Kell's Fall

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Kell's Fall


Encore (Exotic Mission)
Captive Memories (Story Mission)


TBA (Exotic Mission)
TBA (Story Mission)

Kell's Fall
Kell's Fall.jpg


Destiny 2


Episode: Revenant



Recommended Power Level:

2015 (Expert)


Revenant Fortress, Tangled Shore

Enemy faction(s):

Revenant Scorn
The Dread

Hostile race(s):



Enter Fikrul's Revenant Fortress in the Tangled Shore, where dark reflections make it difficult to discern illusion from reality.

Kell's Fall: Reflection


Kell's Fall: Distortion

Kell's Fall


Destiny 2


Episode: Revenant



Recommended Power Level:

2015 (Expert)


Revenant Fortress, Tangled Shore

Enemy faction(s):

Revenant Scorn
The Dread

Hostile race(s):


Kell's Fall: Distortion


Kell's Fall: Reflection


Kell's Fall: Diffraction

Kell's Fall


Destiny 2


Episode: Revenant



Recommended Power Level:

2015 (Expert)


Revenant Fortress, Tangled Shore

Enemy faction(s):

Revenant Scorn
The Dread

Hostile race(s):


Kell's Fall: Diffraction


Kell's Fall: Distortion

Kell's Fall


Destiny 2


Episode: Revenant



Recommended Power Level:

2015 (Expert)


Revenant Fortress, Tangled Shore

Enemy faction(s):

Revenant Scorn
The Dread

Hostile race(s):



Kell's Fall is a series of Exotic Missions introduced in Episode: Revenant and can be accessed in the Last City. Completing the activity initially rewards the Guardian with the Slayer's Fang Exotic Shotgun.


Initial Traversal

Upon loading into the mission itself, Revenant Scorn will greet you; however, you are unable to fire your weapons or use your abilities until you have reached the area marked the Gatehouse on the radar. The Gatehouse area can be reached by going right from where you begin the mission and following the path until you begin to see Awoken architecture. Entering the Gatehouse area will spawn in adds that begin to fire on you and trigger a fight with Araskes, the Trickster. Watch out for the counterfeit Heavy ammo bricks as you fight her as it will unleash a Scorn mine that will damage you. After getting her to 3/5 of her health, she will flee and the door leading to the Bailey area will open. Enter the chamber leading to an organ at the far end of it. Ignore the organ as that will play into solving the puzzles that allow you to obtain intrinsic upgrades for Slayer’s Fang and triggering a fight with the Scorned Organist and also some of the organ keys will be missing unless you are playing the Diffraction variant of the Exotic mission. Instead, head to the left hand side of the stairs and go down the hallway until you see a door adjacent to a brazier nearby. You must interact with the brazier in order to open the door to the Mirror Gallery area, where players will be introduced to the central mechanic of the mission: traversing between the material plane and the Revenant Plane. The archways with cracks in the center are the object used to traverse between these 2 planes, and the first one can be found after shooting a pile of rubble blocking the way forward. You must shoot the cracks within the archway to allow you to enter from one plane to another. You must interact with 2 different braziers in both planes to open the door leading to the first encounter, but the location of the braziers are random on each playthrough from this point onwards.

Fighting Pit Encounter

After both braziers have been interacted during the first traversal through the Revenant Plane, players will reach the Fighting Pit area and the rally flag awaits at the entrance to the area. After getting past the threshold, the encounter begins and 2 Abominations called Pit Enforcers will spawn. These Pit Enforcers can be only be damaged when the players acquire a buff called Revenant Empowerment. To acquire this buff, you will need to enter the Revenant Plane, then kill a Lurker called a Pit Boss. On killing the Pit Boss, a pair of Weavers called Revenant Essentia will spawn. Kill them and pick up the Revenant Essence buff they drop that lasts for 45 seconds. Collecting 10 stacks of Revenant Essence will convert it into the Revenant Empowerment buff you need to damage the Pit Enforcers in the material plane. Once players have acquired that buff, exit the Revenant Plane and defeat the Pit Enforcers. Once they are defeated, Kaniks, the Mad Bomber will spawn in the area to fight the players. After a short time, Araskes will spawn, but ignore her as she is simply there as a distraction. Focus fire on Kaniks until he is defeated and the encounter is completed. The door out of the Fighting Pit area will only open once the animation where Fikrul uses the Echo to revive Kaniks has been finished. You will return to the Bailey area, but you will be underneath the staircase you took after entering the chamber with the organ. Continue down the hallway until you see another pile of rubble blocking the way to the Undercroft area.

