and see.
- The Crow: Good. Great. Perfectly normal. All right, Guardian, let's go, see what Calus wants to show us.
Baths EntranceEdit
- The Crow: There's material embedded in the hull here. I can't be certain, but I think it might be Ghost Shell fragments.
- Calus: Your scout is as keen as he is troubled. I did have some Guardians as guests. They appreciated my generosity, my compliments. I appreciated their capacity for enduring pain, and the generous offerings of their final deaths. Nothing is gained without some sacrifice.
- The Crow: It looks like someone fought a war in here before us, but I've never read any reports of a full-scale conflict on the Leviathan.
- Calus: There were those among my Loyalists who lacked conviction in the face of the unknown. No transition is ever painless. But now? We're of one mind.
- Calus: Beyond those doors lie some of my greatest creations, but also my greatest failures. I feel a sense of kinship to my Loyalists. I feel a sense of kinship to my Loyalists. They are like family to me. Even more so now, as each is but an appendage of the greater apparatus I am becoming. I cannot wait for you to behold my majesty.
- The Crow: That doesn't make any sense. It sounded like he was talking about a lab. But if I'm reading this map correctly, this door leads to the baths.
Gardens EntranceEdit
- Calus: The Leviathan has changed since last I had guests. Its innards have twisted into new shapes, its steely flesh blooming with new growth. I encourage you to witness these changes for yourself, and ask a question: What more could you become, if only you didn't fear loss?
- The Crow: There's spores in the air here: same kind we'd seen aboard Calus' research vessel, Glykon. They don't seem to be harmful.
- Calus: Aspirating the Egregore spores allows them to take root in your body. While they are symbiotic, they are also short-lived. But for a time, they join your consciousness to that of the mycelial network, and other minds that would witness you.
- Calus: This ship was once so full of a specific kind of life, vascular and wet: flesh, meat, bone. Now, new life flourishes in the dark. My Menagerie became a feeding trough for such splendor, the likes of which are both beautiful and obscene.
- The Crow: The plants we're seeing here appear to be concentrated through those doors. Maybe it's where they started?
Gauntlet EntranceEdit
- The Crow: The map of the Leviathan says there was some sort of arena near here, but I think it’s derelict. No signs of life. There’s bodies, though.
- Calus: Once upon a time, I would enjoy watching blood sport with my Shadows. Loyal to the end to their friend, to his riches. My Shadows paved the way for my transcendence, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
- Calus: In my exile, I thought of the Leviathan as a prison. But what I have found while journeying has given me greater perspective. Do you hear that, Guardian? The Leviathan is breathing. Its veins pulse, its heart beats. This ship is alive, in so many ways.
- The Crow: It's not actually alive, is it?
- The Crow: Weird readings here. The power conduits below this spot have a reversed flow. The energy is behaving… strangely. I don’t know how to describe it.
- Calus: The Leviathan is growing, changing, transforming. You are witnessing the death of one state of being… and the beginning of another. Terrible and beautiful new life will bloom from its carcass.
Throne EntranceEdit
- Calus: One of these days, Guardian, we will meet face to face. There is an inevitability to our lives, the course of them. I merely hope that when we do, it is with one mind and one vision for the future. Not as enemies.
- The Crow: People have made me similar offers before, and they never turn out well. For anyone.
- The Crow: According to the Vanguard database, Calus' throne room is beyond these doors. And below it's some sort of… fabrication lab.
- Calus: The heart of the Leviathan, yes. A forge where I replaced tired and imperfect flesh with gleaming steel and glittering jewels. But even those aspirations were misguided. I did not truly see until I slipped beyond the edge of our universe and… was witnessed.
- Calus: Our last meeting beyond these doors was exhilarating, was it not? I wish you had been able to stay, to shed this… dead meat you inhabit. Perhaps in time, I can help you understand. All of this, it is temporary. Fleeting. It is not worth fighting for.
- The Crow: That sounds a lot like cowardice. You're too afraid to lose, so you'd rather just give up.
Baths StatueEdit
- The Crow: [chuckles] You think this statue is big enough?
- Calus: That monument was forged from exotic matter mined from the heart of a neutron star. It was sculpted by one of my empire's finest artists. May he rest in peace. The material was highly radioactive, and in the end, it looked better plated in gold.
- Calus: I once reveled here for hours on end, contemplating mysteries of the universe while soaking in these now-stagnant pools… Gorged on wines and fruits from across the empire, asking questions of the stars. Yet the truest question was one I could not think to ask.
- The Crow: Going to take a while to get that image out of my head.
- The Crow: Why is Calus showing us all this instead of Caiatl? Is he avoiding her?
- Calus: You would do well to keep my daughter's name out of your mouth, whelp. She is not and never will be your concern. Caiatl will come to see things my way… in her own time.
Cloning FacilityEdit
- The Crow: There's definitely something below us, a larger facility. I can't tell if it's still functional. On a scan, it looks like the hull folded in on itself.
- Calus: My Leviathan has been changing, contorting itself into new shapes and forms both regal and majestic. I encourage you to stay around long enough to bask in the majesty of our transformations.
