Iska'al of Fantor was a Merchant in the Cabal empire, he was often visited by Calus who would partake in his Tea and share information that he felt he could Trust Iska'al with.He later betrayed Calus as he participated in The Coup lead By Ghaul.


Iska'al of Fantor was a poor merchant,he sold tea in the Markets where Calus would Smell his fine teas and Confide in him. He would tell Iska of his troubles and felt he could Trust him. Calus was of course, wrong as after the Coup Lead by Ghaul he became wealthy serving tea to the Soldiers of the Red Legion.The soldiers would tease him calling him The Imperial informant as though he would sent word to Calus in exile Aboard The Leviathan and as Calus describes, he went on as if he has forgotten Calus and for that he Had to die. Calus states that He shall be killed by Opiates,so that he may die of contentment and that it Breaks his heart that He trusted Iska and was Betrayed

During a Celebration, One of Calus's Assassins Rull snuck into his estate. Iska attempted to crawl away as his Guards were killed in front of Him. Rull had ultimately killed him as Calus wished by Pouring Wine into his throat,Drowning him.