The Undercroft

Upon entering the Undercroft area, you must jump through a series of platforms within the cave. At this point, you will be begin to see Scorn architecture throughout the cave. After jumping up the catwalk, jump onto the rotating platform where you will then to jump through some scaffolding. Raiders will attempt to kill you during your ascent up to the platform where you then need to enter a tunnel. Follow the tunnel to another scaffolding where a Raider awaits. You can either ignore the Raiders or kill them during your ascent throughout the cave. Jump from the scaffolding towards the platform nearby. Head towards the catwalk, then jump onto the platform with a red building at the end. A shrine to Uldren is also present, but the door leading to it will open only if these specific keys have been fed to the organ: 1-8-4-11-1-6-4-10. After getting near the red building, jump into a tunnel below and follow it until you have reached a pit leading up to the Vestibule area. A rally flag to the second encounter awaits.

Battle on 2 Planes

After shooting an archway inside the Vestibule area and entering the Revenant Plane once again, players will receive a Refracting buff that lasts for 2 minutes and 10 seconds. Once the buff's timer expires, players will then acquire a Shattering debuff that damages and eventually kills them if they continue to linger within the Revenant Plane, so be sure to exit the Revenant Plane before the buff's timer expires to refresh that buff when you re-enter the Revenant Plane. The encounter begins upon entering the Sanctum area, where players will fight Hiraks, the Mindbender. Araskes will also appear during the fight with Hiraks. Once he has reached 2/3 of his health, he will teleport to the material plane, and you must interact with 3 different braziers to open the door where DPS can be continued. After he reaches 1/3 of his health, he will return to the Revenant Plane, but upon entering the Revenant Plane via another archway, you will not be able to return to the material plane. You must defeat him before the buff's timer expires to end the encounter. After defeating him, a door will open opposite of where you entered from once he had reached 1/3 of his health. Ascend the grav lift to enter the Staircase area. If you are playing either the Distortion or Diffraction variant of the mission, interact with the large door ahead of you. After waiting for dialogue to finish, Araskes will reappear, but this time you must defeat her within the Staircase area. The mechanics within the Staircase area are identical to the mechanics within the Gatehouse area at the beginning of the mission. After defeating her, the door to the Throne Room area will open, where a rally flag to the final encounter awaits.

Throne Room Encounter

Entering the Throne Room area past the rally flag will summon Fikrul, the Fanatic to fight you, and he will be immune within the material plane and the entirety of the encounter unless the Diffraction variant is being played. After Fikrul is summoned, you will need to survive long enough until a red text shows up on the screen saying, "Fikrul pepares an attack". You must enter the Revenant Plane before the attack is complete as it will cause a wipe if you attempt to stay in the material plane. The mechanics within the Revenant Plane plays the same as the first 2 encounters; however, once you acquire the Revenant Empowerment buff, it will also remove the Refreacting buff without becoming the Shattering debuff. Unless the Diffraction variant is being played, you will be able to leave the Revenant Plane and then Fikrul will summon another boss the player must face: Reksis Vahn, the Hangman for the Reflection variant or the Screeb Matriarch for the Distortion variant. If the Diffraction variant is being played, Fikrul will stop you from leaving the Revenant Plane and cast his wipe attack if he is not stunned before the attack is complete. The only way to stun him is to shoot the archway while he is casting the wipe attack. After he is stunned, he will be available to DPS until he recovers from the stun. He will teleport back into the material plane once he recovers from his stun, and you will lose the Revenant Empowerment buff upon leaving the Revenant Plane, forcing you to repeat the mechanics above. In any case, once any of those bosses are defeated, the encounter ends and the mission is completed. Players will earn the Slayer's Fang when it’s completed for the first time with guaranteed Deepsight Resonance and players are able to pick up the Revenant Slayer series of quests from Eido to obtain its catalysts.