- Calus: My cloning facilities below the baths are a labor of love. It took centuries to perfect their design. It has long been a point of personal pride that my Loyalists are handcrafted. Each meticulously engineered to exacting specification.
- The Crow: I suppose that makes sense. I can't imagine anyone willingly serving you.
- The Crow: I'm picking up something weird under the — wait. This isn't water. It's a protein slurry. There's Cabal DNA mixed in this and —
- Calus: Ah, yes. I suppose calling these "baths" is a bit of a misnomer. They are built atop a cloning facility where my Loyalists are engineered. What you are standing in is the liquefied remains of failed experiments, which was fed to their unborn kin.
- Calus: I remember a day when these lifts would rise, expelling new, perfectly engineered Cabal champions into my embrace.
- The Crow: Perfectly? The way I hear it, most of them were failures, like the one you engineered to bear the Crown of Sorrow.
- Calus: It is not failure, it is progress.
- The Crow: Based on structural scans, this chain is part of a containment system that connects to a lab below us. It's too badly damaged to use. This must have been a deployment system. When whatever was engineered down there was finished, it was brought here.
- Calus: These mechanisms no longer serve a purpose. My cloning facilities no longer serve a purpose. I have been shown… new horizons.
- The Crow: I'm reading pieces of exterior hull fused with the machinery below this lift. I can't explain how the outside of the ship got in here.
- Calus: When this ship passed beyond the threshold of our universe, the change had already begin. You are witnessing its growing pains. I can feel every bulkhead, every door, every pillar pulsing with new life. You understand, now, what I wanted to show you.
Gardens StatueEdit
- Calus: A once-glorious monument, now little more than a sunken head. All things decay and change. It is the nature of the universe. Entropy knows no master, walking hand in hand with the phantom of time. All things that exist are doomed to crumble. Only that which does not exist — which has never existed — is truly free. Contemplate this, my friend.
- The Crow: Looks like Calus has seen better days.
- Calus: There is an unplanned truth in the monument's depiction of my form. Just as I have let this statue crumble, so have I allowed myself to. This withered flesh is an inefficient vessel by which to explore the limits of sensation the universe allows. I wish for something new.
- Calus: I imagine this is how Caiatl must see me. A crumbling monument to indulgence, long forgotten. It matters not. I gave my daughter everything she needed to succeed, and she returned the favor with a knife in my back. And yet, I continue to give her chance after chance. Hoping that, perhaps, she will see reason. That I only want what is best for her.
War Beast StatueEdit
- The Crow: Huh. Cabal really do love their war beasts. I wonder if this was a specific one.
- Calus: Milos, Caiatl's first war beast. I gifted it to her when she was just a girl. She was so very attached to it. Too attached. I had it butchered. It felt insulting for her to love an animal more than her father.
- Calus: War beasts are celebrated part of Cabal culture. They were native to our homeworld, Torobatl… when such a world still existed. In my era, each war beast was bred to serve a specific handler from birth. The bond between war beast and soldier was profound. I assume Ghaul saw fit to change that, turning them into something that is a military asset and not a partner. A shame.
- The Crow: War beast statue. Gold-plated and… can't tell what the material beneath is. Definitely radioactive, though. I wonder if Saladin has a war beast of his own, now that he's working with Caiatl? It's probably best that he's not here, though. With his history? [chuckles ruefully] I'd hate to see what Nightmare the Leviathan would create for him.
Garden OverlookEdit
- Calus: They are majestic, are they not? These fungi are not unlike your world's mushrooms in how they live, how they breathe, how they grow. Their mycelial networks do not proliferate in soil, but rather spread like ethereal conduits between dimensions of space.
- The Crow: This... sounds a lot like the Ley Lines in the Dreaming City. Is that possible?
- Calus: Do you know these fungi are drawn to the unique psychological phenomena of death? The moment of true terror before life ends… the death of sentient beings fosters the growth of these fungi. Normally it takes centuries for them to spread like this, but…
- The Crow: But Calus sacrificed countless lives to feed his pet project. This is horrifying.
- Calus: I have become quite attached to this fungus since I discovered it on a world far from yours. It grew in great forests across the planet. Even here, infinitely far from where the first spore was harvested, they remain connected. Darkness is many things, Guardian. Many things.
- The Crow: I'm sure Eris might find this information… insightful. But I'm a bit nervous about intelligent fungus that can think across the void of space.
- Eris Morn: Abandoned and alone on the cold and lifeless Moon, this Nightmare recalls the feeling of being separated from something precious. We may be able to substitute a replacement.
- Eris Morn: This Nightmare is born from an emotion of desperation and loss, and we may be able to dispel it by providing it with a substantial offering.
- Eris Morn: Loss and longing turned to desperation and panic. We will need to provide an offering to this Nightmare in order to provide it the desired catharsis.
- Eris Morn: Only an offering made in good faith will disperse this Nightmare, and its needs seem… specific. I believe I know where we could find a suitable substitution.
- Eris Morn: I have identified an offering that may have this Nightmare disperse. I have transmitted the telemetry to your Ghost.
- Eris Morn: This Nightmare is lost here, an echo of Moon-born trauma. If we provide it with a suitable offering, it will find catharsis, and sublimate into the dark.
- Eris Morn: Like the ghost stores of old, this Nightmare haunts the Leviathan with unresolved affairs. If we provide it with a specific material offering, it may yet disperse.
- Eris Morn: In order to disperse this Nightmare, we must find an offering to satiate its imprinted desire. I believe I have identified something that may serve our purposes.
- Eris Morn: A material offering should provide this Nightmare with enough cognitive dissonance that it simply… ceases to be. It is the best we can hope for.
- Eris Morn: We must find a suitable offering from among the resonant materials of the Leviathan. That should cause this Nightmare to disperse.
- Eris Morn: This Nightmare relives the trauma of a Guardian long since dead. Only violence will bring it the catharsis it yearns for.
- Eris Morn: This Nightmare suffers in endless death at the hands of the Hive God Crota. Only further violence will lessen its pain.
- Eris Morn: I feel this Nightmare's agony and terror, a moment of death stretched across time. It will only be released by more violence… on another.
- Eris Morn: This Nightmare is a snapshot of suffering, and only through inflicting more pain can we banish it from the Leviathan.
- Eris Morn: A Guardian's fear of final death burned this Nightmare into the fabric of space. Now all it knows — all it will be satisfied by — is more pain.
- Eris Morn: A Nightmare, drawn to the Leviathan, seeking the death of faceless enemies as a catharsis for its own suffering. It asks you to deliver such violence.
- Eris Morn: So much pain, so much suffering. And yet it will only languish here unless we deliver its pain onto others. Such is the cycle.
- Eris Morn: I feel this Guardian's pain so clearly. The taste of bile in my mouth, the blind hunger for revenge. They want blood.
- Eris Morn: Fear of death compounding into resentment and hate of the living. This Nightmare desires death for others, and it will only fade if you deliver it.
The City is My WeaponEdit
- Quinn Laghari: Oh, you're that Earth-person, yeah? I'm Archivist Quinn Laghari, and I know this city. I also know how to make the city work against these goons. But with all this jamming, I need someone near the physical systems I can piggyback off. All you gotta do is not die.
- Quinn Laghari: This — this horrible distortion in the network repeating a word. I searched my whole library, but can't figure out what a "Nezarec" is. Anyway…
- Quinn Laghari: Little distracted. I can't figure out if this weird CloudArk feedback is creaking, or screams, or what. I just know it makes my teeth hurt. Anyway…
- Quinn Laghari: Don't give up on me. You need a sec? No? OK…
- Quinn Laghari: All right, let's push through this.
- Quinn Laghari: Ugh. Just reviewed some industrial incident reports and I got horrible inspiration.
- Quinn Laghari: Ha! Can't resist me, huh?
- Quinn Laghari: Insurgency's a numbers game. Find little things that hurt them without costing you, then repeat. I'll show ya!
- Quinn Laghari: I just need a friendly little signal repeater to hang out at these coordinates.
- Quinn Laghari: I hate doing this, but I hate my city being a war zone even more.
- Quinn Laghari: Ha! I told Sid you weren't dead!
- Quinn Laghari: Get your butt over there and get me some system access!
- Quinn Laghari: Just head here and open a comm channel.
- Quinn Laghari: Ready to make this occupation just a little bit harder?
- Quinn Laghari: Get to this position and make a network link for me.
- Quinn Laghari: Been crunching the new troops rotations, and I've got a new target for us.
Typhon ImperatorEdit
- Quinn Laghari: That ugly ship's a black hole of intel. Couldn't even tell you what it's made of or how it flies. It's why I keep downloading and scouring every sensor log you can bring me. I hate not knowing.
- Quinn Laghari: I'm accessing local chemo-sensors. Whatever that Cabal ship is dumping, we'll need to clean up some day. Would be nice to know what it is first.
- Quinn Laghari: Updating system map. That flying nightmare barge hijacked a ton of utilities, but that means some of our system backdoors can access it. Doubt I can override security, but worth looking. Maybe get you a layout.
- Quinn Laghari: This district is mostly reclaimed land — y'know, pylons and landfill. That spacefaring ego trip is straining every system.
- Quinn Laghari: Whole district's dotted with sensors to track and count wildlife. They'll track soldiers just as easily with this update. Won't bring back the blue tiger, but makes me feel a little better.
- Quinn Laghari: Co-opting some of the park drone network to deliver, uh… other payloads. They're small. Silent. Probably for the best they don't see it coming. I know I wouldn't want to.
Typhon Imperative (Side View)Edit
- Quinn Laghari: [sighs] I've had the airlock control codes for that ship for a while, but… you ever see pics from a depressurization event? 'Cause I have. I ain't gonna do that to anyone.
- Quinn Laghari: Used to come out here to chill. There's a data conduit right here I tripped over all the time. It's how I know it's there to hack. You think I'm gonna get my park back?
- Quinn Laghari: There's a data trunk buried here that ties to the wildlife tracking sensors. With the clear access you're giving me, I can track a new kind of wildlife.
- Quinn Laghari: Modifying the maintenance systems to pump the hollow in this with pressurized sodium hydroxide. Shouldn't register to explosive scanners.
- Quinn Laghari: When I start to lose it, I let myself visualize that park under the monorail, when I was little. The thrum of the train and the ozone smell of the maglev. Upload's done, by the way.