Scorned Organist Fight

You must be playing the Diffraction variant of the mission as the organ keys that needs to be fed to the organ will be missing otherwise. Once you have reached that point, the Scorned Organist must be fought as part of the Act III Key Fieldwork assignment from Eido once all tonic formulae have been discovered and the preceding fieldwork assignments have been completed. To trigger the fight, these specific keys must be fed into the organ: 10-4-6-1-11-4-8-1. Once those specific keys have been fed into the organ, you will be teleported into the Conservatory area and the boss fight with the Scorned Organist will begin. As you fight the Organist, he will raise an immunity shield that can only be lowered once a Tormentor nearby has been defeated. Once he dies, you will be teleported back into the Bailey area and eventually complete the Key Fieldwork assignment.


Kell's Fall: Reflection
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  • Approach the Revenant Fortress
Make your way through the Scorn onlookers toward Fikrul's lair.
  • Defeat Araskes, the Trickster
  • Explore the Fortress
Discover the many secrets and opportunities for empowerment within the Revenant Fortress.
  • Locate the Fighting Pit
Secure the Fighting Pit, where Fikrul's Revenant worship violence and death.
  • Defeat the Pit Enforcers
  • Locate the Sanctum
Locate the Sanctum.
  • Defeat Hiraks, the Mindbender
  • Breach Fikrul's Throne Room
Confront Fikrul within the heart of his Revenant Fortress and destroy him using Eido's tonic.
  • Finish Araskes, the Trickster
  • Defeat the Revenants
Defeat all of Fikrul's Revenant Scorn.
Kell's Fall: Distortion
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Kell's Fall: Diffraction
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"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.
Kell's Fall: Reflection

The Guardian transmats to a barge of asteroids on the Tangled Shore leading to the Revenant Fortress where dozens of Revenant Scorn observe their actions.

  • The Crow: This must be the place. Looks like Spider's intel was solid.
  • Eido: So many Scorn… Why aren't they attacking?
  • Mithrax: Fikrul alone would be Kell of Kells. It is not enough to destroy my Baron. He must be seen doing it.
  • The Crow: He's playing to the crowd. I don't like where this is headed.

Traversing across the Shore and past the Revenant Scorn onlookers, the Guardian arrives to the Gatehouse of the Revenant Fortress as the onlookers transmat away

Fikrul's children welcome you.
The Trickster appears!
  • Mithrax: Araskes, the Trickster! One of few to best Spider in a test of wits.
  • The Crow: Just like you, Guardian! Glint and I wouldn’t be here otherwise.
The Trickster Flees!
  • Mithrax: Be vigilant, Slayer Baron. Araskes will return.
  • The Crow: At the worst possible time, no doubt.

Entering into the Bailey, the Guardian spots the Scorned Organist tending to a large organ before it transmats away.

  • Eido: Oooh! That appears to be some kind of musical instrument. Play us a melody, Guardian… Like one of Drifter's star shanties!
  • Mithrax: Please, Guardian. Anything but that.
  • The Crow: it looks awfully complex for the Scorn. Could have a hidden purpose. Let's keep an ear on it.

Traversing further into the fortress and up a set of stairs, the Guardian lights a brazier to open a door leading into a room overgrown with roots.

  • The Crow: Looks like a dead end.
  • Mithrax: No. There is a fell magic at work here. Examine the photon reflectors closely.
  • The Crow: You're right. There’s something off about those mirrors…

The Guardian destroys a gap in the wall covered by rocks to reveal a secret pathway leading to the Mirror Gallery. Discovering a mystic mirror located within the gallery, the Guardian interacts with the mirror to create a portal that transports them to the yrellaG rorriM location in the Revenant Plane; a dimensional plane created from the Echo that mirrors the physical reality.

  • The Crow: Woah! The Guardian's energy signature just changed. Where are they?
  • Eido: This must be an ancillary effect of Fikrul's Echo. Some kind of extra-dimensional projection.
  • Mithrax:: It is a reflection of his fortress, just as the Scorn are dark reflections of the Eliksni.

Defeating the Scorn and Dread forces standing in their way, the Guardian interacts with a mirror to return to the physical realm. They open a large gate leading deeper into the fortress by interacting with a brazier.

A door opens elsewhere

Uncovering another secret entrance by destroying another gap filled with rocks, the Guardian eventually arrives to the Fighting Pit where they are be besieged by multitudes of Scorn.

Darkness Zone. Respawning Restricted.

As the Guardian is incapable of a damaging the Pit Enforcers with their weaponary, they interact with another mirror to transport themselves to the tiP gnithgiF in the Revenant Plane.

  • Eido: The radiation signature here matches your opponents’ in the fortress!
  • The Crow: Use their energy against them. Collect as much as you can before crossing back.

Collecting enough Revenant Essence to obtain Revenant Empowerment, the Guardian returns to the physical realm and defeats the Put Enforcers thanks to the energy they have obtained.

The Mad Bomber appears!
  • The Crow: It's the Mad Bomber! Another of Fikrul's Barons.
  • Mithrax: Kaniks always targeted civilians, even as an Eliksni. I am not surprised he… revels in these atrocities.

Shattering Kaniks's Immunity with their empowerment, the Guardian defeats the Mad Bomber. However, Fikrul then subsequently teleports to the Fighting Pit and resurrects Kaniks with the power of the Echo, permitting his Baron to transmat away.

  • Fikrul, the Fanatic: See, my children! A dead thing, bringing death to our House. But we fear it no more. We are finally beyond its violence.

With his speech concluded, Fikrul transmats away while the Guardian enters a hallway that takes them further into the Bailey.

  • Fikrul, the Fanatic: For ages the Fallen were blessed by the Great Machine. [scoffs] So self-righteous. But now it blesses the Scorn! Gives the gift of life. Now we are the miracle. And how do they welcome their savior? With murder, subjugation, and jealousy!

Arriving to the Undercroft of the fortress, the Guardian traverses across the cavern.

  • Eido: Fikrul thinks of himself as some kind of savior. As if he’s helping all these Eliksni. It’s perverse.
  • Mithrax: His delusions of greatness appeared even as an Archon in the House of Wolves. But then, as now, he seeks only to save himself from inadequacy.
  • The Crow: He’s desperate to prove that he’s more than a joke played on me by the Ahamkara

Delving deeper into the Undercroft, the Guardian locates the Vestibule where they interact with a mirror that takes them to the location in the Revenant Plane known as elubitseV, where the radiation begins to take a toll on them.

  • The Crow: The radiation in that place is starting to take a toll. I’d get out of there as soon as possible.
Darkness Zone. Respawning Restricted.

The Guardian is assaulted by Hive forces led by Hiraks, the Mindbender.

  • The Crow: It's the Mindbender. Watching Fikrul bring these Barons back… It's like all of our work — Cayde's sacrifice — is being undone.
The Mindbender escapes into an adjacent reality
  • Mithrax: Hiraks seeks refuge in the adjacent dimension.
  • The Crow: Follow him back to the Material Plane, Guardian. Don’t let him escape!

Pursuing him into the physical plane, the Guardian engages with Hiraks at the Sanctum and forces him to retreat back to the Revenant Plane. Confronting him in their previous location once again, the Guardian slays Hiraks. Following the Mindbender's defeat, Fikrul teleports into the Revenant Plane and revives Hiraks with his Echo. With his resurrection complete, Hiraks transmats away.

  • Fikrul, the Fanatic: Your cruelty has no place here, dead thing. My children will rise again and again!

Upon re-entering the physical reality, the Guardian travels through a gap in the wall to arrive to a room with a grav lift.

  • Mithrax: You approach the Throne Room. The final Kell will soon be decided.
  • The Crow: I'm not so sure. This whole thing feels like a spectacle for Fikrul's followers. And he's not ready for the show to end yet.

The Guardian utilizes the grav lift to travel to the staircase area.

The Trickster appears!
  • Mithrax: Araskes returns! Do not let her slip away this time.

Travelling up the staircase to the top floor, the Guardian defeats Araskes, opening the door leading to the Throne Room of the Fanatic.

Darkness Zone. Respawning Restricted.

Entering into the Throne Room, the Guardian is confronted by Fikrul, the Fanatic who summons swarms of Scorn units to his aid.

  • Fikrul, the Fanatic: Finally, the dead thing arrives. Champion for a dying coward. Kell of nothing.