- Quinn Laghari: You know your scanner uses an oscillating Sundaresh field? It'll ionize the palladium in this statue to make sensor shadows.
Ahimsa Park CentralEdit
- Quinn Laghari: No sabotaging this time. We're downloading genomes from the De-extinction Project. This war's probably already wiped out a dozen species.
- Quinn Laghari: Thank the Founders you're helping. Between the Cabal jamming and the Vex ECM, I'd never be able to access systems as far out as these parks. Nothing more anxiety-inducing than feeling helpless. With you, at least I can do something. Anyway, we're good here.
- Quinn Laghari: The Shadow Legion used our parkland system to grow food. We can stop it… or I can introduce nightshade DNA to the assembler system.
- Quinn Laghari: Found a Cabal parasite genome. Gonna try introducing that to the bio-assemblers. Sick's better than dead. Logistically. And morally, I hope.
- Quinn Laghari: Accessing the botanical assemblage protocols. Tweaking 'em to produce Cabal-tailored allergens. Next rain, mass anaphylaxis.
- Quinn Laghari: Splicing in a little poison, and — I mean, is this right? I mean, I know it's right. It's right to protect my city, but all this death… That's a lot to carry. I gotta talk to someone. You got someone to talk to?
Turbine StationEdit
- Quinn Laghari: Getting into this system's easy. My dad actually helped rebuild this whole turbine station after the Twenty-Year Siege. I copied a bunch of access codes. Y'know, just in case. This'll overload some relays.
- Quinn Laghari: With this root access, I can divert a small charge to the cryo-bunkers. Let us recharge! And it's all thanks to my favorite two-legged signal repeater.
- Quinn Laghari: Could take out this turbine with a shaped charge, but with you giving me access, I can upload a carrier signal and track whoever recharges off of it.
- Quinn Laghari: Saw one of these blow once. [grunts] Those blades are smart carbon fiber, meaning they don't break. They turn into 20-meter flying swords! Cut a technician in half.
- Quinn Laghari: Just gimme a sec before I upload. Some stuff you can't unsee, y'know? And sometimes, normal things remind you of it. [exhales] Important to take a second to breathe when you need to. [breathes deeply] Aaaand sending.
- Quinn Laghari: Updating BIOS to cause erratic start-ups. Kinda feel bad for the Cabal maintenance crew that'll get electrocuted trying to fix this.
Zephyr BarEdit
- Quinn Laghari: Inventory system says the Cabal are hitting ethanol stores pretty hard. Think they're using it as fuel? Or maybe they need to forget, too. Gonna… gonna maybe leave that be.
- Quinn Laghari: Got access. All these systems rebuild nutrient sludge into real food. Even comfort food, ha! Had to come outta cryo for a week last year for some system repair, and ate the goo straight. Ugh, not good stuff. Not all all comforting. [gags] And done.
- Quinn Laghari: Everyone's gotta eat, yeah. So, we mess with the food printer's audio controls and get an eavesdropping chef. Easy! Plus, nobody dies.
- Quinn Laghari: I can use this terminal to hack the local food assemblers — reverse the protein chirality in any food the Cabal produce. Uploading a tummy ache!
- Quinn Laghari: Chirality's a funny thing. A molecule twists one way, it's a tasty protein. It twists the other way, and it's still tasty, but boom! Indigestible. Violently so.
- Quinn Laghari: I can backflush the food systems with recycler bacteria. There was a really gruesome accident with this stuff, about ten years before I was born. It's, um… made to break down flesh. It's not gonna be pretty.
Landing PadEdit
- Quinn Laghari: While pad's held in place by chemical stem bolts. But mix the right household ingredients, it turns that bolt sealant into shaped charges. For a rainy day.
- Quinn Laghari: Lemme just access the landing pad's crash response systems. I can realign it to dump visitors about 20 stories straight down. All done.
- Quinn Laghari: Command says the pad stays intact, so I'm modifying the pressure sensors to count troop arrivals. Love this clear signal your gear gives me.
- Quinn Laghari: I can just disable to decontamination safeties and wipe out guys I'll never meet. Seems like survival turns you into the kind of person you hate.
- Quinn Laghari: Adding a program that'll modify the fuel systems to plant detonators. [snorts] The Vex took out my grandma with the same hack. Not sure she'd like who I grew into. I'm done!
- Quinn Laghari: Not gonna lie: I feel real bad about, say, hyper-oxygenating the fueling platform like this. [sighs] Guilt's normal. It's healthy to second-guess, to have empathy. Means you're still human. Anyway, you should move on.
Cargo BayEdit
- Quinn Laghari: Those docks should be bustling with skimmers — these big boats that suck water and microdiamonds from the storms.
- Quinn Laghari: This system will let me update orders to automated ships. We still got some skimmers out on harvest; best to keep 'em away.
- Quinn Laghari: Logs show the Vex are draining microdiamond stores from these skimmers. Hey, fun fact: diamonds are flammable! Inject some pressurized oxygen, and they'll be pumping napalm into their foundries, ha!
- Quinn Laghari: Stay cool while I make these changes. Just… feel your feet on the ground. Feel your knees under you. Your hips. Your chest. Your shoulders. And breath… [breathes deeply] And we're done.
- Quinn Laghari: I'm depolarizing the weather sensors, heh. Next storm that blows through the area will call down a whole lot of lightning for our mechanical buddies.
- Quinn Laghari: Realigning skimmer profiles profiles. You got here quick for a space zombie. Even with my prosthetic leg, the pain limits me to sorta… an angry trudge. You, uh… you like cyborgs, space zombie? Oh, hey! Alignment's done.
- Quinn Laghari: These nav beacons are life. Neptune's magnetic field is erratic, which is great for hiding a city inside, but it sucks if you need to find that city.
- Quinn Laghari: Just gotta upload these new specs. You enjoying the view? That storm's the Cerulean Front. Been out there for 80 years now. From a distance, it don't look so bad, but in the middle of it, it'll rip you apart. Oh, that's a metaphor! Upload's done.
- Quinn Laghari: Scrambling nav systems. I like to encode a binary virus into the broadcasts too, just to mess with 'em.
- Quinn Laghari: Accessing Harbor systems to scramble nav signals using an irregular rotation. Keeps anyone nav signals using automated flights or drones.
- Quinn Laghari: All right, accessing and — whoa, hey. You okay? I know, it's easy to lose hope. You gotta find little joys to focus on to get you through. For me, it's reading. Can't die today. Starting Chapter 8! [chuckles] Anyway, I'm done here.
- Quinn Laghari: Accessing systems… and done. Y'know, it's usually quiet up here, so it's cool if you need to have a cry. Just, you know, give me a heads up so I'm ready.
- Quinn Laghari: The hologram-looking bits are LINS: Light Investment Nanoscale Structures. Electric dust. And dust does fun things to computer drives.
- Quinn Laghari: We use LINS as botanical framework, but I'm tweaking the assembly protocols to give it a charge. Makes it cling to machines and degrade Vex circuitry… like digital poison.
- Quinn Laghari: You getting me past all this Vex ECM lets me ionize the LINS this planter produces. It'll cling to their chassis, and I can use my systems back at the archive to track their movements.
- Quinn Laghari: Modifying the LINS system to produce a monofilament edge. And… wow. Turning a public garden into a barded wire just feels like the worst metaphor for what war does to you. Stupid lit degree! It's done.
- Quinn Laghari: You know, my doctoral thesis was actually on using LINS for exposure therapy. Building paper doll scenarios to activate patients. Not loving that I gotta use that to inflict trauma. Anyway, file's uploaded.
- Quinn Laghari: Repurposing this stuff for violence is getting too easy… Like there's part of my brain trained to figure out how to hurt people now. I hope I can turn that off later. …We been done a while. I'm just ranting.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: So, you're one of them Earth Lightwielders, yeah? I'm Maintenance Chief Viragni d'Sydney — call me Sid. My crews keep this city running — or we do when it's not filled with space rhinos! So…
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Sorry, was just thinking. My kids had a little pouka, and we had to let her loose when lockdown started; they don't take to cryo. Anyway…
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Ha! It's my favorite little worker ant! Listen…
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Well, if it isn't our friendly Guardian! Good to see ya—assuming you're here to work.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Well, well! Look who's got free time.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Back for more, huh? Ha! You're one resourceful little terror from the stars, I'll give ya that.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Always imagined if we made contact with Earth, we'd be the ones saving you. So yeah, thanks for keeping me humble, I guess.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Guardian!
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Cabal runoff's changing pH levels in our algae pools. Gotta culture a new strain, but that takes food we can't spare. Bring me some Cabal rations.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Delicate hands, stout heart. You got the makings of a good repair crew if you ever want to give up the scholar lifestyle. Until then, bring me some parts.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: So, I've got this special little technique for tuning a Vex diode into an entanglement oscillator. Bring me a few, and I'll show you.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Nezarec debacle's left us screwed. Nobody thinks about what stress does to infrastructure. People get scared, they burn calories. Need a top-off.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Should be picking up my kid from school. Instead, I'm out here begging you to find me bolt sealant. Would appreciate you taking out my misplaced anger on these turnips.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Dinesh over in Reclamation thinks I'm nuts asking you for help. Says you can't clear a Vex without damaging the bits we need. I say he's an idiot.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: I don't need this extra stress. I just need chow! Those Cabal keeping hitting storehouses, and I need that back.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Listen up, Guardian. Outages are frying apogee diodes across the district. I need you to shoot Vex and pull the blue diodes out of their milk jugs.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: These Vex are ripping tech right out of my walls! I'm not wading through the red tape to requisition more! So I need 'em back.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: The CloudArk's a suspended energy matrix — lets you draw power out of thin air with the right parts. Except these days, the right parts are scarce.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Crew Gamma's having supply issues. Without more diodes, they can't restore the defenses these Vex are tearing apart.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: My crew in Límíng Block says we have a cascade failure. Could be in for a citywide brownout if we can't get them some replacements fast.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Let's just say I got some practice making repairs with spare Vex parts. Bring me what you can.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Some sketchy type is reaching out to sell me supplies — name of Spider. Heh, he says he knows you. But for now, I'd rather get my parts from you direct.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Vex incursion's frying's all the apogee diodes within a hundred meters. We need to replace those parts, or we'll never retake the district!