The Guardian slays hordes of Scorn units in the Throne Room.

Fikrul prepares an attack!

To avoid the attack being summoned forth by Fikrul, the Guardian uses a mirror to transport themselves to the Revenant Plane. Within the mooR enorhT, the Guardian defeats Fikrul's forces to obtain Revenant Empowerment and returns to the physical realm. As a response to his adversary's return, Fikrul summons forth Reksis Vahn, the Hangman with the power of his Echo and teleports away shortly after.

Fikrul disdains you. He summons a lacky in his place.

Fikrul, the Fanatic: [snarls] Now you see, children. How small and broken are the Eliksni. Their force dwindles. Their houses fall. And our army grows inside their flesh! Soon they will bow to Fikrul, Lifebringer!

Despite his immense strength, the Guardian vanquishes Reksis Vahn, obtaining the Slayer's Fang in the process.

  • The Crow: Good work, Guardian. It looks like Eido's frame really came alive during that mission.
  • Eido: Yes. The energies of the Revenant Plane were just the component it needed. Unfortunately, we're no closer to ending Fikrul… or during my father's curse.
  • Mithrax: Have patience, daughter. We must know our enemy before we defeat them. And the Guardian has discover much of value this day.
{End Mission:Kell's Fall: Reflection}
Kell's Fall: Distortion

The Guardian transmats to the barge of asteroids occupied by Scorn onlookers that leads to the Revenant Fortress.

  • The Crow: All right, Guardian. Time to take another run at Fikrul.
  • Eramis: I challenge you to make more of this mission than the last. The Scorned Kell mocks us.
  • Variks: Fikrul has the Echo, yes, but the Guardian is not unarmed.
  • Eramis: You're the expert on being unarmed.
  • The Crow: Now, now. Let's focus up. Our goals are to find the lost Apothecary… Explore the fortress, and empower the Guardian’s new weapon. Let's go.

Travelling past the onlooking Scorn, the Guardian arrives to the Courtyard.

Fikrul's children welcome you.
The Trickster appears!
  • Eramis: So begins the gauntlet of Fikrul's resurrected misfits.
  • Variks: Misfit indeed. Cast out of Eliksni society, Araskes has found a new home.
The Trickster flees!
  • Eramis: The Trickster flees yet again. The Darkness has not granted her courage.
  • Variks: Courage is no guarantee of victory. You have proven it many times, Eramis.

The Guardian enters into the Bailey where the Scorned Organist briefly stands at the organ before transmatting away.

  • The Crow: Hold up, Guardian. Something about that instrument changed. There's new playable notes.
  • Variks: Similar to an instrument of Old Riis. Crude, but beautiful.
  • Eramis: The Scorn developing artistry? Preposterous.
  • Variks: The power of the Echo is great. Perhaps it grants more than undeath.

The Guardian pushes forward into the fortress.

  • Variks:: Human legends viewed mirrors as gateways. [chitters thoughtfully] Perhaps there is truth in this.

Travelling to the Mirror Gallery, the Guardian uses a mirror to enter the Revenant Plane.

  • The Crow: Keep an eye on your new weapon, Guardian.
  • Variks: It grants sight beyond vision. Perhaps not everything is as solid as it seems.

Returning to the physical plane, the Guardian arrives to the Fighting Pit where they battle. To obtain the energy needed to defeat the Pit Enforcers, the Guardian ventures back into the Revenant Plane.

  • The Crow: Guardian, the Revenant Plane has a unique energy signature. Collecting it may be the key to bypassing enemy defenses.

Collecting the essence they require, the Guardian returns to the physical plane where they slay the two Pit Enforcers, summoning forth Kaniks, the Mad Bomber in the process.

  • Eramis:' Kaniks. Bomber of the Origin Libraries. Do the Awoken know he lives?
  • The Crow: I didn't mention it to Mara. I’ve got enough diplomatic knots to untangle already.

Utilizing the power of their essence, the Guardian defeats Kaniks. Teleporting to the Fighting Pit, Fikrul uses his Echo to resurrect Kaniks, who transmats away shortly after his resurrection.

  • Fikrul: Too long my children served others. The Great Machine. My father. The Witness. Now they serve themselves. They build. They sing. Scorn are free. For the first time… free!

With Fikrul teleporting away, the Guardian continues forward into the Bailey of the Revenant Fortress.

  • Eramis:The Revenant Plane shows a level of sophistication I've not seen from the Scorn.
  • Variks: The longer Fikrul possesses the Echo, the more his mastery will grow. As with Maya Sundaresh.
  • The Crow: And we saw where that led. The sooner we get it off him, the better.

Delving deeper into the Revenant Fortress, the Guardian travels across the Undercroft

  • Eramis: Fikrul rants about liberation as he builds an army of Eliksni corpses. It's disgusting.
  • Variks: And familiar, yes? He speaks of unity, freedom from the Great Machine. Hypocrisy of humanity. Eramis gave similar speeches… while Variks cheered.
  • Eramis: I will not be compared to that maniac.
  • The Crow: Enough. I'm done looking backward. Hashing over every regret and… and poor decision. We've got a chance to do something good here. Let's not miss it by getting stuck in the past.

Entering into the Sanctum, the Guardian interacts with a mirror to travel into the Revenant Plane.

  • Eramis: If the Echo has the power to make whole worlds, it's mightier than I feared. I wonder what it might do in… worthier hands.

The Guardian is assaulted by Hiraks, the Mindbender alongside his Hive forces.

  • Eramis: The Hive, fight alongside this Dreg of Exile?
  • Variks: Hiraks learns much of the planes beyond. Hive respect such knowledge.

Hiraks retreats to the physical plane.

  • Variks: The Mindbender flaunts his knowledge of planar travel. Pursue him back to Fikrul's lair.

Following Hiraks's trail, the Guardian eventually forces him to return to the Revenant Plane where they slay the Baron once more. Subsequently, Fikrul travels to the Revenant Plane and resurrects Hiraks.

  • Fikrul: Even the Sword-worshippers serve me! Witness the power of Fikrul, Lifebringer!

As Fikrul teleports away, the Guardian returns to the physical realm and arrive to the staircase in search of the Appthecary known as Ixis.

  • Eramis: It's well and good to putter about this grand hovel. But without the Apothecary it does us no good.
  • The Crow: I hear you. She's valuable, so I'm willing to bet Fikrul is helping her near the Throne Room.

The Guardian rattles the bars of Ixix's cell.

  • Eramis: It's the Apothecary! You've done it, Machine Spawn!
  • Ixis, Apothecary [chatters an introduction]
  • Variks: Her name is Ixis. She is of Old Riis. Perhaps older than Variks, even.
  • Ixix, Apothecary: [chatters dismissively]
  • Eramis: She's grateful for your help but… does not count any Human as an ally.
  • Ixis, Apothecary:[chitters in suspicion]
  • Eramis: [laughs] She understands all you say but refuses to speak in your tongue. We are kindred spirits. Do not fear. Eido and I will win her to our cause.

Araskes, the Trickster returns.

  • Eramis: Araskes returns! She exhibits more courage now than she ever did as an Eliksni.
  • Variks: Her faith in Fikrul makes her bold.

Travelling up the flight of stairs, the Guardian defeats Araskes and enters the Throne Room where they confront Fikrul, the Fanatic.

  • Fikrul, the Fanatic: Why does the dead thing return? To worship? To learn? No! It was ordered to kill, so it kills.

The Guardian defeats hordes of Scorn units.

Fikrul prepares an attack!

Crossing the threshold into the Revenant Plane, the Guardian retrieves the energy they require and return to the physical realm.

Fikrul disdains you. He summons a lacky in his place.

Employing the power of his Echo, Fikrul brings forth the Screeb Matriarch and teleports away shortly after.

  • Fikrul, the Fanatic: [laughs] Every day the Scorn army grows. Their bodies shaped by my hands. We are beyond death! Fear nothing my children! For your father is Kell of Kells!

The Guardian defeats the Screeb Matriach.

  • The Crow: This is a big deal, Guardian. The Apothecary was our last missing piece. Hopefully, she'll put Eido's tonic over the top. Next time we come back here, it'll be to finish the job.
{End Mission:Kell's Fall: Distortion}
Kell's Fall: Diffraction

The Guardian transmats to the barge of asteroids occupied by Scorn onlookers with a tonic manufactured by Eido capable of changing the polarity.