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: This assault's running our supplies thin, and we were never what you'd call flush.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Eh, we're hard-pressed for everything, and these stem bolts don't seal themselves. Any of these invaders should be carrying sealant.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: City's built to handle a siege, not sustained violence. We got coolant leaks on three major systems and need sealant to keep 'em contained.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: The Vex and the Cabal both use a thermoset liquid prepolymer to seal system breaches. I need liters of the stuff, and fast.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Pylons are spraying hydraulic fluid everywhere under that Cabal beast. I need sealant to patch things until it's safe to send repair crews in.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Nanite conduits run through the whole infrastructure like veins. When they breach, that's the city bleeding to death! Heh… I need liquid bandages.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Still rebuilding our fortified positions. It'll go faster with better materials, if you can help.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: I tell ya, this has been damn exhausting! And now, Reclamation's blown out THREE exchange valves, right after we run out of sealant!
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Got some spare crates of induction coils I could donate to your war effort. I just need some bolt sealant to get the loader running again.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: I'll level with you; I don't strictly need sealant, but these goons trashed my sister's noodle shop! If I'm asking for revenge, I want it to be practical.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Vex were bad enough, but with the Vex splicing up one side of town and Cabal blasting the other, we're almost out of emergency materials.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Whole district's at war! No talk! Repairs! Get me the goods!
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: You eat, Lightwielder? Well, we do, even in cryo. If you're really here to help, take down some of these Cabal and get us some nutrient packs!
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Hydroponics is shut down over in Galloway. Gamma Crew needs 24 hours to bring it up. Need some nutrient packs to feed folks in the meantime!
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: People aren't the only thing in this city I gotta feed. I've got eight kilometers of organic circuitry slowly starving to death. Help a man out.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Got a whole conduit of biopolymer that needs nutrient paste to regrow, but, uh, supplies are tight. The Cabal carry a ration sludge that'll work.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Nutrient paste'll keep you running in cryo, but it's not appetizing. Guess you need to tell the Cabal that, 'cause they keep swiping tanks of the stuff!
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Back in my soldier days, we used to use nutrient paste as the basis for thermite IEDs. Send me a few packs, and I'll teach you.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Strictly off-label, but nutrient paste has enough lipids to make a passable lubricant. Cabal just nabbed an expired pallet I need to repurpose.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Had to divert power from the granary mag-locks, and the Cabal looted our food supplies. Cover my butt and bring back something edible, yeah?
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Used to be this dive bar, Hamza's. They'd fry nurtient paste into crisps. Tasted like crap, but you couldn't stop eating 'em. Could use some of that.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Tell you this: the Cabal are hurting for basic supplies—keep hitting our food stores. Food stores we need back, mind ya.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: This Vex incursion's cut right through my supply lines! I need nutrient paste, but Cabal are stripping our cupboards bare!
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: Nezarec might be gone, but he left a lot of imaginary flotsam in our repeaters. Replacing them's a real chore, but purging them takes parts.
- Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney: We all did regrettable things thanks to Nezarec. I might have tossed a few crates of bolt sealant thinking they were haunted. Now I need more.
- Sam Moleyn: Hey, hey, I've heard about you! You've been all over! Wow. OK, my name's Sam Moleyn. I'm pitching in like everyone else during this ti— um, time. I'm coordinating rapid responses to enemy movements. Could you help me out a bit?
- Sam Moleyn: CloudArk's been a bit weird the last couple of days. You haven't seen any of that, have you? Well… maybe it's better if you don't.
- Sam Moleyn: Bud! We're buds now, right? Right? It's good to see you, genuinely. You're great company AND a great problem-solver.
- Sam Moleyn: Straight to business today, nothing too fancy. We just need to reduce the number of, quote unquote, "hostile combatants" within city limits. In other words, pick a corner, and start blasting!
- Sam Moleyn: These new guys, the Shadow Legion? They're real overachievers, aren't they? Trying to make up for all that time they weren't here trashing our city. How about we make 'em work for it?
- Sam Moleyn: Eventually, they'll have to run out of Cabal in that ugly ship of theirs. Hopefully. Until then, will you keep the streets clear? There's a lot.
- Sam Moleyn: So this shouldn't take too long, based on the numbers I see coming in. If you could swing by and drop off a helping of pain for the folks trying to pull down our infrastructure? That'd be best, thanks!
- Sam Moleyn: I've been told by our good friends in Catastrophe Response that the Vex have great raw materials for repairing some damages. So, don't worry about the cleanup on this one. Just break up the party, and we'll solve two problems at once!
- Sam Moleyn: Hey, hey—do you feel like exploding some more Vex? They look SO cool when they blow up, and it keeps the city safe at the same time. There's no way to lose here!
- Sam Moleyn: I know it's technically a bit irresponsible, but heck… it'd be real cool if you could take a bunch of these nasties using just your superpowers. Please? For me? For, uh, science!
- Sam Moleyn: My arcade buddies were real impressed when I told them about how good your aim is. Think you can pull it off again? There's plenty of targets!
- Sam Moleyn: So, you're a good shot, right? No, what am I saying? 'Course you are. No wasted shots, perfect economy of motion—bam! I bet I could learn a thing or two from you. You wanna show me how it's done?
- Tse Jingye: So you're the maverick Warlord I've been hearing about. I'm Administrator Tse Jingye. You can call me Administrator Tse, or ma'am. I have vital intelligence on targets of strategic importance, if you're of a mind to put those weapons of yours to constructive use. I hardly think you can do worse to Neomuna than has already been done.
- Tse Jingye: When I close my eyes, I see everything burning. Even the CloudArk, consuming us all. Guardian. Something's coming.
- Tse Jingye: You're real, aren't you? Oh, yes, I thought so. I've been seeing things that aren't. And a name, uh — Neza — no, it's nothing.
- Tse Jingye: The CloudArk has cleared up, finally. Dreaming isn't wrong anymore. You Guardians had something to do with it, didn't you? Thank you.
- Tse Jingye: Up and at 'em! I've got a report of heavy Cabal boots on the ground nearby. Plenty of them, of course… With one problem leader that oughta make a tempting target for someone with your firepower. Should stick out of the crowd.
- Tse Jingye: I have a high-value Cabal target to offer you. Whether or not I'm sure about you, the fact remains that our resources are stretched thin. We don't lose much if you fail, but we'll be in a much better position if you succeed. I'll send you the coordinates.
- Tse Jingye: Warlord—or is it Guardian? Never mind. I'm sure your tools work the same regardless of your title. Here's the location for a high-profile Cabal. Remove this one, and then sweep up the remainder… carefully!
- Tse Jingye: For someone of your power, removing Cabal from the city shouldn't be a high-risk endeavor. I'll send you the coordinates for a high-profile officer I'd like gone. Shall we collaborate?
- Tse Jingye: The Cabal are bringing in additional forces, and officers to manage them. Right now, I have a location on a commander. Yours if you want it. I ask only that you move quickly… and precisely.
- Tse Jingye: Cabal invading the city; hardly news by now. The one I'm sending you after looks like a vital link in the command chain. If you can take them out, that should buy Neomuna some breathing space — for a while. Careful, reports say this one's a heavy hitter.
- Tse Jingye: Here's a target for you. Big Cabal commander setting up to be a problem, judging by the troop movement reports. Take out the big one, though, and that disorganizes them. We'll be able to cope. Ready to get to work?
- Tse Jingye: The best way to clear troops out of an area is to break their confidence. I've got a Cabal leader marked for you. If you can take that one down, the ground troops shouldn't be replenished quite so easily. The ranks will falter. That's a win for all of us.
- Tse Jingye: Up and at 'em! I've got a report of heavy Cabal boots on the ground nearby. Plenty of them, of course… With one problem leader that oughta make a tempting target for someone with your firepower. Should stick out of the crowd.
- Tse Jingye: I'll make you a deal: don't blow up anything other than the Cabal I'm sending you after, and dinner's my treat. Location's next to a network cycle allocation server—I'll send you the coordinates.
- Tse Jingye: You'll have to go a bit off the beaten path for this one, but the rewards should be well worth it. Taking out this Cabal officer should destabilize local ops for some time — give us a chance to catch our breath.
- Tse Jingye: Good news: removing the Cabal's leader, Calus, helped. Some. They're not as organized now. But of course, these Cabal have a solid command structure. We'll have to keep picking at that if we hope to make a difference. Up for another target?
- Tse Jingye: This Vex Mind is cutting through layers of CloudArk security with worrying speed. The situation calls for a precise application of force. I'll send you the specific location. I'm sure you have the force. Move fast, if you can.
- Tse Jingye: [sighs] Can't afford to be choosy about help right now. Fortunately, you cause fewer problems than a Vex Mind on the loose. Here. Go and crash this thing's hardware platform, and I'll overlook whatever you have to do in order to get the job done.
- Tse Jingye: The Vex have been our enemies almost as long as this city's been real. Getting a few more off our backs? If you can help, the breach of protocol is worth it. Here's the coordinates on a Mind accessing terminals it shouldn't. Do what you must.
- Tse Jingye: There are signs of Vex interference starting to stress CloudArk systems: data artifacts, broken overlays, the usual type of thing. Early reports have narrowed down the cause to a Vex Mind at a hardware access point. I'm passing you the location ping. Go break it down, will you?
- Tse Jingye: We can't afford to have Vex incursions break into the CloudArk proper. We'd never get them out again! That's where you come in. Go to this place, remove the Mind, and it should stall them for enough time to shore up our defenses.
- Tse Jingye: I have a report here on a Vex Mind nosing around one of the voltaic routing substations. Yes, "nosing" is a technical term. Just go turn it into scrap metal before it can bring any critical systems down. Should be showing in your telemetry now.
- Tse Jingye: I'm going to send you a location on a data storage node. There's an infestation of Vex in that area, networked and directed by one troublesome Mind. If you can remove it fast, I won't even ask how many repairs the city block needs.
- Tse Jingye: I've got a list of Vex Minds with trouble written all over them. The one at the top is showing coordinates near a CloudArk network relay. If you could take it out before it gets too far into our networks, we'd thank you for it.