  • The Crow: All right, Guardian. This is our last, best chance to shut down Fikrul.
  • Eido: The concoction you carry will alter his Ether, making him vulnerable for a short time.
  • Mithrax: Tear him open. Decorate his throne with blood! Then I alone will reign.
  • 'Eido: Father! You shouldn't be here. You’re not yourself.
  • Eramis: He will stay. If we succeed, he will be Kell of Kells. He should witness this, curse be damned.

The Guardian returns to the Courtyard.

Fikrul's children greet you.
  • Mithrax: I smell fear behind the Trickster's grin. [inhales] Delicious.
The Trickster appears!
The Trickster flees!
  • Mithrax: [groans] Where… where are we? Have we found Fikrul?
  • The Crow: Welcome back, Misraakskel. Try to stay with us. The Guardian is closing in.

As the Guardian enters into the Bailey, the Scorned Organist overseeing the organ transmats away.

  • The Crow: The instrument! It's been fully repaired.
  • Eramis: There must be one nearby who tends to it.
  • Eido: We should find them! I would be most curious to meet a Scorn musician!

Pushing forward into the fortress, the Guardian arrives to the Mirror Gallery

  • The Crow: Back into the Revenant Plane, Guardian. I know it's painful, but you've got to push through.

The Guardian uses a mirror to enter into the Revenant Plane.

  • Mithrax:: This place grows like a tumor on reality. Leeching the very life from those who enter. An inspiration for my rule as Kell of Kells.
  • Eido: Please, Father… you don't mean that.

Departing from the Revenant Plane, the Guardian returns to the Fighting Pit.

Fikrul's children offer their violence.

Obtaining Revenant Empowerment, the Guardian defeats the two Pit Enforcers.

The Mad Bomber appears!
  • Eramis: Kaniks always did prefer indiscriminate suffering to an honest duel. They deserve to die as Scorn.

The Guardian defeats Kaniks, the Mad Bomber once again. In response to the death of his Baron, Fikrul teleports to the Fighting Pit and resurrects Kaniks.

  • Fikrul, the Fanatic: Finally. The cursed Kell arrives to accept his defeat. The fall of his House, and his ascent into Darkness.

With Fikrul transmatting away, the Guardian enters the doorway leading into the Bailey.

  • Mithrax: The Echo's power eats through the Eliksni. Degrading their Ether from within. Scorn wait just beneath their carapaces, eager to rupture forth. Molting. Evolving. Becoming anew. As am I.

The Guardian arrives to the Undercroft.

  • Mithrax: Listen, my friends. I must speak quickly. I struggle to keep the curse at bay. Once Fikrul's reign is over… if my curse cannot be abated… my leadership must pass to another. I will not dethrone Fikrul, only to become him.
  • Eido: Have faith, Father. Everyone here has worked tirelessly to prepare this assault. It will not fail.
  • Mithrax: I speak not from lack of faith, but an abundance of love. For you, and my House.
  • The Crow: I understand, Misraakskel. If the worst should happen, the Vanguard will protect your people. Even from you, if necessary.

Returning to the Vestibule, the Guardian re-enters the Revenant Plane where they confront Hiraks, the Mindbender

  • Eramis: With the Mindbender's knowledge of Hive magic, they'll soon master the Revenant Plane. We must end this profane union now.

The Guardian defeats the Mindbender only for him to be resurrected by Fikrul shortly after.

  • Fikrul, the Fanatic: Enough, dead thing. I have proven, in front of my children, that they are worthy. Deserving a future denied by you… and my father.

Withdrawing from the Revenant Plane, the Guardian pushes forward to the location of the Apothecary.

  • Eramis: Once Fikrul falls, we must be ready to retrieve the Echo.
  • Mithrax: It will be MINE, by rights! Your KELL demands it.
  • Eramis: The Echo is of Old Riis. It belongs to the Eliksni. Not some disgraced god, clawing its way back into existence.

Arriving to the staircase, the Guardiaj rattles the bars of Ixis's cell.

  • The Crow: The Apothecary is free to go. Why is she still here?