- Tse Jingye: The Vex never seem to get tired, do they? And here I am, watching generations of Cloud Striders crash against that same shore. Oh, I'm sorry, that was unprofessional. Can you please just… go and destroy this Vex Mind?
- Tse Jingye: It's been an unorthodox experience working with you, Guardian. No, that's not a bad thing. It's difficult to make friends when you reach my age and have seen so many come and go. Vex after Vex, loss after loss… many have died for this city, and this is no time to get careless. But… you shake things up. I appreciate it. Well done. Now, to business.
The Pale HeartEdit
- Micah-10: Currents of healing Light are congested here. Follow the flow to allow it through.
- Micah-10: The Light seeks to move through this terrain. Your presence following the flow can guide it to its destination.
- Micah-10: Move swiftly and follow the path of Traveler's Light through this terrain. Guide it to freedom.
- Micah-10: There's a current of Light struggling to weave through this terrain. If you follow the flow, you can help it move freely.
- Micah-10: The Light flows freely again. Thank you, Guardian.
- Caiatl: The Traveler reminds me of a great plains beast of Torobatl. It required small birds to pick parasites off its hide, and keep it healthy.
- Micah-10: There, the Light flows again, pushing back the blight.
- Mara Sov: These ethereal currents remind me of the flow of the Ley Lines. Perhaps there is intentional symmetry in their design.
- Micah-10: We're done all we can, the Light is flowing.
- Mithrax: Remarkable, the Light bleeds freely into the land again. I pray the Traveler finds relief in these ministrations.
- Micah-10: The blight spreads through these brambles. If you take them to a font of Light, they will wither and decay.
- Micah-10: The Traveler is infested with these blighted brambles. We must purge them in the Light.
- Micah-10: It'll take a while to purge all the blight from the Pale Heart, but this task is merely great, not insurmountable.
- Mithrax: House Light stands with you, Micah, in devoting to the cause of healing the Great Machine. Together, we will end this plague.
- Micah-10: There's much work left to do to heal the Traveler. This blight will take years to fully purge.
- Caiatl: My legions will take fire to every square inch of the blight, day and night, until there is nothing left of the Witness. Not even a memory.
- Micah-10: A wellspring of power blossoms from the land. Use it to purge this corruption.
- Micah-10: Take this power, Guardian, and wield it against the blight.
- Micah-10: Though the Witness' blight is prolific, the Traveler arms you to purge it.
- Micah-10: As Misraaks says, the Light provides. Now use what is offered to purge the corruption.
- Micah-10: There's more work to be done. The Traveler won't be healed overnight.
- Mithrax: We are fortunate the Great Machine still lives. We must do everything in our power to protect this gift.
- Micah-10: You've done everything you can to purge the blight, and we'll continue to fight it wherever it emerges.
- Caiatl: It is true; a warrior's duty is never done, and vigilance is the price we must pay for peace… but a price we will pay gladly.
- Micah-10: We do all we can to cleanse the Traveler of this blight… but our work isn't done.
- Mara Sov: I wish you were wrong, Micah. But I know that our victory here may only lead to greater conflicts to come… from enemies unknown.
- Micah-10: Corruption spreads thick here. Bathe yourself in the cleansing Light of the Traveler and purge it.
- Micah-10: Bathe in the Light, Guardian, and use it to purge the Witness' corruption.
- Micah-10: Wherever the Witness touched, this blight spread. But one day, with your help, there will be nothing left of it.
- Caiatl: It is said that to be forgotten is the truest form of death. May the Witness suffer this ignoble fate, and its name fade from history.
- Micah-10: This blight is tenacious, spreading so long as even a single root remains.
- Mithrax: Hmm, such is the nature of evil… If we allow it to take root in even the smallest of forms, it will spread like a disease.
- Micah-10: The Traveler is healing, but it will be many years yet before it recovers from this calamity.
- Mara Sov: I look forward to the day when we look on the Traveler anew, and perhaps learn more about its purpose.
- Micah-10: Interesting. The Light has made itself manifest in a material form, fabricating a gift for you. But I cannot tell where.
- Micah-10: A gift born of the Light has been forged from the Traveler's grace, but its location is hard to discern. Get hunting, Guardian.
- Micah-10: The Light has taken shape in material form, an offering to you from the Traveler. All you need to do is find it.
- Micah-10: The Traveler wishes to bestow a gift upon you, Guardian. All you must do… is find it.
- Micah-10: The Light has the power to take material shape, to form objects of mass and matter. But how are the designs determined?
- Mara Sov: Perhaps the Pale Heart is the answer — it is memories. While it is the Dark that remembers, the Traveler, too, has a mind all its own.
- Mithrax: I have long known the Light can be sculpted into material form. Legends of ancient Splicers from Riis speak of these feats.
- Micah-10: What I wouldn't give to have seen Riis in its height. Perhaps one day, the Traveler will show me.
- Caiatl: The Light can take the shape of weapons, of armor, of whatever the Traveler desires. Yet it prefers insects… plants… birds. Curious.
- Micah-10: Maybe the Traveler had to hope for us all, that there's a time where weapons will no longer be needed. But that day isn't today.