Ixis, Apothecary: [chatters in explanation]

  • Variks: She does not think Fikrul will turn her into a Revenant. [chitters] Her knowledge of Ether is too valuable.
  • Ixis, Apothecary: [trills haughtily]
  • Variks: Besides, she has no desire to live with Humans.
  • Ixis, Apothecary: [chatters in definitive tone]
  • Variks: Instead, she will study the Revenants and report findings to Eido.
  • The Crow: That’s insane. Imagine staying with the Scorn willingly.
  • Ixis, Apothecary:[trills indignantly]
  • Variks: She says you overestimate the appeal of your City. [laughs] And suggests you… dock yourself in a most exotic fashion.
The Trickster appears!
  • Eramis: Araskes throws her life away for the final time. I would give much to drive the final blade through, myself.

Defeating Araskes once again, the Guardian enters the Throne Room where they confront Fikrul, the Fanatic.

  • Fikrul, the Fanatic: With your final death, the final Eliksni House will fall. All will become Scorn, and all will see… Fikrul is not a mistake. Fikrul is not a regret! He is Father, and Kell of Kells!
Fikrul begins an attack!

Penetrating into the Revenant Plane, the Guardian obtains Revenant Empowerment.

Fikrul pursues you into the Revenant Plane!
Fikrul prepares an attack!

The Guardian stuns Fikrul by shattering the mirror, allowing them to wound the Fanatic until he retreats back to the material plane.

The mirror is a portal once more!

With the mirror restored, the Guardian returns to the physical realm.

Fikrul drains your Revenant Essence

Despite the immense power he wielded with the Echo in his possession, the Guardian eventually greatly wounds the Fanatic and pursues him back to the material plane.

(Cutscene Begins)

  • Fikrul, the Fanatic: [breaths heavily]

Fikrul kneels from the infliction of his wounds as he returns to his posture to face the Guardian.

  • Fikrul, the Fanatic: [growls in anger]

Fikrul raises his staff in preparation to strike his foe while the Guardian charges at the Scorned Archon and injects Eido's tonic into his body.

  • Fikrul, the Fanatic: [gurgles in pain]

Looking at the tonic with horror, Fikrul attempts to grab the injector from his chest, but to no avail as the tonic begins to kill him from within.

  • Fikrul, the Fanatic: Who will save my children? [exhales dying breath]

Fikrul collapses to the ground dead while his body begins to liquefy from the tonic as the Guardian overlooks his corpse. Subsequently, the Echo of Riis rises from the ground and levitates as Mithrax and Eramis both approach the Echo from opposing sides before sprinting to retrieve it, resulting in a white light emitting the entire room.

(Cutscene Ends)

The Guardian alongside Eramis finds themselves in a vision of Old Riis within a room containing a hologram of the Traveler levitating over a city.

  • Eramis: This is Old Riis. The Riis of my youth.

Eramis turns around to face the Guardian.

  • Eramis: Do you hear that, Guardian? The Echo speaks to us. It is a memory of Old Riis, of a moment before the Whirlwind, during an Age of Heroes. The Echo… wants to return home. To make Riis… All of this… whole, again. And… and it wants me as its new bearer. [laughs softly] I… accept. But I have conditions.

(Cutscene Starts)

Reawakening from the vision, Eramis holds out her hand and the Echo of Riis, now possessing a pale white color drifts into her hand.

  • Mithrax: No. She cannot be trusted with power! She knows ONLY war! After all I've done for our people… the Echo belongs to ME! [growls]

Mithrax's shadow takes the shape of Nezarec as he roars in rage. Slamming the Echo on the ground, Eramis uses the Echo's power to shower him with Light.

  • Mithrax: I alone am Kell of Kells. First and last! There are… NO… OTHERS! [roars]

The Light from the Echo vanquishes Nezarec's Essence from Mithrax, freeing him of his curse.

  • Mithrax: [pants heavily]

With the Final God of Pain's curse expelled, the red energy from his cybernetics becomes purple once again.

  • Mithrax: I can feel it… the Light flowing through me once more. [breathes heavily] You have my gratitude… Eramiskel.

Mithrax and Eramis both kneel to each other in regard.

(Cutscene Ends)

{End Mission:Kell's Fall: Diffraction}


Scorn - Revenant Scorn
The Dread




